Otoya Yamaguchi a 17yo Japanese Nationalist student stab to death the communist filth Inejiro Asanuma who wanted to turn Japan to a multicultural third world shithole like Europe and Jusa.
RIP Hero, you will never be forgotten.
57 years have passed from the assasination of Inejiro Asanuma
An ideal world
F for Yamaguchi, S for ASSanuma.
are you retarded?
Hahaha shit is that his booking photo? "Do what you must, I have already won"
Supposedly his last words/message was "Seven lives for my country. Long live His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor!", which sounds pretty badass.
Not all heroes wear capes
KYS swedish communist cuck.
What are you talking about?
There woudl not be any multikulti, multikulti is shit esigned to destroy western societies, not integral element of communist dictatorship.
I wonder if that wakazashi still exists or if it has been destroyed?
Bury it deep, Otoya.
Truly a hero. Probably one of to most bad ass guys ever. He refused to allow communism in his country, so he did what he knew was necessary to stop (them) and as a result he will forever go down in history s one of the great Hero's of Japan.
how do asians even have masculinity issues when they have this glorious bastard to look up to
the entire point of this OP was to call Europe a third world shithole.
also, that blade won't fit into that scabbard.
legendary wakazashi +5 damage to cultural marxists.
Awesome dude, sends chills down my spine, nationalistic af.
A Greek talking about some one living in a shit hole!
Bitch, you are nothing but a Turkish mongrel.
A good commie is a dead commie
Japan kamikaze are the same as isis suicide bombers. Double standard much?
>also, that blade won't fit into that scabbard.
Japanese create the best swords in the world.
You'll never see a 17 year old white male pull something like this here. They have ZERO balls.
Says the turkish mongrel.
Implying any white man would do it, they are all special snow flakes.
He killed a communist and you think he's a hero?
If Japan went communist then they would have gone the way of east germany. It wouldn't have been so bad. The only reason japan was prosperous was because the US propped up their economy, same with south korea. When they don't propt up these "democracies" artificially, they turn into the fillippines.
Were would you rather live? The filippines or cuba? or filippines or north korea?
The only reason north korea and cuba suck are because of embargos and sanctions. Remove that, and you wouldn't have near the levels of austerity you see.
Even with austerity, the average man in north korea or cuba doesn't have to resort to having his wife and daughter turn tricks to get a handful of rice.
Get a wash and get a life scum
It's likely that we wouldn't have anime if it weren't for him
Well, nobody is perfect
Anyone have the .gif or webm or the Super-Saiyan impact?
I do let me find it
A fucking big F for this Jap. Fucking more bollocks than anyone on my entire island. Why couldn't boomer cucks do this?
That was pure energy clashing against (((evil))).
Study economics, and go live in your paradise North Korea or Cuba. Also, Cuba is full of prostitutes, you can even pay a Cuban prostitute in food. That's how sad it is.
>ID is literally gay
I agree, user. You are still kinda cool.
>The only reason japan was prosperous was because the US propped up their economy, same with south korea
Japan had greater economy from Jusa before the Americans drop the bombs.
If these bombs dropped in Germany, the Germans would never recover.
That's why Japan is so unique. They can do the impossible possible.
bump for hero
Amen. This was assassination and sacrificing one's life done right.
Gas yourself commie filth
He committed honorable suicide by seppuku, on the roof of the theater.
That doesn't look like the stabbing in the video, is this just a different angle?
Anyone got the webm of the assassination?
To be fair this was shortly after WWII and Japan was a hotbed of political activity. If Europe and the West in general weren't so wealthy it would return to having the biggest testicles in the world.
Imagine some kraut doing this to Merkel... there would be 5 million fewer sandniggers in Germany.
He committed honorable suicide by Seppuku on the roof of the theater.
>Would you rather live in the Philippines or North Korea
Is this a real question?
Thanks, saving this
not really he hung himself in jail
killing innocent civilians vs. killing a person who is a threat to your culture and country
Learn the diffrence
>poltards not realizing that he did it in the name of emperor
Commies fear the Nationalist Samurai
Killing communists is an act of compassion, regardless of the circumstances.
>The gook shill vs chadmurai
>didn't want the emperor to live in a communist hellhole
Good one him
The jews fear the samurai - literally
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is
Watch: youtube.com
Crazy shit guise. You see how he pushes the sword down after he stabs him?
Communist party in Japan died in that moment and has never recovered.
Thanks user
Literally going to go work out now
Aircraft carriers, the target of said kamikaze attacks are weapons of mass destruction.
isis suicide bombers target markets and concerts.
fucking leaf.
F for the honorable Yamaguchi, may peace be upon him
S for Assanuma, may he rot in hell
He wanted to make Japan communist just like Vietnam and China
Japan is like Vegeta to the White Goku, he never gives up.
his weapon was designed with a heavy, thicker blade to puncture armor. that commie got utterly blown the fuck out beyond words. press S to spit on his grave.
well at least ants can see the anti communist meme
>Very Chad
that's a good boy
His mission was complete
It was time to leave his avatar and send his soul back to the higher dimensions he served.
The problem with this idea is that some people would determine a person to be a threat to their culture and country erroneously. Whether they're wrong or not doesn't matter, they perceive him as wrong, then act out their half baked ideas, a society couldn't work like this.
KEK literally called you gay for ripping on anime.
The odds of getting GAY in your ID is 1*10^-62
I think I'm the photo he was going for a second strike.
Are they inviting in millions of non-Japanese to fuck their women?
Are Japanese women voting to open the borders and abandon their men for lacking masculinity?
They're just patient during the post WW2 peacetime. They did the most with the least in WW2
17 years old
Rest in piss you glorious bastard.
Et tu, Pepe?
not all heroes where capes.
Japan is always right most of the time.
>The problem with this idea is that some people would determine a person to be a threat to their culture and country erroneously. Whether they're wrong or not doesn't matter, they perceive him as wrong, then act out their half baked ideas, a society couldn't work like this.
Everyone knew that Communism is a failed ideology, even the Russians. STFU now and gtfo.
>Implying the white male has the spirit to do anything as heroic as this
The white male has overrated genetics centered around beauty and going along with the flow and that's about it
>the "Europe isn't a third world shithole!" meme
The hero Japan didn't need, just the hero they deserved
Anyone, nay, EVERYONE has survived victory in the past.
The Japanese are the only nation to ever survive world war defeat.
Even their dead soldiers scare gaijin invaders away because they dont want to awaken them.
>Nationalists have to resort to murder because their ideology is politically inferior