Face facts your country is a third world shithole if you "need" guns to protect yourself.
Face facts your country is a third world shithole if you "need" guns to protect yourself
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Fuck you say, boy?
meanwhile gun crime in australia is higher than ever.
road rage shootings and even random 'gang initiation' shootings are an actual thing here now.
that's racist
that cartoon is racist
that picture is kinda racist. who in japan still dresses like that at home?
Burgers don't need guns, they just get get them because they're allowed to.
If Australia is so great why come you lost a war to birds?
No argument here. It should be plain to see.
When a wallaby feels threatened, she will rip her joey from her pouch and throw it to distract predators.
Australia is a wasteland of poison and treachery.
they're clearly bowls.
tell this to this guy
fucking tourists...
did he turn into a yeti?
right nvm
Ausie can't protect themselves from the local chickens.
no he was a stupid tourist
Keep importing niggers and you'll see first hand what it's like to live in a third world shithole. Ask the Afrikaners how much they "need" guns now.
A look along the Australian DMZ (national Emu barrier fence).
>There are Starving Children in America
There are *BLACK Starving Children in America
>allowed to
No, we are not "allowed to", we are exercising our god given rights. You have those rights too, as do all humans. You have simply had those rights infringed by your government which has deemed you beneath it.
Americans are not special by our right to keep and bear arms. All men have this right, it is just that many have had that right infringed for hundreds of years. I am happy that nations like The Czech Republic have enshrined their rights into their constitution.
It's not a plate it's a bowl
If that's the case then what is a country that lost a war to birds? 5th world shithole?
Fine, okay, we are Third World then. Can I have my guns now?
Our need for guns stems from our unwillingness to become a third-world country.
>Face facts your country is a third world shithole if you "need" guns to protect yourself.
That would make most of Europe a "third world shithole" where the populace needs guns for protection from Muslim rapists and criminals.
>Aisas the fucking utopia
Is there any larger delusions of socialists and Lefties then this?
holy shit!
Guess these are the moose of australia, hit one with your car and it and possibly you are rekt. Hit a whole bunch then lol. Moose quite often just stands there and looks at you and then bang
It is and we do
Also, that family must be rich as all fuck to live in a house like that in modern Japan.
Or, just maybe, you need guns to keep your first world country from being turned into a turd world country by domestic enemies. Traitors inside the gates.
Find me a picture of a starving child in the USA. Obesity is the problem our “poor” have. Curious, ain’t it?
Lol, try Venezuela if you want starving people.
In America, the poor are morbidly obese.
>drive 30 minutes away from any city in the Northern US
>Large mammals that can and will kill you if they feel threatened
The amount of city liberals that go hiking and camping during mating season and end up gored to death by Moose and Bucks, as well as eaten by female black bears, is hilarious. Continue telling them guns arent needed for self defense in any way.
>leave the city and go to the country to get away from the niggers
>go hiking and come across bucks fighting just to have them both turn around and rip you to shreds with their antlers
Cut em a break. Those goddam birds are vicious.
Rich japs
is like they can smell tourists too you know
>so you are not from around here son
>something strange with you
>I'm going to eat you
it happens all the time actually, it's go outside without a gun or nor have someone with you that's armed.
... but they always end up as bear snack anyways
ironically while they are going
>muh polar bears
Fucking Kotzebue. That place is one of the biggest shitholes on the planet.
True fact - some drunk eskimo dude wanted to sell me a wolly mammoth tusk for $5000.
(you) dipshits responding to this bait better be SAGEing
Based on the Australian Institute of Criminology, "Household burglary is one of the most widespread crimes in Australia – with around 335,700 break-ins recorded in 2009-10.".
I suppose a few thousand people would have loved to be able to defend themselves if they were home during the time.
It's not about "need", it's about "want".
holy shit! prolly got dna in it still that might even be complete.
I kekked when I read about this event here, pretty funny pictures too
>fuck off bear
>I'm not your lunch
Brock: the original, based black-friend
Brock is not black. He's Okinawan.
i too remember the 4kids dub
The worst part of this cartoon? The author is probably trying to portray Chinese people.
I guess dems really are the real racists
Well, they're real dumbasses at any rate.