So when the fuck is the happening going to happen? I'm waiting to see mass arrests and killings.
So when the fuck is the happening going to happen? I'm waiting to see mass arrests and killings
It's not, because Sup Forums faked up the entire thing. Anything that does happen is a false flag committed by the Alt Right.
Praise kekistani! Our Lord Pepe XD
they already finished, didnt you see the trash can tipped over down the street?
Starts at 1
Antifa doesn't make arrests or kill idiot. But we could. We own the streets.
Sup Forums didn’t buy an ad in the Jew York Times.
All you own is lice and a pissy attitude.
they're just getting up and about to eat brekky
Sup Forums doesn't control the revolutionary communist party. Refuse fascism is their pet project.
Goy, its happening right meow. Trump is dead with our thought beams and witchcraft
it will be a surprise attack. buscotti musgrave, leader of one the LA chapters, spilled it last night on fb
Shill harder.
>So when the fuck is the happening going to happen?
Russian shill butthurt because anons didn't take the bait
It will start in Chicago at 4:24 central then the dominos will fall
Fix some of the potholes then fucknut.
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read:
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Just because you live on them doesn't make them yours.
It's not because it was fake to begin with and all the useful idiots bought into it.
> hot war
> QR
Ok calm down sam
1 where? there are 4 time zones in the U.S dipshit
You will soon see user. There will be mass trash cans tipped over (lots of paper waste that is not recyclable) and multiple (2) Starbucks windows hit (but not broken). We will shout down (whine) and beat (get beaten) any nazis (random people walking alone).
I think OP meant the mass arrests and killings of you Antifa pussies
naw, it was probably some russian troll farm that did, and you suckers are buying into it again
t. shareblue
"the dominos will fall" What about the Pizza Huts and the Papa Johns?
That's exactly what I meant.
It's not.
Antifa is scared.
Antifa has only just started rolling out of bed on the east coast. They had to pre-celebrate their revolution with some black tar heroin and butt fucking so they're a bit groggy still. Let 'em get some coffee in before expecting them to set fire to trash cans and brick some windows.
The thing that was fake was the fact everyone was saying it was going to be a civil war. They do have Nov. 4 as a day of protest on the refuse fascism website.
Dude...momentum for protests consistently dies after the first night. The second if you're lucky.
>see all of BLM chimpouts that span multiple nights.
Do these fruit cakes really think they're going to recruit literal hundreds of thousands of people to join their shitty communist uprising?
I think they're blissfully unaware that the majority of this country have jobs to go to, unlike them, and have the ability to pay their bills and function just fine in a capitalist society.
I suppose having a dream and/or vision is good though.
I've already infiltrated the Chicago chapter. The leaders houses will be raided soon and they'll find all the materials for making bombs conveniently ready and stored. These fuckers are going away for a long time. You're welcome
Maybe the streets where traps sell themselves
And yet st.louis alone has been going for weeks
Sup Forums took a protest of a handful of people and tried to blow it up to include super soldiers and a civil war. Sad!
>18 billion dollars
Soros transfered 18 billion fucking dollars
To put that in perspective
That pays for a years worth of 450,000 protesters getting 40k a year.
Or 4.5 million for two months at 2k a month
>Sup Forums faked up the entire thing
It was literally on their website you fuck
>no year
It's Nov 4 2018. You need at least a year to plan a revolution, arm everyone, organize militia units, etc.
I guarding my dumpster.
Checkmate, faggot.
hahahahhaha you are so fucking stupid if you think that cash will go directly to protesters.
Haven't heard about it in weeks either. I'd imagine the protesting crowd is a fraction of the size of the first nights. They're obviously getting nothing accomplished (or it would still be news)
Or you're full of shit. Niggers walking the streets is a normal occurrence there, just because they're chanting something doesn't make it an organized protest.
Per the scanner, all is quite in sf. Albeit the typical bullshit.
It's only 12:30 on the east coast, do you think a bunch of fat fuck socialists are out of bed yet?
They're paying "activists" to protest.
You could get paid, comrade.
They probably got shut the fuck down from high up.
I dont think the government is gonna sit by and do nothing as a revolution is planned against them. They probably threatened key members of antifa. eg. if you go out on the 4th you will commit "suicide" on the 5th.
see you there, le based alt right xd
They gave me a block of cheese and a coupon for Dunkin Donuts
>How it feel white boi
Here's a link, but there's nothing going on except a few nogs walking down a road.
They aren't. If they were people would be posting about in online. You really expect hundreds of thousands of paid protesters to keep it a secret? How dumb are you?
You pay the handful of organizers and for marketing you dunce.
They are waking up and updating their Tumblr
Feels good my trash cans are in my garage
Soros affiliated groups are handing out free monies for agitators to agitate.
And how do you know someone bought an ad in the Jew York Times? Did you buy a copy?
I'm pretty stupid.
I highly doubt any of them have ever had to use a shovel beyond their community garden. Imagine the arguments if they took over and nobody wanted to do the heavy lifting?
Literal shill
yeah, you are pretty stupid. Did you even read the jobs posted?
The 18 billion is supposed to last 30+ years. Why pay protesters when you can pay marketing to get people to show up to protest for free. Hell, a Russian troll farm got texans to show up to a anti-muslim protest via facebook posts....
Im here and Im still HATE niggers, muz, faggots, trannies, shitlibs, and most of all...KIKES! Where are you ANTIFA? Did you run away again!?
The happening never was a happening bro, stop believing what you read on Sup Forums
>1 post
Low quality boogeyman shill.
I live about an hour from STL. I haven't heard a damn thing about protest. Just the same old same old.
Got two jihadis blasted too.
Don’t you have a riot to go to?
What time do the busses show up?
ur both fucking gay and need to get a life
antifie/alt right
Man, when I learned that guy was literally a shit-eating cuck... Holy shit...
>he bought into happening memes
a fucking leaf!
The nov 4th protests are a meme you bought into bro. ACtually shows how easy it is to manipulate Sup Forums
Stop acting like leftists can be bothered to wake up before noon
no comment needed
You dont hear about alot of stuff. That mean it dont happen? The fact that protesting over nothing still happens is the problem.
I didn't buy into it.
I'm staying home and guarding my trashcans
fucking niggers
I hope the Pizza Huts are okay, I still need a job to go back to on the 5th.
fuck digiorno i hope they die
Literally september 23-tier
>We own the streets
>We own boxes on the streets
it's all fake you cuck
no left outlet has been talking about this. It was never going to happen you mong, but you lot'll go on and on eating alex jones' arse dry
Cant belive folks still take anything for real from this shithole lmao
None of these underage clowns (the average Sup Forumstard) would do anything politics related irl but LARPing as nazis in the internet
antifa are cowards, wait until night for anything at all. Funnily enough I bet antifa was expecting everybody to join with them and march against trump. they even set it for a weekend so non-antifa can attend. but since the majority is not a wackjob radical they will just shake their heads at things like
I hope no trashcans were hurt today!
Shut up faggot. The grown ups are discussing how the police are gonna deal with your terrorist Group
Don't hold your breath.
Antifa are pathetic lmao, they'd get their ass kicked if they tried to riot in America
Get fucked you useless commie faggots
>live in Louisiana
>confederate statue in city is revered by many
>antifa tried to protest and the cops shut them down arresting 20 out of 25 of the protesters
>never happened again
Please let them try my trigger finger is itching
Yeah Im watching from across the pond fucking nothing has happened yet I thought this would be bigger
>east coast
living within the pol bubble keeps you in a constant state of waiting for something big to happen that you don't have to do any work for and passively await. it's better to focus on self improvement and ignore the happening hype.
do it pussy
Nothing is happening, it was fake.