>guns can't smell the enemy approaching
>1 gun can't alert all your other guns to start attacking too
>can't walk through the hallways at school with your guns
>people think you're weird if you name your guns and talk to them
>guns can't determine friend or foe by themselves
>can't play with you gun at the park
>girls never want to pet your guns
>dogs never jam or require reloading
Are dogs better than guns for self defense?
Why not both?
A gun in one hand and a leash in the other.
Doggos are the best. Coyote hybrids underrated.
A dog cant kill 58 and injure 546 in 10 minutes.
dogs are faggots.
this is my best friend
What kind of pussy bitch dog you raising? My dog puts up the numbers.
They can be, But a dog that has been trained for attack can no longer be considered or treated like a pet. Once conditioned it becomes a weapon just like any other gun.
Dogs are the alarm system and a temporary deterrant. Do you know what happens to dogs during raids? Slows things down by maybe half a second. They don't prevent assaults, but do deter SneakNigs from SneakNigging.
I've got two Irish Wolfhounds, no one drives into my property without meeting the beasts
Dogs are amazing animals that show unconditional love and devotion to a good leader. Had someone attempt to come in my house while I was at work and the wife and kids were sleeping. Plenty of weapons in the house but not gonna be wife's first instinct unfortunately but the sound of the 6 pit bulls in the house caused a quick retreat. I'd rather have them both to cover all bases.
Coyotes are a cute vermin.
>girls never want to pet your guns
what are you some kind of soyboy faggot?
Its like rock paper scissors. Gun beats dog.
>load shotgun with #00 buck
>kick in front door
>blast canine
Okay, so now what.
if this nigga bite ya dick he aint letting go til u kill him nigga fuck ye, whites love dogs, subhumans hate dogs
Are city people really this stupid?
Better than a gun for theft deterrence.
Link to the vid? Is the husband cucked by the dog in it?
>Is the husband cucked by the dog in it?
The husband is black, and I guess he's in the cuckshed, after having prepped the (pitt)bull.
Original content thats actually funny, nice job op.
Neither can a gun, I stopped trusting that shooting was real once they changed their story the third time then refused to release more info.
All my dogs are fully trained on how to use firearms now what.
They are both valid components of an effective security system.
>inb4 american kids start bringing packs of pitbulls to school and setting them loose
>guns won't shit and piss on your carpet
>guns won't kill you in your sleep
>guns won't fire at the slightest noise
>guns don't need food inb4"ammo lolXD"
If you are a bad ownerl either are bad.
If you are good one, both are fine.
Get two mountain dogs, and train them well.
Best self defense ever
Both are the best for home defense. The downside is you might accidentally shoot your dog if he's attacking someone during a break in.
Peasant trash.
Live the patrician life, user.
Still laughing. Good shit right here.
>can't play with you gun at the park
Pfft. Maybe you can’t.
>girls never want to pet your guns
Found the virgin
Molosos are really bad ass.
Dovermans are cool also.
No turning back. 32 years with them. One of the few true American breeds. Fucktards have ruined their image.
You really need both. In multiples, actually. The dog is an alarm system money can’t buy. The guns are to keep the dogs alive. You are never at risk. Pretty slick, low tech system. Hard to beat.
Concur. Dobies are incredible. Not so smart they are a pain in the ass like the little Jack Russels but smart enough. Look vicious as hell (don’t tell anybody, they are the sweetest pets one can find).
I've a friend who has one. You can't trick it. Throw it a filet mignon, it doesn't care. It's number one priority is still ripping your throat out. And it will wait until you show a flank or your back.
Buy an electroshocker for self def
At contact distance its the best option and 100% legal.
100000 volts will knock anyone the fuck out instantly, while a knife or a gun will not kill instantly unless its a shot to the head
Of course for middle to long distance defense the gun is the best option.
If yoy need real defense though, then buy a nuclear submarine. IT'S ONLY 1.3 Bil. USD PER POP
Same with pit bulls. I've had so many people tell me how they are just over sized lap dogs after they took a chance and got one. I will say I don't think just anyone should have pit bulls. They are capable of fucking shut up big time. I've had fights break out because I got laxxed here at home. Hell even lost the tip if my finger breaking up a fight. Was my fault and she didn't attack me just got bit shoving my hand in there.
Used to go get them out of shitty situations but grew tired of stupid fucking humans. Had 12 here one time. Way too fucking many to care for properly.
There a great breed and extremely loyal and protective just over bred and owned by far too many fuckheads that get them to look tough and don't put the time in properly training them.
Guns and dogs is like ass and titties. A true gentleman prefers both.
If that nigga bite ya dick you ain't got a dick no more.
But with Dobies you don’t need to put a lot of effort into training. They are just smart enough to figure out what you want from them without being too much of a pain in the ass.
Just tape a gun to your dog retard
This is my best friend. All muslims are terrified of her and cross the street to avoid us when we are walking.
Niggers are either scared shitless and avoid us or they love her and are super friendly to me. It's pretty nice.
I enjoy the training end of it. Well trained dogs especially pit bulls in public does well for the image.
pitbulls are niggers, niggers with more teeth and better music tastes
>The animal was especially respected in Mesoamerican cosmology as a symbol of military might. After the European colonization of the Americas, it was reviled in Anglo-American culture as a cowardly and untrustworthy animal.
That's a good looking dog. I'm down to 3 here. Here's 2 of mine.
This one by far is the funnies dog I've ever had. She's deaf got her when the police called me about some dogs being locked in a shed not being taken care of. Cops basically let me steal them right in from of the owners. That was a good day. Scumbag owners.
t. Achmed the Canadian Mudslime
Great pic. I need to get another dog to keep mine company when my gf and I are at work.
>Dark night, walking down the street
>as you pass by an alley, a large black man drags you into the shadows.
> "ayo mane gibs me dat monee, bruh"
> at a split second's notice, you unzip your pants and procure a Chihuahua from god knows where. You shake it a little bit to wake it up, then throw it at the nigger's head.
> The nigger recoils and retreats, the dog still latched onto his giant. flappy nigger lips
>You collect yourself and turn as you hear a distressed nog cursing in ebonics trailing away in the distance.
love the all white! sweet girl
> Not having a Great Dane
Stupidly big and clever
>guns won't shit and piss on your carpet
>being such a cuck you can't teach your dog that shitting everywhere is bad
>guns won't kill you in your sleep
>Being such a retard that you don't properly socialize your dog
Not better, but they make a good addition.
Don´t they die at 7?
Something related with brain growing?
>dad had a guard dog using a wrecked car as a doghouse back when he worked at a car dealership
>thieves taped a kitchen knife to a broomstick and stabbed him to death through the fence before getting in to steal some wheels
Had to b and e to rescue my pits. Great dogs that attract shitty owners.
>>guns can't smell the enemy approaching
gun can't alert all your other guns to start attacking too
and they can also smell the mail man/ups/fedex etc and start barking or try to attack
>>can't walk through the hallways at school with your guns
can't with your dog either
>>guns can't determine friend or foe by themselves
and dog have issues doing that too
>>girls never want to pet your guns
how do you know?
>>dogs never require reloading
what is food and water?
German shepherds are my favorite breed and I can't imagine why people wouldn't like them.
My German shepherd pup is my best friend. I don't understand people who don't like dogs, are they incapable of love?
You can teach most dogs to refuse food from unknown humans.
my doggy hasn't ever killed anybody unlike my m4 that I haven't seen in two years:(
oh well i guess I'll just make a SOPMOD clone
Only cute toy breeds. Then nobody expects you're carrying a .357
If you do never leave them out together while your gone. Shit can happen and does more often than not.
Much respect to you. I walked in a yard in broad daylight and took one from an asshole. He called me on it cuz I had visited him prior I lied and said I didn't have it. Found a good home a 100 miles away lol.
>>>girls never want to pet your guns
>how do you know?
Nobody likes poorfag slavshit.
German shepherds and huwhite people are like honey and milk, they were bred by Ayans, for Aryans.
I like this. OP wins.
They're smart, loyal, friendly and fluffy. A well-trained GSD is the best companion you could ever have, especially if you want to start a family.
Every GSD in my family has always protected the kids. They'll play rough with adults but as soon as they see baby they become gentle giants, it's incredible to see.
Except my little 5 month old retard right now is an excitable little boy who eats wood chips and thinks that kids are just puppies without fluff and wants to play.
Some druggie broad threatens daughter I say call the cops. Cops don't do shit punks start taunting me a block away. I decide to try and scare the shit out of them. Walk down street with no shoes or shirt on with my male pit bull.
Seriously underestimate their crazy level upon confrontation. Crazy broad threatens to let Bull Mastiff loose on my dog and crazy druggie rips his shirt off and gets in my face while his buddy circles me. Daughter, son and daughters friend run down street. Druggie punk spits in my face. Daughter slaps him from behind. He elbows her in the throat.
Chaos ensues. I grab druggie around the throat in rear naked choke take him to the ground while I have my dogs leash on other wrist.
Crazy broad turns loose mastiff jumos on daughter. Mastiff goes after my dog.
Daughter body slams crazy broad while druggies buddy sucker punches me in face and kicks me in ribs. Neighbors rush our break up fight, I stop my dog from killing the mastiff he has by the throat.
Cops swarm scene. I walk home bruised and bloody dog fine. I get only ticket for disorderly.
Good times on the block.
>dogs never jam
absolute goddamn lie
you ever take your dog for a walk and they get 5 mins in and just lay down
Last I checked there's not a dog on the planet that can't be shot. I guess guns win
>Man with sawed off shotgun he stole from a farm house breaks in
>Your German shepherd runs as fast as it's legs can carry it growling
>He clicks the trigger in deseperation and haste
>You now have two dogs, a ruined carpet and you are probably going to be sadomized by a nigger
>Man with sawed off shotgun he stole from a farm house breaks in
>Your German shepherd runs as fast as it's legs can carry it growling
>He clicks the trigger in deseperation and haste
>You now have two dogs, a ruined carpet and you are probably going to be sadomized by a nigger
Guns wont die and make me sad because it was the only thing who understood me
>dog killing you in your sleep
>schutzhund rips the silly prick limb from limb
>You sit there watching while putting on the kettle for a nice cuppa while waiting for the rozzers to arrive
Dogs for defense work better in packs, at least 3 trained dogs can take one armed invader (most invaders would try to flee anyway).
GSD's are great. Somebody just needs to slap the shit out of the AKC for promoting that back slope that fucks up their hips so bad