Does this have any significance to Q posts? PIC VERY RELATED.
Ummmm GUYS
Other urls found in this thread:
when was the last time you saw a chevrolet sold in japan?
The beastie is the limo
it doesnt exist, folks
>beast behind
Why does your national news channel use Biblical or any fictional metaphor to elaborate current and dire situation?
How is a beast fictional?
>an animal, especially a large or dangerous four-footed one
Guys "The Beast" which is the presidents car is a Cadillac
>The cars are actually Chevys
The Beast is the name of the president's limo.
Its all GM but customized so much its really not a GM.
>Freaking out over this
JESUS fucking Christ. The beast is the name of the president's limo you fucking mongaloids
American presidents always travel with their Cars.
>he's never seen the documentary on the beast and all the cool shit they slapped together to try and protect el presidente
wrong, obama always used the country's cars he was going to visit
Can we fucking ban all these mentally ill low IQ /x/ posters
They ruin this board
Beast is the Cadillac One
Obama and yes you're right he did it to piss off christfags, everything Obama did was to spit in the face of normal Americans including the naming of his limo even though every liberal will claim otherwise. You're 100% correct
I thought The Beast was the term used for the huge government. Like how republicans want to "Starve the Beast" and all that.
The beast is what they call the Presidential limo moron
>The beastie is the limo
I know what the beast is, guys. Just thought it was interesting that they made a point to tell the "American public" and send pics...given the circumstances of Q's posts.
We know what you're pointing out nice 9s cunt
The Chadillac
Obviously there are more than one car in focus and I don't see any limo.
They're quoting somebody retard. Are you one of those mongoloids who thinks repeating a quote means you agree with it?
Fucking hell India get you're shit together.
Fake news
Trump posted here earlier.. I wish I would've screencapped.. It was some greentext about Trump.. Referred to Trump as 'me.' Said he was going to Hawaii then to Asia...
Fake gay and retarded
WTF is that nigger doing the back seat?
does trumps car has a Mexican ejection mechanism?
More 9’s!! GASP
Hey kiddo if you don't know what you're talking about keep your fucking mouth shut
Then you're retarded, literally the two elongated vehicles parked behind the suburbans.
Why is there a CIA trained driver?
Think about JFK, the timing of the driver allowed Oswald to get two shots off, he would've survived had the driver punched the gas, but he just maintained speed even though the guy sitting next to him had been shot as well as the 1st bullet also struck him and he slumped over. For someone that's trained for him not to hit the gas and take it off a straight trajectory is mighty suspect.
How can they get their shit together when its all over the street
>oxygen tank next to fuel tank