Anons the stream has changed
Anons the stream has changed
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And this time they have said where it is
>takes pics with phone instead of screenshotting
Libtards are so funny. They were like a cat in heat and couldn’t wait to be plowed when it was 0bammy doing the dividing.
A Frogbro already tried to burn it with a drone but they've used fire proof material
I don't think we'll be able to actually capture this flag, so it'll need to be destroyed. What about some sort of arrow or hook that a person on the ground can launch up and use to pull down the fabric? It needs to be small and concealable so the person can transport it to the site without raising suspicion, and it needs to be deployed quickly before anyone can do anything to stop you.
Thank you to the boof for reminding all of us liberals that trump will NOT divide us!
Once the liberals wake up and cast away their evil ways, we will be UNITED in VICTORY which is what Trump means!
He is here to fix it all and make america great again!
Thanks to the boof, and if you're watching, It's okay to be white.
someone swap it out with an IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE flag
That could potentially work but it would be though. I think if someone does something dangerous like climbing the building then they might abandon it like happened in Liverpool. It must be a pain the arse calling up these museums to try and host the flag. If we keep forcing the museums to abandon him he might get sick of it after a while
Kek wills it
just cut the rope and it'll fall straight down. Maybe with a high powered laser?
Just make his cameras inoperable. That's part of his point. Who cares if some flag is flying in a podunk city in a podunk country if nobody can see it?
Right, he will not devide us, stupid people will divide themselves... Hillary was trying to help that. Wake up ppl
Just drop a sheet on it with a drone
On the other hand, I am against destroying the flag outright and I'd rather capture it. Just shredding it or burning it is low effort, and is much easier than getting up there and taking it and swapping it with a hat or something. It's much more difficult to get up there and swap it out, but I think it's more meaningful to do that.
hwndu flag is not in america. the fact that it has to fly in france is already a victory for pol. who cares what baguettes do in baguette land.
Why don't you use printscreen?
It looks like a difficult climb unfortunately.
Where the fuck are /our/ parkour fags at?
A light weight extendable ladder could maybe do the trick as long as there isn't any security.
Has anyone noticed it's visually similar to the five words?
>Where the fuck are /our/ parkour fags at?
I'm in America, fly me over faggot
Bumpity bump bump
Only the French could lose against Shia Labeouf.
we have plenty of ways to "try" to take down the flag but just no frenchies
Let's stir up some Baguette attention.
I have thought up a few designs for drone attachments:
- A four-headed welding torch
- a huge Pepe sticker glued to the flag with superglue.
- a Pepe/MAGA flag attached to a plank with two strong magnets' that is attached in front of the flag in the livestream.
Let's commence the 7th season finale, Baguettes!
Well, surprise surprise. The faguettes gave up after little resistance.
Tell the Mudslimes that "He will not divide us" means "Muhammad will not divide us"
just drop paint on it
The faguettes were discouraged by the sheer huwhiteness of that flag. It it were yellow, black or red... maybe. But huwhite? No way, Pierre.
This has been up in France for about 3 weeks already
The fuck kind of happening is this?
Goddamn kekifaggots and french surrender monkeys
The flag should be replaced with "it's okay to be white" flag.
if the flag was underwater we would already have it
best post i had seen today
deus kek
pedophilia is ok for Muhammad, I know were this is heading too
Why dont you put some weight om it so it doesnt display?
or maybe a high powered laser
this issue is that faggot mods have been systematically shutting hwndu threads down so this season basically has no following