now what?
Now what?
oops i meant to inspect element 592k lol
Now you can afford a Sup Forums pass
What business are you in user?
Man, has the Canadian dollar really fallen that low?
>November 6th, 2017
Future fag? Time travel makes you gay
PayPal me 100K so I can quit my shitty job and move to Panama to fuck cheap whores and drink myself to death.
Also, I forgot to say; it's for a good cause.
send me 50k so I can join this guy. I don't drink though.
send money for to me. Good cause please
Can I have enough money to eat and write music without working. I am half Canadian anyway.
That would be nice
Maybe stop using inspect element to make yourself look cool when you're not and will never be.
>Sup Forums
congrats you won the game of Jew! Now you must become the Jew! Or you could have spent your time developing character and personlity and actual life skills that would make the world a more colorful and enjoyable place. but no, you wasted your time playing the game of Jew.
now save Canada
Owen, now you help us whites to win against the globalist jews.
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read:
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
So you work for Soros ?
gibe moni plox
Please donate one million to my campaign to start a new political party in USA.
The future is bright, Lambright 2020.
this and a new one in England , to piss of the EU
can I have10k to start a business OP?
Its Parker from Gold rush
You did well, cheers mate.
For 1 million dollars I will quit my job on gopro while telling everyone I work with what I really think of them
You can have a hug user
Shit dude u give me a good idea
Fund my operations and I'll save both our countries, user.
Send something that means NOTHING to you
I'll post gorgeus women:
Get some chinese Hookers, mate
Now use this money to steer the world in the direction of what you believe in.
I only have $40,000 in mine
Poor life choices I guess
I have $1,000
I got a rock
Yeah, almost every supposed richfag is a 1 post chump who is most likely faking. I don't doubt that wealthy people come here, but unless they are prepared to give a some away to the inevitable beggars via BTC, these threads shoud be saged for being both fake and gay.
I still have 10k Bitcoins in my wallet, currently worth around $70m.
Build your own Sup Forums approved country in Somalia
can you give me some money nigga am a cuban who wants to be a musician and living in miami.
im getting out played by rapper bruh
lucky Hans. I thought of buying them at 20$ but my parents didn't give me shekels.
I wanted to buy it again at 4k but it seemed expensive. Now it's at 7 fucking k USD. Shit will probably go to 10k but I think I'm too late to make some money on it so I invest in alts.
>having more than a million in a bank account
No rich person ever did.
I have a plan to live in romania/poland/argentina innawoods for the rest of my life. i worked the math out so that i only need 125k go to do it, and be set for 60 years. I'll post updates and stuff. Care to help out?
help me nigga i need money
all i want is a roland tb 303
He's in the business of manipulating the page source because
> Nov 6, 2017
Weak bait
Donate to me. I've been working for a long time for a tech start up that has taught me a lot about smart devices and computers. Much more than I have gotten to learn previously from my engineering degree. Real world and business experience. I would like to start my own business. A computer and smart device insurance company. It will be sold under the guise of "protection that beats corporate insurance". Cheap insurance for devices that people are with more often than their vehicles. It's a win, win. Not only do we offer insurance, but we also do the repairs in house and don't fuck around with replacing customer devices. You keep your data, you keep your phone. No more dealing with water damaged refurbished replacement devices from Asurion or any other corporate insurance fraud scheme.
Thank you.
well done hans
Same as this guy
sent ;)
lying hoe
be a legend, send something that literally doesnt cost you SHIT
ill post beautiful women
Big thanks, my 8 white children will surely repay this kindness
Do something good with it user. Make God proud.