>Suspended Labour MP Kelvin Hopkins "absolutely and categorically" denies sexual harassment claim by party activist bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41866351
>The International Development Secretary held undisclosed meetings in Israel without telling the Foreign Office while accompanied by an influential pro-Israeli Conservative lobbyist, the BBC has learned. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41853561
Peaceful protest is a meme tbqh. It has never achieved anything of note.
Jose Allen
Maybe it's because of my moment of weakness last night, he gave me the opportunity to take the right path and rewarded me for it
Andrew Peterson
>my moment of weakness last night Did you have a cheeky wank lad?
Christopher Gray
NB: By posting in this thread you officially acknowledge the supremacy of Anglicanism and the Triplords.
Levi Reyes
Josiah Ward
Anyone else here enjoys train or car journeys? Even if only travelling a short distance, for example getting a taxi into town, I find it incredibly relaxing and cathartic.
Luis Perez
>You do know you are universally despised here? >Why do you keep posting? Nobody cares what you have to say, you posting nothing insightful, funny or original. You cannibalise other peoples memes to make them about you and you cannot go one day without turning this general into a shit flinging match over your rabid hatred of Catholics. >As a rule, your posts are repugnant to look at and anything you have to say is either banal, insipid or slightly insulting. You are a persistent and critical narcissist and repeatedly attempt to make these generals about you. You are worse than Preusse. >I can honestly say with my hand on my heart - that you have done more to damage and cause an exodus from this general than any other previous tripfag. You are the cancerous tumour eating out the heart of this community. When will you fuck off? >Have you ever done anything for this general other than rush to make the new one so you can call it "trip/pol/", spam it with 20+ catholic infographics, insult other posters and generally lower the standard of discussion here. >Over 70% of your posts are you either calling people pedophiles or nonces, or claiming your victory over other posters with self congratulatory masturbation posts and claiming that you are the most intelligent here.. >You're a vapid little worthless turd who is filtered by the majority of Brit/pol/ posters. Hardly anyone responds to you any more and even less posters tolerate you. >You are the inflamed and nasty carbuncle on the inner arsecheek of this community - and you will just not go away. But you're still here, and you're still spamming and being obnoxious. I just want to know when you'll finally get the message and depart from here? It's clear that you do not fit in here and that's okay. There are plenty of other places where you would fit in. Maybe you should go to those places rather than shit up the Brit/pol/ threads.'
has a tripfag ever been more resoundly btfo?
David Hall
Let's settle this religious debate once and for all