>Jenna Abrams turns out to be a Russian bot
>Pamela Moore ends up being a Russian bot
>Russian interference in the election unfolding to be bigger and broader than anyone knew a year ago
>Manafort is manafucked
>Gates lied about multiple passports, under house arrest pending trial
>Mueller moving closer to Trump's inner circle
>Sessions perjured himself at least 3 times
>Tax reform already surrounded by landmines and failing
>GOP about to get blown out in NJ and VA
Are you "conservatives" even trying anymore?
Jenna Abrams turns out to be a Russian bot
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know any of those. You faggots are so obsessed with conservatives and Russians that you make me feel ashamed of myself.
shilling activated
You don't know any of these because you're in a laughable bubble that thinks things are going great and were 100% convinced democrats were going to be indicted on Monday. Wake up, you're the embarrassment.
go get killed by the cops antifag
go hold a "rally," alt-rightie
see what happens
>waste of trips
you're the one wasting your life away and bothered by what pol thinks
Apparently i'm a Russian bot too. My account was purged in the wave.
Most of us just want to MAGA, but Trump is only the first step and won't achieve anything personally.
pol btfo
>mfw all those stormkikes still in denial
Idiocy must be one hell of a drug !
Trump's already achieved what was needed, and then some. There's not much more he can do to except name the rat and he'll never do that. He can disappear tomorrow and things will still be right on track.
Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you
>implying that I'll ever listen to a FUCKING LEAF
Justice is coming ratboy.
This.Thanks for reminding me to put them back into the filter. The quality of this board instantly rises.
Cafe Central hints at it being a team effort between both sides.
Not an argument.
Is this a joke? Are you just repeating Rachel Maddow conspiracies like a shill and "Real News"?
Wow, look how awful these people trying to help other humans in need! They must be evil.
Who is Jenna Abrams and Pamela Moore? I have been an unironic fashy goy for almost a decade and consider myself well versed in the Alt-kike. But I have genuinely never even heard mention of these names until yesterday. Are they just sock bot twitter accounts?
>inb4 sage this shill thread
Yeah obviously this is a shill, but still. Who the fuck are these people?
You cocksuckers are building an ethnostate while you destroy your hosts across the world. Jewish communists exterminated tens of millions of European Christians in the 20th century. Justice will come for you.