Why are you not a pagan yet?
Why are you not a pagan yet?
Catholic master race.
Paganism is a fucking meme religion bruh
Because Race will always destroy both of your g*ds.
I almost wish I could be Catholic, but the whole no racism thing is putting a serious damper on my enthusiasm.
Hindu master race
You better take that back
Because I live in a pagan country and it isn't anything like your retarded LARP fantasies.
>yeah goy worship a ki- I mean Pope
because as nice an idea as it would be, the objective most unifying religion for the West is Christianity.
So just treasure the pagan influences in it.
>paganism and Christianity are totally separate
many of the old gods continue on as Saints, Brigid of Kildare is a good example, trinitarianism is arguably a pagan concept, and the old philosophers like Socrates are still help with high esteem in the Church.
The Jews and Muslims just barely call us men of the book anyway, saying that we are far too influenced by paganism, so why not just embrace it?
But I am.
I can only speak on behalf of myself (and the other 200 million anglos around the world), but whilst I revere the old ways, Celtic paganism was abolished and wiped out in Britain, Spain, and France by the pagan Romans. The British Isles have not had an ancestral religion since then, and there is no way to revive it, because druidism was an esoteric religion transmitted orally and the Romans killed all the druids. The first Christian Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great, was proclaimed emperor by his army at York (Eboricum).
After the Romans left, Christianity spread throughout the British Isles via Ireland through the monasteries. By the time the Anglo Saxons invaded, Britain had been completely, peacefully, willingly Christianised, and within 100 years, the Anglo Saxon minority had been assimilated and converted to Christianity. England was unified into a nation state for the first time by the White Anglo Saxon Protestant (the English have always been Protestants) Alfred the Great. Our national head of state is also the head of our national church to this day.
As long as there has been an England, it has been White Anglo Saxon Protestant. There is no such thing as non-Christian English culture. You cannot separate the history and destiny of England from Christianity. Within a single generation of secularisation, the greatest, noblest, most human race earth has ever bred has degenerated and is now facing white genocide. Christians are the only ones holding the nation together. The only demographic with replacement fertility and voting right. If we die, the nation dies. If we survive, there will always be an England.
because most pagans weight upwards of 400 pounds
Because of the non-presence of an extant lineage of which customs and rituals could be validated and relies primarily on secondary reconstruction.
you're almost 100% spot on, but i remember reading somewhere that the Christianity that was practiced by the Celtic Bretons and Gaels was pretty unorthodox and considered unrefined by the more "Roman" likes of the Franks.
Anglo-Saxons had their Germanic gods Christianized very fast, but when they adopted the more Celtic flavor of Christianity over the Roman one, is this what you mean by "protestant"?
Celtic Christianity seemed to have a greater degree of influence from the old gods over that of the Roman ilk.
Because I can look at plants half naked without being pagan. You want the aesthetic of paganism not paganism itself.
Out ancestors chose Christ not Ragnar you filthy heretic.
Jesus said love thy neighbor
Because Christ is king!
This unfortunately.
>Why are you not a pagan yet?
Well for one thing, that bitch's tit has about as much to do with modern "paganism" as the tits they put on MMO publicity artwork have to do with the actual game.
He was but now he's just a kang n shiet.
what about those who didn't chose, like the Saxons, Balto-Slavs like the Prussians, and citizens of the Roman Empire who had not yet converted when it was made punishable by death to worship the old gods?
Agonistic is the only logical conclusion to religion question
~1400 years of Christianity
3 or more MILLION (3.000.000) years of Paganism
Yeah, I know. I'm having a hard time convincing myself that Catholicism isn't cucked, and you aren't making it any easier.
True, modern paganism need more titties to be attractive.
reconstruction gets better and better, and we can fill in the blanks with what we don't know about the lesser-known ones (Celtic and Germanic, say) with the more well-known ones (Latin and Greek) since they all stem from the same origin and follow the same tropes.
Read Edward Feser and learn about neo-Scholastic metaphysics.
They loose, they're dead.
No established clergy or major figureheads
No standard, unifying doctrine
Sloppy or incoherent metaphysics
No living communities
No sacred language
No applicability to life in the now
It's LARP or a hobby at best, sorry.
I'm not a manchild
Because I believe in one simple and divine power that holds sway over this world through divine providence and that it will judge me when I pass. I pray for mercy when I am judged. While I have held this belief for many years I have just recently given this higher power a name. Kek.
well you can't say that they chose anything.
To them, a religion crawled out of the Judea and massacred them so that they'd give up their traditional beliefs.
It's Sup Forums's worst nightmare come true.
Because I have an IQ higher than the amount of times Communism has worked.
Also, pagan and heathen are originally slur words basically denoting a hillbilly.
Yes, Christcucks were the first urban progressives looking down on suburban and provincial retards.
Christcucks being derided and relegated to the countryside by lefties nowadays is a weird irony that convinced me that cyclical history is indeed proven.
Where did you find, this perfect specimen?
Anglican here. AMA
snooty upper class corrupt bastards adopted Christianity for political gain and then forced it under pain of death to the average Roman.
Christianity over the next couple thousand years then firmly engrains itself in Western identity just in time for them to do it again, so that the corrupt bastard elites can adopt the newest middle eastern cult, Islam, and force it onto the native inhabitants of Europe.
Episcopalian, or is the Queen of England actually your head of the Church?
She's jewish. White blood is truly magical.
Interesting. I need to go back and do a full read through of the primary sources actually. Maybe I will start today! Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation is the main source and the Anglo Saxon Chronicles. Gildas is also good for the ancient Briton view of the Anglo Saxon invasion. He viewed it as punishment from God for degeneracy and faithlessness. Sound familiar?
>is this what you mean by "protestant"?
I was just memeing. He was Catholic. But the Church of England has always even before the Reformation asserted its national, independent character in various ways, most famously in the assassination of Thomas Beckett.
So your IQ is above 0? That's not a very good basis
No because I don't larp
well after the "roman"ized Normans treated the Anglo-Saxons so shit that even Rome itself voiced it's disapproval, you could almost already begin to see where a divide would manifest itself between the two.
Because god is dead. The old gods have by far the coldest corpses.
>Hurr, edgy nihilist, etc
There simply isn't any pagan belief in the west. It's been stamped out for centuries, and then paved over with the enlightenment. One of the oddest things about reading pre-christian literature is there is an actual solid belief in the older pagan system. Socrates believed that Zeus was worthy of sacrifice. Romans, even after Constantine, still held their older gods in reverence. But times change, and those same people only hold the vaguest cultural superstitutions related to the older belief systems.
You can go pagan, but I seriously doubt you would have faith in it. It's been dormant for centuries. Likewise, you would need to completely raise your children in a pagan society that doesn't quite exist to really ingrain it into them.
Nobody cares. Go back to your tranny bishop
>they all stem from the same origin
The Middle East. Greco-Roman paganism was imported from Egypt via Crete and Mycaenae according to Herodotus. And Germanic paganism shares enough coincidences with Hinduism and other Indo-European paganism to prove they have common roots somewhere in between.
I've been given visions by Horus, the sun.
I've received visual and auditory warnings from Jormumgandr.
I've seen and heeded omens sent by Wotan and Thor.
I am Pagan. There is no need for unified thinking. There is no need for unification of practices, rituals, worship. That is the point; one findsthe force that drives their lives, and they give it power by worship.
All who have an eye can learn the sight.
Our elites are not going to become Muslim, not all of them. I think they are more like the philosophers who came to look down on their forefathers' beliefs as antiquated and superstition, instead flirting with one mystery cult after another. They're going to be Cassandras, one day finding themselves in their ivory towers surrounded by Christians wondering how they came to be so many.
It's going to ve normies with conservative (though not particularly nationalistic) leanings who will convert. Lefties will fade into irrelevance.
Give me some arguments that support polytheism as more ontologically logical than monotheism, pantheism or atheism. Never encountered a single one. It always is "muh ancestors".
wrong, they stem from Ukraine roughly, as the Indo-Europeans.
Vedics came into India from the North along with the Iranic folk, and Germanics, Celtics, Hellenics, Italics, etc. went West while the Slavs sat on their asses.
What do I get if I start worshiping rocks and trees 'n stuff? Is there some kind of prize?
Why should I be?
Because, my ancestors have been Roman Catholic Christians since the Roman Empire. That's hundreds, if not thousands of years of Catholicism in my lineage. Not to mention I don't see any movements resurrecting Greco-Roman paganism anytime soon.
well they're going to be secular at heart, much more interested in the political capital gained over the actual beliefs within.
Gods explained by Jungian archetypes within a tripartite pantheon is in my opinion the most elegant and potentially relevant configuration of a modern polytheism.
However no religion has ever been established by comission, so what the fuck do I know.
You must understand these fundamental facts.
1. Once gods die, they don't come back. The "discoveries" that led a civilization to stop believing in their existence remain in memory for all time. Primitive people believe superstitions offered by their leaders, but you will never convince people today that Zeus and Odin are real.
2. The "discoveries" I am referring to have a commonality: Anthropomorphic or earthly gods are easily disprovable, so deities had to become transcendent. The existence of a god you cannot see, hear, or touch through direct means is much easier to defend. Easier...but not guaranteed. In modern times, academics are closing in on the transcendent god. For example, today you see articles about the universe being so big and generally inauspicious to human life, it cannot reflect the will of a humanistic type god, logically speaking.
Barring some unusual innovation, Christianity is the last stand of theism among modern peoples. To survive modern rational criticism, it will have to theologically evolve to address these criticisms. Not an impossible task, but who is there to do it?
>3 or more MILLION (3.000.000) years of Paganism
Is this what neopagans actually believe? Indo-European paganism is only about 5,000 years old m8
You can always become Orthodox!
But those don't actually exist as anything but archetypes. They are not actual entities, so they don't really count. This is just sexed up pantheism.
>from Ukraine
There's no specific religion that can be called "Pagan", even ones that involve straw hats and greenhouses.
Best 1400
>No established clergy or major figureheads
*sighs* and that's where you're wrong kiddo
most place the Yamnaya (proto-Indo-Europeans) in that border region between Europe and Asia that get's a little hazy, but they were certainly not middle-eastern, but rather steppefolk.
>3,000,000 or more
Literally we wuz kangz, the European edition
Plus it seems like all paganism is is anti-Christianity. I get the impression that on the internet it's mostly /leftypol/ and kikes pushing it, but the real white men that are into it just pick and choose whatever they want to believe. That's why pagans got so triggered on here at the larpagan memes. Deep down they really know it is all just a larp.
Don't like the nipples
Fucking swedes.
Meant to link
>mixed race gods
wasn't Loki the laughing stock of the gods?
and why is he wearing a cross-thunor's hammer pendant?
>the english have always been protestant
really activates my almonds
I'm a platonist so technically I'm a pagan.
The Abrahamic God himself, when properly scrutinized, can be broken down into different archetypes or gods. This is due to his nature as being a compilation of various Semitic gods. He started as a Thor-like warrior god of thunder, patron of the early Israelites. As the Israelites conquered other Semites in the region and absorbed them, so did Yahweh absorb their patron deities' titles and atributes.
If God were truly one deity, he'd be a very schizophrenic one. God of war and peace, justice and mercy, plenty and famine, healing and plague, the father and the son. I don't buy it.
>being a cuck is master race
Your country was never founded as a christian nation
All religions are memes
There are Christian Platonists too you know
We're not talking of the Abrahamic God.
And, not really. This is a bit of a simplification.
>I don't buy it.
You're Dutch, of course you don't. You guys only worship bikes.
Every fucking day.
>dat pic
... and in the next minute his head disappeared inside the oversized bowl. after that he kept emitting muffled sounds while the chorus tried to drown out his voice. finally, when he was already banging his head on the wall amidst metallic noises, the camerlengo and another bishop removed the bowl by pulling it hard while pushing with one foot each against the shoulders of the pope. the choir did not miss a single tact during the whole scene. as the pope opened his mouth, presumably to offer his opinion about the dubious ancestry of the knave who replaced the original cap, the camerlengo leaned to his ear and whispered 'remember, you are mortal', upon which the pope promptly laid him out with a proper haymaker. after that he smiled, sat back to the throne and gestured to the servants to continue with whatever followed in the script of the celebration.
Next religion will be based in cryptography. Calling it now.
Because i'm not a loser
I don't know but Heathens are going all out now to prove how progressive and anti-racist they are. We'll be seeing a lot more stuff like this in the future
pagans were only capable of decentralized agrarian and nomadic culture because every time tragedy struck it was rationalized as random god taking out its vengeance instead of a trial requiring them to understand and overcome
It's just as much BS as christianity.
There are some good points but only a retard belives in Odin
>here's a picture of some half naked white woman by a fire or a river, look how traditional it is!
>haha bet you want to convert now, eh Christcuck?
something akin to the holy number 19 hidden in the text of the Qur'an.
This is true.
Platonism is both the bridge between Pagan and Christian philosophy and also ancient and quintessentially Western.
That's why it's the masterfaith.
t. Practicing Stoic
>To survive modern rational criticism, it will have to theologically evolve to address these criticisms. Not an impossible task, but who is there to do it?
now come on, mainstream theologians, especially catholics and catholics-light a.k.a. anglicans are backpedaling at a considerable fraction of the speed of light already. god is just another name for the basis of existence, it would be a limitation put on god to claim he exists, that sort of bullshit.
It would be a shame if you accidentally stepped on a grenade on your way home today.
Catholics do not belong in America