>"user! La policia want to deport me! But I want to stay and have a family with you mi amor :-("
Can anyone make a real argument for why innocent people like pic related should be deported?
>"user! La policia want to deport me! But I want to stay and have a family with you mi amor :-("
Can anyone make a real argument for why innocent people like pic related should be deported?
Other urls found in this thread:
because they can vote for government that will enact force upon me
not scared of these fucks, but I do fear the government they will create
no taxation without representation so we either send them off or gas em
You can have a love family in her country too
They have to go back.
Because like all cathcucks they will vote to raise my taxes to fund social services.
what part of "illegal" you cannot grasp?
USA is not a fucking Swedish buffet for all of the world
Latinos are also prone to communism and want to ban guns.
Anyone can vote for shittier government
Whites could've had their family in Europe, but they invaded foreign land
Why can whites invade foreign land(i.e. Germany invading Poland) but refugees can't come to America and contribute to a better life?
Undocumented. They are undocumented.
Yea roito, I'll show ya the ol' root an boot.
these parasites consume more welfare than niggers and vote accordingly
Because ethnic homogeneity is desirable for the good of the country, even if I want to muh dick her personally
Because we conquered this land, and as such we don't have to be nice about it.
>But I want to stay and have a family with you mi amor :-(
Sounds like classic female manipulation to me. She doesnt mean it, she is just using you. Deport her TWICE.
Except they broke the law.
Rapists got undocumented consent. Free them NOW!
you know that ugly spic bitch is going full goblin by 24
Because calling ICE is cheaper than giving her cab fare.
Wasn't the south conquered by the yanks?
>"user! La policia want to deport me! But I want to stay and have a family with you mi amor :-("
>Knock her up
>She turns into a 300 lb gremlin
>Nags at you constantly in Spanish
See the big picture. Don't roll the dice, call ICE.
rape her then deport her, ezpzpuddinpie
Because appealing to emotion is retarded and why we’re in the shitty state we’re currently in
Not paying taxes like the rest of us?
she didn't need to leave her documents in her home country then
My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.
Why can't you losers understand that America was created for everyone, not just white people?
The amount of bigotry towards Latin Americans in this thread is worse than anywhere else on reddit.
Yes. Europeans settled, conquered, and founded America. How is this difficult to understand?
By coming here illegally they undermine our entire immigration system and take a spot in the country that should've gone to someone who took the legal steps to come here. In short they have to go back!
It was, so they better get in line.
> Theft is just an undocumented purchase.
They migrated illegally. They are illegal.
I don't care if I'm a Nazi, I would push for most mexican illegals to be legalized so we can help them. I want europe to be 100% white, but I think we need to help these mexicans who are just trying to raise their families and find success.
>Tfw no qt brown waifu to have 20 kids with
>My dog is German
>My coffee is Colombian
>My IT is Indian
>My car is English
>My food is Italian
>My TV is Japanese
>My diamonds are South African
>My licorice is Australian
>My computer is Chinese
>My wine is French
>And I am an American.
and your thoughts are jewish plant
just bang her, then deport her,
>Why can whites invade foreign land(i.e. Germany invading Poland) but refugees can't come to America and contribute to a better life?
Because when you invade a foreign land, you take control of the state apparatus which means you get to decide what happens in your new territory.
>Latinos are also prone to communism
Lol no
are you a legal resident?
do you have a work visa?
are you volunteering for the military?
do you file taxes?
Ask you a better question - why is it bad for innocents like this to get deported? Because they will be send to a shit country. Why is that country shit? Because it's governed by people like her. Why is it governed by people like her? Because that is the kind of leadership that arises to lead people from a populace resembling her.
All in all - you are shit at survival
Germans didn't enter the country illegally to give you your dog.
Colombians didn't enter the country illegally to give you your coffee.
Indians didn't enter the country illegally to give you a headache because they can't speak English.
Brits didn't enter the country illegally to give you your car.
Italians didn't enter the country illegally to give you your pizza.
Japanese didn't enter the country illegally to give you your TV
South Africans didn't enter the country illegally to give you your diamonds.
Australians didn't enter the country illegally to give you your licorice
Chinese didn't enter the country illegally to give you your computer
Frenchmen didn't enter the country illegally to give you your wine.
Why do Mexicans need to come in illegally, and TAKE handouts from Americans? The only thing you're getting is crime.
>founded something that already had ownership
You CAN’T be that thick. But then again...
You can, if Americans open their hearts and minds. All we have to do is only allow immigration for young women to help replace the lowering birth rate.
If you marry her, she's can stay. I don't see the problem.
Castro,Guevara,Chavez,etc ring any bells? Latinos are anti-american as they can get.
You, my friend, are a genius. Do you realize you have just contributed a major pillar to the pantheon of holy maxims of the English language?
>With Jews, you lose
>Around blacks, never relax
>Don't roll the dice, call ICE (You)
>what about we make a life in mexico instead ? I'd go with you
>Can anyone make a real argument for why innocent people like pic related should be deported?
If they're illegally here they don't have a right to be here.
Why are the police looking to deport her?
Statistics show conclusively that~85% of nonwhites vote for socialism and bigger government. That's why (((they))) keep holding the gates open, to let in as many as possible.
>Why can whites invade foreign land(i.e. Germany invading Poland) but refugees can't come to America and contribute to a better life?
Nice try. Germany didn't invade Poland so much as it sought to retake territory stolen from it by the Treaty of Versailles. But laying WWII history aside, a nation has the right to control its borders, and taking territory in warfare has gone on for thousands of years. If Mexico wants it back, let them declare war and take it. This (((sneakthief))) bullshit has got to stop.
>Because appealing to emotion is retarded and why we’re in the shitty state we’re currently in
And it's an (((age-old tactic))) at that.
>Calls the police.
exactly this
only whites believe in freedom and liberty which is why only white societies have a wealthy middle class.
theyre illegal
they got in illegally instead of waiting their turn like the rest of the normal immigrints
>can you make a real argument on why laws should be enforced?
>don’t roll the dice, call ICE
I hope this catches on japanon
Get citizenship?
America is a European concept.
To quote Alexis de Tocqueville:
>Although the vast country which we have been describing was inhabited by many indigenous tribes, it may justly be said at the time of its discovery by Europeans to have formed one great desert. The Indians occupied without possessing it. It is by agricultural labor that man appropriates the soil, and the early inhabitants of North America lived by the produce of the chase. Their implacable prejudices, their uncontrolled passions, their vices, and still more perhaps their savage virtues, consigned them to inevitable destruction. The ruin of these nations began from the day when Europeans landed on their shores; it has proceeded ever since, and we are now witnessing the completion of it. They seem to have been placed by Providence amidst the riches of the New World to enjoy them for a season, and then surrender them. Those coasts, so admirably adapted for commerce and industry; those wide and deep rivers; that inexhaustible valley of the Mississippi; the whole continent, in short, seemed prepared to be the abode of a great nation, yet unborn.
>In that land the great experiment was to be made, by civilized man, of the attempt to construct society upon a new basis; and it was there, for the first time, that theories hitherto unknown, or deemed impracticable, were to exhibit a spectacle for which the world had not been prepared by the history of the past.
>300 lbs gremlin nagging in spanish
Fuck off breastless bitch, go break the law somewhere else.
>not scared of these fucks, but I do fear the government they will create
Universal suffrage is a mistake.
Taking welfare should forever remove your right to vote. Republican Rome gave prols only 1/50th the voting power as the rest of society.
Legal immigrant from England here, I'll send her back and you with her faggot
And they all arrived LEGALY
They have to go. We either have a country or we don't have a country.
your dog isn't German
>hahaha fuck laws and shit Im a super thirsty loser
OPs post really busted my almonds out of their activation chambers!
shitskins always vote to have more money taken from white people and given to them.
>no dog, they are for dogfuckers
>no coffee, it is is for faggots
>My IT is from Redmond, Washington
>My car is American
>My food is American
>No TV, don't watch the electric jew
>No diamonds, don't fall for the diamond jew
>No candy, it is degenerate
>My computer was built in America by my, out of mostly imported chinese parts
>My wine is from Oregon and California.
>And I am an American.
Eat shit and die jew faggot.
>innocent people
>illegally immigrated
pick one kike
>not innocent
>not a person
You cannot break the law and be innocent. Illegal immigrants broke the law. Therefore no innocent people are deported.
Go choke on it faggot, we're not literal beans, Colombian coffee is good because is made by Colombians in Colombia, not because we are in your country. Piece of shit, we sell it for money, not for love, faggot.
DACA has been around what, 10 years? Plenty of time to have worked things out.
Blame Congress, not us.
Giving governments the power to deport them gives governments the power to do it to you.
If they're illegal immigrants they shouldn't be deported, they should be executed as an example for other potential illegal's.
I would red pill her with my dick and consuela would bear me childrens.
Public announcement to all Latina females who are fairly rated over 7 and don’t already have kids:
I got you a green card. It’s in my pants.
She probably does pot.
>here illegally
The ends justify the means.
Well, I’d deport YOU, for sure. Commie meme flags are the worst meme flags.
Why cant she fix her shithole country? You know if the number of people leaving a shitty country like northern mexico or southern commiefornia banded together and tried to make changes it would happen. Fuck that though am i right? Lets just bring our shitty ideals and infest somehwere else. Like the man said "what other organism grows in number then movea someplace else? A virus."
If she's an illegal alien she's not innocent.
If she is legally there, then she has nothing to fear.
No problem here to be honest
god I wanna impregnate a dainty qt latina so badly
nigger, 99% of women today are unfriendly entitled cunts.
Society has destroyed what a woman is/should be.
Im not even into that MGTOW bullshit, but god damn if women are just the unfriendliest people I have to deal with.
I guess this is why all you faggots are into twinks, a side effect of this perhaps.
>Don't roll the dice, call ICE
>You, my friend, are a genius.
Yep, that's probably /thread, right there.
First they should prioritize on deporting dangerous criminals, for good. Then they focus on anyone else. I have friends that worked very hard for years to become citizens in the states, they dont have an excuse. Their parents are probably the ones causing the problem.
I get that some come here out of desperation, but that doesnt mean you are excused. The true is Mexico itself, but thats not something that can be solved overnight.
If they came into the country illegally then they broke a law and are not innocent. Plus the bible says all women are born unpure/ not innocent so kek
it's obvious that none of the sound arguments in this thread are changing your mind paco.
fly over to Mexico where you'll be surrounded by sluts that want your money, easy.
Then don't whine when you're correctly put into the nazi category.
revoking citizenship is specifically a Nat Soc policy.
You can't make a law that says only the Mexicans I like can stay. You have to choose between letting some good people get deported and letting hordes of people entering your country at will.
Right but in practice mostly non whites do so. Pic related
>Only white believe in liberty and freedom
>Worship kings who literally claimed ownership of them even to this day
>Any time whites reached a place of power they used their influence to oppress as many people as possible
Whites are literally the worst group of people ever. Had no history while the entire rest of the world was building empires. You reached one high point then spent the next several hundred years throwing rocks at your shadows and being so fucking filthy that rats and fleas wiped out over 100 million people
Good job spreading your lack of self control to the rest of the world it sure is a better place because of it.
If I was a Nazi, you’d be going in the oven. I consider myself NOT a Nazi because I am kind enough to allow you to leave peacefully.
Legality has nothing to do with morality.
I'd take Nat Soc over your trash any day.
You all are by far the dumbest adherents of any ideology; literally cancer.
>Anyone can vote for shittier government
Anyone can, but whites generally don't, and non-whites generally do.
>Whites could've had their family in Europe, but they invaded foreign land
Wrong. They settled here, not invaded. America is a nation of English settlers. Settlement is a perfectly moral activity, regardless of what (((people))) propagandize us about it.
>Why can whites invade foreign land(i.e. Germany invading Poland) but refugees can't come to America and contribute to a better life?
Who said anyone can invade anywhere? Invading neighbors when you weren't attacked isn't acceptable - that's the whole point of a nation-state system. Nation-states are sovereign. Learn about the West and its political ideas some time.
"Refugees" or what we call economic migrants don't have a right to come to established countries, and they certainly don't contribute to the country. You talk like migrants get first priority of consideration and white people have to step aside because migrants, being the world's losers, need something. Wrong. White people are obligated to protect our own interests first, and first consideration here is preventing our own displacement and eventual extinguishing by alien peoples.
>Whites could've had their family in Europe, but they invaded foreign land
So you admit that Mexicans are "invading" the US, and that is what qualifies their deportation.
She reminds me of the UMA guy.
Same dumb wide smile, don't get me wrong, I'd fuck her.
>regurgitates (((history)))
>Has an attitude about it
>not worth the keystrokes to try to set straight
Will that be an isle or a window? Or should we put you down in cargo with the doggos? On second thought, they might object...
They're just looking for a better life. Why don't you want her to have a better life?
This is such weak bait.
But have another (((you))) since so many people are falling for it.
>(((appeal to emotion)))
Enough of this bullshit. Kek has already bestowed his wisdom for this thread (pic related). Saged.
>breeding spic criminals