Sup Forums will I be considered a race traitor if I marry a atheist Jewess and have white Christian children with her?
I know that this is degenerate, but she is literally perfect in her body, sex, intelligence and patriotism.
She is not patriotic to Israel, she loves and is loyal to the US
Marrying a Jewess
Marry whoever the fuck you want and stop spamming here
Another kike slide thread. Mods will do nothing.
Sure you can marry her OP but please let us see her beautiful Khazar milkers
If you white, yes. But probably not because if you aren't disgusted by that jewess instinctivly, you are not white. You're not white are you? Also, show flag.
Fuck you Hindustan shitskin. This is literally my first post today.
Republican trash spamming pol. Fuck off, filthy Christfag
>Conquer her vagina
Why is there a white dot there shareblue. If you post garbage make it uncensored. We all appreciate uncensored because we don't live in a 1984 hell
Pajeet... calm down...
You’re children will be kikes. Jewish traits are matrilineal
>marry a atheist Jewess
>have white Christian children with her
Pick one. You would be better off even marrying a chink and your kids would be whiter.
Lol pic I posted so long ago and people still use it.
ask her what she thinks about circumcision
if she wants to do it she's not an atheist jewess, just a cryptokike.
>falling for the khazar milkers
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read:
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
8 and 10 are qt tho
dude they are disgusting haredi inbred fucks.
Fug I look just like the one second from the right. Being half Jew is suffering.
they can haredi muh dick
If she is a jewess with these, sure. Honorary Aryan.
Oy vai zmir a jew on a nazi goat herding site
No. But she will be. And that will affect her because she's a woman. By the time she has managed to churn out the proper amount of race-improved offspring it's the cleaner court for you. Alimony and child support, no visitation rights, probably jail time for the rape she will make up so that it counts as her betrayal of you and boosts her kike score up, your kids getting their dicks flayed the first thing out of the trial and then raised as porn fluffers and mob runners to serve their pureblood masters. DON'T fall for it. She may really like you now, but their Talmud is a potent tool of mind control, this shit is far stronger than any would-be "love" she right now tells herself she feels for you, and the best possible scenario is you killing her the moment that she tries to take your kids. Kike women are pump-and-dump, and ideally you make sure you dispose of the condom somewhere she will not get to it.
>No. But she will be
considered a race-traitor, that is
Hey lookit A MGTOW faggot.
>fall for the Khazar milkers
>Get your JAP pregnant
>Dream of playing sports with your half-kike spawn.
>Realize he's a low-test sissy faggot!
Shoots self.
I'm pretty stereotypically secular and self-hating. Comes with the territory in the US honestly. That said I do support Israel against the Arabs.
I think the Jews mistreat their women, like Muslims.. you’re only a Jew if your dad is..
Why do people post angry things like this? You definitely dont have any first hand experience with divorce and alimony, yet you trash on all women.
(flag lol)
I've never been wrong about it before though. OP's choice just whom to believe.
wrong, it's through the mother his kids will be recognised as jews
I've seen this picture 6 million times but I really just have to say god damn, no wonder Jews don't want to go to Israel, holy fucking hell.
not even wrong, jews are pathetically weak and will bring down the physical viability of your offspring, notice how most "jewish" athletes are at least 50-75% white e.g. beckham, klitschko bros etc
>tfw will never look into Anne's beautiful blue eyes after a night of passionate lovemaking, placing my hand on her massive, hard, and swollen belly, feeling the child that's the only thing keeping the two of us from being even closer together kick responsively, running my fingers through her curly chocolate hair, kissing her and listening to her purr as our three hearts beat in unison.
You know, I was thinking of asking Sup Forums this a few days ago. Your children would technically be Jewish because it's matrilinial descent, but I mean what's the worst that can happen? If she's part of a rich family, you get to dip into the wealth. And you're safe and secure if the Jews want to try anything because you're in with them.
No, you become the goy of the family and they hate you, you turn to drink because your K wife literally cucks you
Seen it for real
Only if you're white
post the uncensored pic. lack of penis must be demonstrated.
that a man innit?
Guys. I need advice.
For a while now I've been dating one of (((them))). I don't mean a run of the mill Shekelberg. I mean a full-on, her grandad is part of the worldwide conspiracy, lives in a $60million house in Beverly Hills and calls a LOT of shots for a major studio in Hollywood.
If I marry her, I get access to the conspiracy. Maybe even get to make decisions in 30 years. And I'll never have to worry about money again. But then I'll have little jewy kids.
What do I do?
Jews are white if that's their allegiance. If the Irish were proclaiming that they weren't white and undermining white institutions and culture at every term, they'd be considered non-white, too.
let me guess "based black men" are white too?
She will stab you in the back one day
Kill them all
Bet you they all give good head though.
I did this. She converted to Christianity. Was a virgin when married. And is a great wife and mother. We still have a lot of sex. 13 years and still going.
second and forth from the right are decent looking.
The rest are irredeemable though
Chassidic women don't give head. They don't orgasm. They don't ask for sex. It's why they all have chlamydia and herpes. Their husbands use hookers prodigiously.
>Not falling for khazar milkers
>What do I do?
Marry her and get us a movie where a very pregnant Anne Frank gets rescued by Confederate Army soldiers to disrupt the left-wing narrative.
Well. I can't argue with that. In a few decades you'll know if I succeeded.
I did this, too.
Have an uncut son, convinced her jesus is a pretty cool guy even though fuck hierarchical dogma (was raised RC).
Also, she's an m.d. and I don't work.
Godspeed user
Pajet is right
1. Yes
2. Your children will not be white.
Bitch looks like Marilyn Manson.
Anglos, Gulf Arabs, and Jews are already spiritually the same thing, so go ahead.
You know you'll get disposed of if you say no. You don't really have a say in this matter.
Yes jews aren't white
>6 million
Oy Vey!
Nice blogpost
Hello Pajeet, do you shit in the street?
Then do it
You're not white, smallballs.
Start smashing.
Considering Hitler was a socialist it would be interesting how many low key Hitler quotes would line up with their leftist ideology in modern terms
(((You))) have been jewed already :)
Same as before.
Start smashing.
Holy fuck those milkers are perfect.
What's life like in your country?
>have white children
Pick one