The cast is going to be very multicultural. How will this effect the culture? Will this make people more accepting or will it backfire?
>Warner Bros. Television, whose feature film counterpart produced the feature film series, is in preliminary stages of discussions for a potential TV series based on the J.R.R. Tolkien best-sellers. Amazon Studios, who has a new genre-focused push under company CEO Jeff Bezos, has emerged as a potential buyer. Amazon Studios and Warner Bros. Television declined comment.
Just saw a thread about it on sosa4, thought it was trolling. This starwars nigger is so fucking ugly, and hes gonna play a descendant of high numenorans? wut? I really hope it will backfire but normalfagss eat up everything these days
Isaiah Sanchez
Sounds good as long as the orcs are all played by black people and the elves and civilized people played by the whites
Sebastian Flores
Didn't see it.
Jeremiah Myers
Nolan Rivera
>TV series over a story that was already told
They're going to expand on Tolkein's works, aren't they?
James Brooks
Jack Gonzalez
It'll probably be based on The Silmarillion.
Parker Martin
this will drop faster than the Goblin King ....
Noah Cooper
> getting angry about fictional characters
hahaha holy shit, what a manchild you are.
Alexander Cox
Owen Baker
>that pic good one sweden
Robert Gray
Josiah Ramirez
Henry Baker
>when it's true my fucking sides. of course it's true
Jose Murphy
no way
Juan Jackson
that pic, and this is the sad reality. good job btw
Anthony Hill
Joshua Martinez
America is fucked.
RIP burgers. May their waifus, gf's, wives, daughters and sisters find solice in the BBC.
Samuel Brown
>Ohhh goooody another magical negro.
Tolkien is rolling over in his grave.
Tyler Smith
It won't. They only own LotR/Hobbit.
Tolkien's son isn't giving anyone the Silmarillion or the unfinished tales. He hates the tv/movies.
Ryder Scott
>fucking white male cast as gollum
Charles Perez
Google doesn't come up with anything like that. Fake as fuck, I say.
Wyatt Diaz
That Aragorn choice
>Return of the Kang
Nolan Parker
didnt they already fuck up star wars with diversity and multiculturalism.
are normies going to wake up to the nightmare that is social justice?
Christian Jackson
>Sauron won the war
Christian Morris
Luke Bennett
Luis Morgan
>its all actually a lie
The first they did was garbage because the villain was absolute shit. Rogue one was the best damn SW movie I ever saw and Im not even a fan.
James Gray
eh okay then portugal. i rather watch movies with white people because i am white.
Xavier Richardson
I must have measured 200 heartbeats per minute until I googled it
Cooper Cox
Post orcfugees memes.
Nathaniel Brooks
I wonder, are they going to try and fill it with lots of graphic sex like Game of Thrones, to be edgy?
I don't think Tolkien's son would let them.
Noah Campbell
Ayden Murphy
Owen Allen
>in the works >they're talking about the possibility of it potentially being made
Those are two very different things. Also, the Tolkien family are a bunch of cunts to deal with from what I understand. They hated Jackson's films, which were pretty faithful for the most part (Hobbit aside). You think they're going to let *this* happen?
Alexander Green
Sounds pretty boring man. You never watched Training Day I take it. Or Boyz n the Hood.
Elijah Foster
Anybody have that one about the Orc suicide bomber at Helm's Deep, and they authorities were still trying to figure-out his motive?
Austin Diaz
I do not care, as long as the writing, acting and directing is good I literally couldn't give a fuck whose cast. If they fuck up one of my favourite franchises though there will be blood
Robert Wilson
Zachary Rivera
Gabriel Morris
Sauron, please won
Logan Sanchez
Fake and gay
Connor Lewis
Oliver Cruz
Kek, saved.
Adrian Foster
when will you retards learn, that mindset makes diversity the priority, not making a good film
a good film with forced diversity is good despite being diverse
Isaiah Cooper
They'll have to pay billion dollars for some elf titties.
Ryder Barnes
Nolan Jones
Noah Bennett
>he liked the rogue one Europe is full of retards
Ayden Johnson
There was always lando and ton of aliens
Gavin Gonzalez
Niggamon >yo nigga yo be smoking too much of dat half nigga root. Nigdalf >nigga please, nigga I aint up in yo sheit nigga. nigga I be fuckin elf pussy and look at yo ass, Niggamon da white, white mutha fuckin uncle Tom ass nigga. while you be suckin moedoe dick I be getting pussy all over middle eurf nigga
Angel Miller
Connor Gomez
>niggahobbits all wear jordans sneakers
Jackson Mitchell
Adrian Mitchell
Here's some leaked footage
Benjamin Brooks
>The Homies of the Ring >The Two Ghettos >The Return of the KANGZ
Tyler Morales
Source material is too big for it to fail.
Jack Sullivan
fo reelz, dem nigga be on fleek
Austin Sullivan
Thomas Parker
if this is true I will for real commit suicide
>Forest fucking Whitaker as Gimli >Taylor Lautner as Boromir no this cannot be real
Leo Long
To be fair, Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War were breddy gud.
Gavin Reed
An unexpected pregnancy The declaration of dindu The war of the five gangs
Adrian Baker
PLEASE let this be true. It will backfire to unimaginable proportions. Millions will hate niggers and sand niggers and fags even more after this
Zachary Butler
>No Asians
Why do asians get such a rough deal when it comes to multi-culti media
And by Asians I don't mean Pakis
Christian Robinson
I genuinely hope the producers see this, and as a fuck you to pol decided to make this the actual cast. Please you fucking kikes, make it happen
Nathan Jones
Christopher Tolkien will never allow it to get past the planning stages if they have a nigger anywhere in the main cast. Not just that, but WB will have one hell of a hard time negotiating the rights back from the Tolkien estate after the shitstorm that was the Hobbit movies.
Isaiah Sanders
They aren't worthless or subhuman. That is literally the reason why.
Jayden Ortiz
This will flop, just like Kangz Arthur. They will not learn to stop making immersion breaking sacrilege unless we vote with our money. Not even Morgan Freeman can save this travesty's inevitable fate.
Justin Bell
ehhhh it'd be funny seeing Whitaker as gimli tho
Adrian Carter
Fuck Amazon and their jews. At least we can now let Dungeons and Dragons make up for this kike shit.
John Hall
>the end
Easton Wright
>a good film with forced diversity is good despite being diverse
who could be behind this post
Ian Roberts
I think WB already own the rights.
Liam Baker
The Silmarillion is the War & Peace of fantasy.
Zachary Rodriguez
>Luthien, the Single Mother >The Children of Who?
Jeremiah Green
a nigger aragorn singing sindarin rap songs to white arwen would be hilarious
Charles Nguyen
Also we can prevent this by making LOTR a "hate symbol".
Think about it.
>Blacks get btfo by white armies >Main bad guy is trying to get blacks to invade the world >Wizards become more powerful by becoming more white >Human allies of the dark lord are Mudslimes
Why aren't we all over this series??
Isaac Adams
>sindarin rap songs oh god why I lost so hard at this
Jason Allen
We are all over this series, lurk more, check those orcfugee meme.
Dominic Anderson
Is it possible it's based on the movie rights? I heard the movie rights and book rights are completely different - like the games are based on the movies or something.
Benjamin Butler
In my headcanon Feanor is black.
Would a White or Asian guy behave like that?
Michael Williams
just dont watch it or pay it any attention? who cares its a single fantasy franchise that got too big
Gavin Gutierrez
It well bomb like every other multicultural thing they try
Aiden Turner
>stop worrying so much feanor >nobody wants to steal your silmarils feanor >stop bullying people feanor >melkor has rehabilitated feanor >you dont need that sword feanor >you are being paranoid feanor >FEANOR >HEY FEANOR >YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED
Feanor did nothing wrong
Evan Thompson
>Yo Teleri, gonna need yo boats'n sheit >Dude seriously, stop this. >*Mumbles* muh Silmarils, muh oath motherfucker, *knocks out Teleri*
Connor Ortiz
>He hates the tv/movies. Well, if they give the Murican threatment to the Series, I'm sure he will love it.
Wyatt Moore
Link to cast? Not finding this multikulti shit.
Mason Gomez
>thinks wanting a decent movie makes me a retard I'm not the baby crying about the "forced diversity in films" meme, films have always been pretty diverse after all it is hollywood we are talking about
Angel Murphy
>muh 6 gorrilion dead Teleri
Kinslaying is a hoax
Adrian Lewis
That's spooky. The last time a few weeks ago that I uploaded this fanart of Anomander Rake, who actually is dark-skinned, I renamed it Feanor. Feanor wasn't black though. Your imagination is cucked.
Cooper Brooks
>buddies with orcs >literal nigger amongst Gondorians and it's not even brought up at any point
Jayden Campbell
Matthew Clark
>tfw Noldor were Kangz
Kayden Lee
The original LOTR wasn't and is generally acknowledged to be among the greatest movies ever made, especially by us. And partly because it remained trueish to lore and people's imaginations instead of being force filled with anti-lore immersion breaking political statements.
Ryder Russell
At least read your shadow writers books
Leo Williams
>by us you didn't make shit nigger, we wuz a bit harder than that if you wanna convince me instead of cherrypicking a blatant sjw whore