>WE, Sup Forums users, created much of what we hate in the world as a practical joke on normies
I have been on Sup Forums since about 2004. That's 13 years, longer than some of you have been alive. I have seen some shit in my time on these boards and it's time I came clean. I cannot bear the guilt any longer.
>hentai was popular >catgirls were born >furries becoming mainstream was a practical joke on people jerking off to catgirl hentai >they ended up liking it >we all laughed >my little pony degeneracy becoming popular and mainstream was a practical joke on furries >we went too far with it and normies became affected >bronies were born >we encouraged them to escalate for lulz >fedorafags were born >we encouraged them to escalate for lulz >tumblrites were born >we encouraged them to escalate for lulz >reddit was born >we started raiding and trolling all of them heavily because they were easily led to do hilariously retarded forms of self-harm and humiliation >it got so bad nobody knew what to believe anymore, everybody was confused, didn't know right and wrong, who they were, anything... >people started questioning their sexuality >traps were born >people started questioning their humanity >animalkin were born >people started questioning what it means to be healthy >body positivity movement was born >people started questioning gender roles >modern feminism was born >people started questioning their political beliefs >Antifa was born >while all this was happening white knights were defending them >social justice warriors were born
It is OUR fault. We did this. I did this. I participated in many of these threads and raids. All we can do is watch now. There's nothing to be done about it.
Blake Morales
>catgirls were born catgirls were around before your mom and dad conceived you. fucking kys
Caleb Walker
I've been here longer than you and you are full of shit. Please remove yourself from these boards.
Also, the game.
Jason Hernandez
you have to go back
Henry Richardson
>I read knowyourmeme and now I think I'm a certified KnowYourMeme Meme Expert
Actually retarded or godtier bait, either way go kys
Nicholas Mitchell
a redpill is previously unknown information that causes a paradigm shift within the soul of the person consuming it
your post is just sliding garbage, even for a slide thread
Carson Perry
Ha ha, yeah!
Gavin Bennett
Fellow ancientfag here. I migrated from the SA boards. Everything OP said is true. There are so many layers to this bullshit that I don't understand how anyone who didn't burn their best years on this place would have any clue what is going on. Anyone using this site from 2008 and on has no clue what Sup Forums really is. It's adorable really.
Brody Perry
I personally was a gen 1 Gaia Online chatterbox/GD immigrant so you may have been on longer than me.
Aiden Morgan
I never claimed that catgirls were a Sup Forums invention. Reading comprehension.
If I recall correctly The Game became popular around the same time all the god awful fortune/roll threads and triforce shitposters ruined Sup Forums. People who say Sup Forums always sucked are newfags. Caturday was practically a religious holiday and people actually participated in raid request threads instead of parroting "HURR NOT YOUR PERSONAL ARMY". It was never GOOD per say but it at least didn't totally suck. We used to post gay porn and gore on Gaia and ebaumsworld. Before it was called shitposting it was called flaming or spamming depending on context.
I'm about 5 levels beyond retarded for thinking any of you would take this Sup Forums history lesson seriously.
A lot of this IS previously unknown to the majority of Sup Forums users.
Owen Allen
OP is a lying faggot
Mason Evans
I'm frrom ebaumsworld, everything op said is fucking correct, I feel ashamed to watch this ordeal we've created carry on
Daniel Ross
no, it's just that you haven't been outside during that whole 13 years, most of those things have been around longer than internet, mostly
>antifa >feminists (even the modern one) >cingy atheists >pedophiles (brownies, hentaifaggots, furries etc)
Jaxon Baker
we only provided FORM
the WILL, the CAPABILITY to destroy themselves could never have been created or destroyed by anyone but God himself
Kayden Collins
That's the thing. We don't really ever create new ideas, we have been strategically popularizing existing ones. The leftists dig their own graves by creating new forms of degeneracy. They are the source. We just push them in and convince others to jump in with them like lemmings.
Ryder Young
2003fag here as well, though not one of the original SA migrants (I found out about Sup Forums through an anime forum) and yeah, OP's pretty much on point.
It really throws me for a loop seeing how furries and bronies are tolerated and encouraged now, I remember when furfaggotry was absolutely verboten around here and that year when the April Fools' prank was starting a furry board and then permabanning everybody who posted on it.
Connor Harris
i just lost the game
Hudson King
the lulz have gone from a board to real life feels bad man
Owen Williams
I’ve been here since the Trump Clinton debates, I can verify OPs post from that point on.
Brandon Davis
and now we are starting the 4th reich as a joke.
what a timeline to be alive
Josiah Diaz
this thread is makin' me fuckin' horny
Benjamin Young
fuck off you roodypoo candyass. delete system32 and make your PC run really really fast
Evan Carter
Don't have much to add but appreciate the history lesson. Yeah, Sup Forums will carry on and morph, but there were some glory days.
Bentley Jenkins
This is a psychological condition called megalomania, you're delusional.