Another day of sitting in momma's basement attacking women, POC and the LGBTQ+ communities online, and going on walks hoding tiki torches from home depot and pretending white males have ever faced actual oppression. Yaaaaaaaaay!
But wait... My oh my. . Just look at the date.
It's.... It's the fourth of November... Do you know what that means, Drumpfpanzees?
It means we're about to take action. Why? Because we're tired of your fascist bullsh*t. We, the people of America.
It means we're tearing down your safespace, the safespace which has allowed white men to oppress, rape, genocide and enslave minorities for the past thousand years without consequence. We will no longer roll over and tolerate your oppression and contempt for us. We are fighting back, so you'd better be prepared for what is about to go down.
For the past thousand years? Please remember it was us getting raped and murdered by Huns, Mongols, Khazars, and Saracens before we went to bat. China is next so it's all relative.
Logan Williams
Saged. Then where the fuck are you? Mommy still packing your lunch?
Juan Cooper
Bring it on mother fucker!
Anthony Gutierrez
Let's tread on them comrades
Connor Thompson
Samuel Torres
Levi Fisher
This bait actually made me laugh
Lucas Rivera
Throw your temper tantrum all you want. You take on step outside of your safe space cities and you are dead.
Cooper Howard
Oh look, another retard committing conspiracy to commit terrorism!! Enjoy your prison sentence, you fucking tranny!!!
Christian Torres
Joseph Gray
She lost.
Jacob Bailey
you're a nigger
William James
Meh. Kinda LARPy. We'll see what happens.
Austin Gray
Alexander Young
Kys nigger
Gavin Baker
Sage these stupid bait threads please, they wasn't funny before and they aren't funny now.
Liam Sanders
I’m actually sitting in the living room of the mid-entry home I purchased with my wife. We are both attacking POC and all that other stuff you said.
Julian Gonzalez
Would you hurry the fuck up? I called in sick from work today to shoot some commie fucks, and nothing is happening I'm gonna be pissed if you don't, that's a $150 I'm losing out on.
Jack Morris
Are you an Antifa THsuper Duper Pooper Thsoldier?
Kayden Perez
this is an economic thread now post economic content post economic principles and theories
Samuel Collins
Oh no, ive been demoralized by someone who is dramatically less intelligent
Jason Stewart
Remember remember, the 4th of November The commies and antifa plot I know of no reason Why the leftists left beaten Should ever be remembered
Joshua Davis
Wow, I didn't know communist niggers could count. Ever hear the electoral college??
Ayden Baker
The hilarious thing is, the actual tranny Antifags will probably get thrown in the male prisons, where they can get a first-hand dose of "diversity" from the minority inmates in the showers
Adrian Martinez
Honey, please clean your room and pick up the dog poop in the yard before you leave. Lunch is in the fridge.
Camden Gray
Lol OP is high from his Red Bull before going to mow the lawn
Kayden Price
Josiah Perez
Look! A LARPing faggot!
Ayden Miller
>National Socialism Worse than communism, communism just leaves you hungry, while National Socialism leaves you broke, bombed, hungry, raped, and cucked for the next 70 years.
Anthony Parker
>muh popular vote
Based founding fathers despised democracy, agrarian white supremacy rules USA. Stay triggered faggot.
Also sage
Joshua Miller
>you Good offence. No defense. Get a fire extinguishers. Cars and mc's are a threat to your base. Ur dead on the open.
Dominic Gomez
Yeah! Guess how much ive spent for today? I wanna kill some commies
Hudson Rogers
But if you get to kill at least 1 commie that’s $150 well spent.
Tyler Roberts
Buy bitcoin nufag
Evan Ross
>People still fucking reply to these LARP threads
Just sage and leave
Eli Taylor
How much does ammo run for that thing?
Josiah Davis
Thanks for the new pasta!
Gabriel Roberts
Brody Gray
Ayden Carter
>dat C93
Brody Johnson
I make it myself, so i dont get spied on. It takes 9mm. I just cast my own heads and take home buckets of casings from the shooting range, fill them with black powder and put my heads on. Its free, but a second of shooting takes like a month out back making bullets. If you paid for ammo, itd cost as much as a car for 10 seconds of shooting.
Zachary Barnes
I'm a staunch capitalist but I understand you're point of view. Communism and National Socialism are equally terrible. Nazi's used 'muh jew' as a scapegoat. Commies used 'muh means of production' as a scapegoat
Aiden Nguyen
How many Trump stickers will we allow this animal to burn in his mother's backyard before this madness stops?
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority): 1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data); 2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies; 3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies; 4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship. We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine. Read: Watch:
James Moore
>tearing down right wing safe space >protesting in little five points Please, by all means tear down little five. Its a degenerate shit hole filled with liberals, druggies, and homeless. Atlanta is far better off without that Shitstain.
Tyler Cox
please keep documenting your crimes, retard
John Ramirez
Too bad you'll never use it on actual pinks
Eli Thomas
I aint scanning that shit nigger.
Dominic Perez
econ 101 for ants
Carson Carter
because? what if I'm already well invested in diversified in commodities and technology sectors?
Colton Nelson
If you reply to threads like this, YOU are the problem.
Jackson Williams
I will if they come here tonight! Ive mounted the m134 on my t72. Yes, i have one. Ive spent years prepping for a day like this
William Bell
>Atlanta is a viable good city otherwise Lol
Noah Hall
oh look, it's a "9mm" on the table in some third world shit hole. kill yourself, larping nigger
Blake Rodriguez
>subhumans don’t get up till noon Checks out. Meanwhile I’ve been working for six hours now.
I made it im my machine shop. Your ass is grass and im the big black lawnmower
Josiah Garcia
They wont come and if they did you would not anyway bc youre larping on pol and have never and would never hurt a single pink or anyone at all.
Jordan Ross
Camden Jones
Are you fucking morons seriously replying to this fucking LARP thread? Sage and leave goddammit.
Gabriel Allen
Its not, but its home for now. Little five is one of the more concentrated areas of degeneracy, a long with pretty much all of southside.
Jonathan Morgan
>M134 >not shooting .308 ammo >shooting black powder 9mm with unjacketed cast lead bullets LARPing faggot
Jose Williams
>Hillary won, but the president of the US is Trump. wew lad.
Nathaniel Williams
Jayden Scott
>It means we're tearing down your safespace, the safespace which has allowed white men to oppress, rape, genocide and enslave minorities
Major cities that act as nexus points for minorities and your own marxist cultural centers?
Eli Lee
Fuck you
Nicholas Taylor
Let's roll.
Noah Hughes
Jace Walker
Cooper Watson
No one wants to kill commie fuckers more than me, but operating peaceably is the best thing to do in this instance. We're not in open war, not yet anyway, which means the non-commies need to keep their integrity in tact. They're already likely covering for other big stuff going on. No sense making the event more news-worthy than it is; a bunch of idiots walking in the street and shouting.
Eli Clark
Stop hiding your flag Turk.
Jordan Cox
I'll tell you the terrible truth about "Capitalism" the three words that have destroyed it. MADE IN CHINA Those three words killed American Capitalism, liberals like to reee over $15 wage, but if all the jobs taken by the Chinese were in the U.S. the average wage would be $15.
Thomas Gomez
TFW faggots are still crying about the election results. Keep posting senpai, you're the reason Trump won.
Kayden King
Julian Bailey
U jelly, pollack? At least i can own and the commies made your pathetic country our bitch
Nicholas Howard
have fun getting here from dumbfuckistan or whatever shitskin country you live in
Noah Brooks
Not just asking for these 2 days as the weekend. I work tomorrow, because i work at an airport so the happening would be fun there.
Juan Garcia
Newsflash: niggers and other shitskins do not care for the term "People of Color." I informed the mailman at work that kikes employed the term on kikebird. His response: >Those jews are like these niggas tearin shit up, but they got the, um, trust funds? Don't have no job? They wouldn't last a week at the facility using words like 'colored.' You know how Black women are. I do, and I find it interesting that the coloreds are starting to get wise to the ways of the jew. They've been sick of the White Guilt for a while, obviously, but when they figure out that jews are at the top of the SJW food chain... Well, I'm going to make a bowl of popcorn.
You kikes can't meme, and trying to redefine 'safe space' and 'snowflake' is a laughable attempt to save face.
Logan Bailey
Im american
Landon Baker
thank your conservative overlords for outsourcing our manufacturing industy, simpleton
Fuck sakes shit like this again wish i was there Americans punch a libtard for me
Colton Rivera
Lot of black people have been that way for a while. You never hear about them because the establishment has been shutting out all the ones disillusioned with how the civil rights movement failed.
Angel Garcia
Jokes on you my trash can is in my garage haha
Eli Jackson
Brandon Reyes
Show me you flag bongistani LARPer. I'm no pollack and I actually own and shoot guns, that's why I know that what you are saying is bullshit. If you ever shot even a simple black powder revolver you'd know that even with loser tolerances black powder and rotating parts = binding up after few shots, not to mention that a rifled barrell gets fouled extremely fast with BP. Underage faggots should leave
Dylan Lopez
non-conservatives have been calling reichwingers snowflakes for years, and the right then coopted it.
your google-fu is weak, and you are a gullible turd for thinking there has ever been an original idea spawned from conservatism
Ayden Flores
Check the electoral map dip shit. It was a landslide hahaha saged
Landon King
Even if you're in the Pacific time zone, you're a degenerate faggot.
Jason Ortiz
Nigger. Spic. Gook. Faggot.
Dylan Richardson
I don't disagree, but high taxes and obscene regulation of markets through crony capitalism here in the USA caused those manufacturing jobs to hit the south east Asian area why pay your kid to mow the lawn for 20 bucks when the neighbor's kid will do it for 10? greed sucks but competition drives innovation
Lucas Rogers
Colton Butler
Ok flag shown. You still are a nation of pussies and yours literally the easiest nation to conquer in europe. Suck a polish sausage faggot
Aaron Nelson
>look how fun it is being thirteen years old, the post
Michael Stewart
>no happening yet
Would you faggots hurry up? Some of us have been looking forward to your asses being beat by riot cops for two months now.