Ask a Leftist Anything

My beliefs

>Economically very leftist, i supported high progressive income taxes and do believe budgets balance themselves
>civil rights act was greatest act ever passed besides emancipation proclamation.

Ready to beat any right-winger in an argument

Other urls found in this thread:

we dont need to beat you in debate only ridicule you and its working

women are property and nigs can fuck off lmao

Tits or GTFO.

This is because colleges have become nothing more than brainwashing centers funded by wealthy elites.

>it's working
No it's not, right-wingers are being mocked and discriminated against EVERYWHERE.

My beliefs

>I'm a retard
>I'm a retard
>I'm a retard
>I'm a retard
>I'm a retard

Ready to beat any right-winger in a paint chip-eating contest

The only time socialism has had a semblance of success is when its implemented in predominantly white country. We have all seen the Le 56 meme and unfortuantely, its completely accurate. Niggers and spics would absolutely decimate our country with their lazy, low-IQ attitudes.

Why are the first 3 beliefs you list essentially useless fluff used to destroy nations?

Not your personal blog go back to ®eddit


Nice projection. Right-wingers are retarded who think killing non-whites is the solution to any problem.

They aren't really. Egypt was feminist and lasted 7000 years, many civilizations like Rome weren't racist during their glory period, and athiesm hasn't been tried that long but religion is non-sense

Enjoy your ban

lmao the second somert gets labelled "sjw" it flops

when people hear left wing they think of this...

you guys are the new religious right of the 90s,all feels,ban happy and widely hated

Prove it's not.

>Women are property
>Other races are inferior
>I answer only to the lord, not to the state
>taxation is theft
>civil rights act destroyed America

When the day of the rope comes, I will fire up the rotors and drop commie scum like you from my helicopter.

Those graphs are fake.

NY and NH were not that blue.

Neck yourself for posting fake bullshit.

>Enjoy your ban

Hello newfriend.

How do you propose that America will not turn into a shithole when you fill it with brown people, given that every country full of brown people is a shithole.

Don't forget Rhodesia and South Africa in your answer--decent countries when ruled by whites that became shitholes when blacks took over.

i dont feel like talking to you.

>Egypt was feminist and lasted 7000 years, many civilizations like Rome weren't racist during their glory period, and athiesm hasn't been tried that long but religion is non-sense
Oh, so you believe what you believe because you have no functional understanding of history?

You're a Nazi, you already lost

And when someone heres the label "Nazi" it gets dropped. LOL

The last time he had a democratic socalist as president we had to implement term limits because he used wartime propaganda to break with tradition and become dictator for life.

These countries are shitholes since imperialism. America is the one doing the imperialism so they will remain wealthy.

Fellow liberal here, your social reform bullshit runied my party, thanks for giving us trump dickface.

He died in office

Do you believe in "equality"? If so, what is "equality"? I may have follow-up questions, depending on your answer.

Nazis were socalists and had taxation and a state. I am an anarchist and object to taxation and a state. I however do not object to exterminating vermin like you.

You do realize one of Egypts most famous leaders Cleopatra was a female right? You have no basic understanding of history. Get off my thread. You realize Rome became CIVNAT and gave citizenship to anyone right? Learn history or GTFO

The type that just doesn't want to gas the kikes, niggers and sandniggers but doesn't believe we should turn western nations into multiculti utopias either or the type that wants to flood every white country with shitskins?

As a personal belief I see nothing wrong with atheism, as long as it's not the retarded kind of atheism where every theist and agnostic must be purged.
If you were in a position to make the decision, would you outlaw christianity? If you would, what about outlawing other religions?
Do you only reject christianity's god or every major religion's deities?

Ill take the bait

Ferminism hasnt anything to do with equality anymore, now its about female empowerment at the expense of men.
Its become a witch hunt against men and a whine fest of victimhood and everytime you argue against feminism the response is always:
"But feminism is about equality"
Which obviously isnt true at all

Good, me too. I dont like racists and i think the more prevalent racism today is anti-white.
Case in point, Mugabe being the WHO goodwill ambassador while clearly being a massive bigot.

Go ahead OP, argue away

Uh... what exactly do you want to argue about?

As a liberal I want to say fuck you.

You fucking retards ruined everything.

I hope you enjoy Trump in 2020.

He was voted in all four times dingus

Trump is based as fuck retard, you should be thankful.

>Keynesian economics
>Mass Federal infrastructure (new new deal)
>Signed anti-trafficking act (new emancipation proclamation)

Civil Rights Act was retarded. I should be able to discriminate however I please in my business.

Yes, I'm sure female Egyptians spent their time posting 140 character papyrus strips about the pharoharchy in the public square instead of raising families.

naw nigga yer brains are gonna be splattered in some gutter like the dog you really are

>anarchosyndicalist checking in from 300m

you forgot to mention bitcoin
we cant deus vult without digital aurum

In America, this is thee average IQ broken down by race:
Average white IQ 100
Average black IQ 85
Hispanic 90
Arab 90
Asian 105
Jew 115

Everyone is treated equally under the law, and then from that have laws that ban discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation UNLESS it's valid. So if you're making a movie about say German royalty you're allowed to not hire blacks because they clearly don't fit.

Honestly of those four representations, the libertarian left quadrant is the only one that isn't actually hurting anybody. At worst they are just "weird" and "degenerate". Seems like the best side desu.

Why can't YOU move to a majority non-white country? Couldn't the world be a better place if you enlightened Liberals went and lived among the worlds needy? Why bring YOUR pets into MY house?

Anybody seeking genocide=retarded.true
People as a whole are the problem, if we actually worked togeather the world would be amazing.

I'm not a communist. I support capitalism though and am pro-freedom

Yeah im totally sure that in Egypt women were enslaved and were constantly beat by their husbands. Oh wait they had laws against that and was one of the first civilizations to criminalize that and highly enforce that.

Germany and Japan were obliterated 70 years ago and they thrive today. Most of South America was independent before the twentieth century and they're still shitholes.

lol no

> Ask a Leftist Anything

Have you taken your cuck pills?

Democrats are still right wing you dumb faggot and actual leftists hate you just as much

That's due to education and culture though. Whites raised in poor areas are low IQ as well

No you shouldn't

There is a disconnect between what you believe pro-feminism means and what the results of pro-feminist policies are.
This is true of many of the left's stances.

>No you shouldn't
Not an argument. Why do I not have the right to discriminate for my business-something I own?

Whites raised in poor areas have a higher IQ than blacks in the same conditions

>still buying the Nazis were socialists meme

the ptolomey legacy was not matriarchal
>most famous
oh. you're just retarded. shes famous because she DESTROYED her own dynasty

Ha, you don't even have any unsourced image macros or poorly cropped headlines from Russia Today. How can you hope to compete with Red Pilled (tm) sources?

You could of summed up/shortened this post by typing instead:

>"My beliefs: It's good to suck cock."

>He was voted in all four times dingus

Yeah, one sided propaganda will brainwash a population like that.

>pro feminists
I hope you're a woman...otherwise stick up for your own kind. Feminism has turned into walking on eggshells. Fuck this shit. Just like most sjw triggered issues it doesn't create equality. Women can do whatever men can. Just don't get pissed off when they don't do it as well.
Church is good for people. It helps community, moral, and you don't have to agree with it.
Middle class economics don't work. Jacking our taxes while not creating worthwhile jobs don't work. Its also important to keep the government in check by keeping their spending limited. I'm not saying taxes shouldn't be around...just make sure peoples wages are appropriate for the inflation rate. It is not btw. Taxing the shit out of the already poor doesn't help.
>abe was a Republican. Even in modern time you should be very suspicious of democrats. I believe they keep inner city blacks poor and stupid just for the sake of votes.

You have never been to a socialist country and therefore have no idea how socialism works.

How do you explain that the US was always in the net positive for government spending every election except for after women were given the right to vote. Since then the US has never made more then it spends.

He also threw Japanese people into camps and orchestrated the deadliest false flag in American history you Marxist sack of shit.


Because Japan doesn't allow non-Japanese in, China and Singapore are police states, and most other non-white countries are poor

That's because despite getting "independence" foreign corporations dominated them and their government plus the CIA did lots of black ops overthrowing democratic leaders.

Germany and Japan are bad examples as well. America banned them from having a military after the war. The fact is that improved their economy so much because all that war money went towards infrastructure and education.

>budgets balance themselves

They were called National Socalists. They were socalists and also nationalists, why is this so hard for people to figure out.

Also, read Three New Deals. Mussolini FDR and Hitler all copied from each other. You're more pro-feminist (whatever that means) fascist than anything.

Would you be okay to live in a seceded piece of clay - lets' call it Happy Land - where everything you think is a good idea is fully enforced and outside spectators make sure it stays enforced? You would never have a way out.

You get to keep all the feminists, and they will enforce feminist policies on everyone.
You get to keep all the dark people, and self-segregation is not allowed.
Your economy will be run solely on Keynesian principles, any attempt otherwise not allowed.
Your taxation works in such way that any tax increase is permanent, no backing down or increasing wealth disparity.

Be honest. Would you?

I'd argue that's more inability than intent.

You're not a leftist, you're a radical extremist. We democrats ate you and would love to see your violent gang tried and convicted

What's the difference?

Because ownership itself is unjust. It's just necessary to have a functioning society.

ok there maybe SOME genetic difference, but not enough to account for the difference in societies, you only need a small portion of high IQ people to keep a soceity rich.

How rich do I have to be to immigrate to your country's Superior capitalism?

wtf #imwithher now

the nazis were pretty strong but they were defeated by a simpler white supremacist structure that was later subverted heavily by communist jews
unsubvertable white supremacy is not naziism it is something we are all coming up with right now on this board

jewish magic don't worry about it goyim just give us the Federal Reserve Act it will all be ok

How much do you pay in taxes?

>b-b-b-but they had socialist in their name

Try harder

>Because ownership itself is unjust. It's just necessary to have a functioning society.
Can I walk into your home uninvited then?

Dude you're dumb. Egypt punished rapists and banned domestic violence.

Of course it was a state of war. There is always war propaganda.

Also the new deal was trash and the war saved the US economy

>athiesm hasn't been tried that long
Do you honestly believe atheism was only recently invented rather than having existed alongside belief in some kind of deities throughout history? Isn't it kind of absurd to claim that 100% of all humans (including subhumans) who lived before modern times believed in gods?

This much larp/bait is natural or healthy. Come back later.


>I hope you're a woman...otherwise stick up for your own kind
I'm a man, and i am sticking up for "my own kind", other humans

> Feminism has turned into walking on eggshells. Fuck this shit. Just like most sjw triggered issues it doesn't create equality. Women can do whatever men can. Just don't get pissed off when they don't do it as well.
Obviously not, feminism just states that there should be no laws preventing women from doing stuff

>church is good for people, it helps community, moral, and you don't have to agree with it
They promote backwards ideology that causes suffering and tension. The Church should modernize like Pope Francis wants it to or go away

>Middle class economics don't work. Jacking our taxes while not creating worthwhile jobs don't work
Yeah no shit you got to lower taxes on the middle class

>Its also important to keep the government in check by keeping their spending limited
Nothing wrong with deficits, they do balance themselves if you look at the long-term business cycle

>>abe was a Republican. Even in modern time you should be very suspicious of democrats. I believe they keep inner city blacks poor and stupid just for the sake of votes.
He was VERY Liberal for the time being, he would definently be a democrat today. I don't think that's the goal of welfare since in the 1800s blacks didn't have welfare and were WAYYYYY worse.

You know that "socialist" prohibited Abraham Lincoln Brigade members from being officers in the US Military?

They had progressive taxation, state control of industry and welfare (for aryans only obv).

>Pro feminist

Stupid position.


There's a huge chasm between than and BLM stupidity, if you believe in shit like white privilege you can't think straight.

I'm pretty economically leftist so I can't comment much but believing the budget will balance itself is as retarded as believing tax cuts will automatically increase the average wage because the wealth will "Trickle down"

Anyway, what exactly do you think the end goal of government should be?

>Of course it was a state of war. There is always war propaganda.

So he was a wartime dictator who was kept in power due to propaganda, not because democratic socialism is popular.

>everyone is treated equally under the law
Ok, I think you're going to have to be more specific here. Surely you believe that the government can discriminate on certain bases, yes? For example, a criminal is treated differently than a law-abiding person: the former is imprisoned, the latter is not. Another example: the government taxes people in a manner dependent on their income. Maybe what you mean to say is that the government should only discriminate based on things that people can control. So, for example, one cannot control something like race or gender, but one can (at least to some degree) control criminal tendencies or income. But what about things like "birthplace"? You cannot control birthplace, but I am guessing you would not advocate for open borders. Only people born within the borders of your country are granted birthright citizenship, the rest have to go through a very tedious process. And even within the country, birthplace determines things like your school district, which can vary quite a lot in quality.

You've never been to a capitalist country and therefor have no idea how capitalism really works. Somalia doesn't get much tourism

Women vote for politicians that increase government spending, nothing wrong with that. Deficits help grow the economy

False flag thing was a myth, and the Japanese thing was horrible yes. But you're a Nazi so you're by default worse

Because GDP grows faster than the rate of inflation added to the debt.

If GDP grows 1% a year and interest on debt is 1% a year, you'd literally have to be constantly running a 100% deficit to NOT have it balance itself.

Economies grow faster than interest added to the debt.

>budgets balance themselves
the reason poor people exist

>That's because despite getting "independence" foreign corporations dominated them and their government plus the CIA did lots of black ops overthrowing democratic leaders.

Even if this is the reason for why darkie countries are shitholes (which is a real stretch), the darkies themselves hold a lot of responsibility here. The CIA and foreign corporations didn't work alone. They worked with rebels, warlords, and easily corruptible politicians from those countries. Thus, you let darkies in america, they do the same thing and we become a shithole.

>Germany and Japan are bad examples as well. America banned them from having a military after the war. The fact is that improved their economy so much because all that war money went towards infrastructure and education.

Huh? You're really grasping for straws here. First, they both have militaries and security forces. Second there are plenty of countries that didn't have restrictions on their military spending that are doing very well. Third, there are plenty of countries that spend little on their militaries that are shitholes (hint they have dark people running them).

Any goal besides leaving me the fuck alone is statism and evil.

>the war saved the US economy
The war permanently handicapped our economy on Military spending and weapons production.
We used to have reasonable mass farming practices now thanks to war time induced subsides we now produce nothing but worthless corn and soy because no other produce scales up like just growing a subsidized crop, selling all you can to the goverment and bruning the rest.

So this... is the true power... of the left.


You think you're fighting some fight to liberate women, when back in reality, women are the most "free" at any point in history and now in a worse place than they have ever been and the society is now struggling as a whole because of it due to a weak family base.
There is a big difference between this and "In ancient Egypt they had a few queens and you couldn't hit your wife".
I chose feminism because it's easy and you still seem like a troll, but this same logical flaws, this same disconnect from reality, defines most of the leftists policies, from the welfare state and Keynesian economics all the way to the far left communists.
But besides, the fact that something lame and ultimately inconsequential in 2017 like "pro-feminist" is one of the first things you define yourself as shows that you are not serious about the maintenance of a country, and we have bigger fundamental disagreements than nitpicking about the ideal vs end results of ideologies like feminism

Hitler and Mussilini were economically progressive on many things

>tax increase is permanent
I love your idea but taxes should be lowered. And I would LOVE to live in that area

And yet they banned trade unions and only focused on the war effort and not workers health/rights.

Try again

Either you're a retarded liberal or a shitty baiter

I'm a student right now working for a little over minimum wage so i pay tax

No because that's privacy rights. Owning private property to generate capital is evil but is needed.

Why do you support spooks and further identity politics which lead to more conflict within your own nation rather than focusing on improving the entire lower class instead of holding policies to raise certain races within the lower class?

>I'm a leftist
>I support capitalism

Nice try.