hitler did nothing wrong
Hitler did nothing wrong
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apart from believing that war is a good thing because it purifies and eliminates bad elements in the Volk
this is obviously fucking counter-intuitive
the bravest men will be the first to die in war, and all that's left at the end are traitors and cowards
Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you
War against the soviets was going to happen anyway
Have you embraced esoteric Hitlerism yet Sup Forums?
What are you talking about? He wanted peace once the Polish Army capitulated and dropped hundreds of thousands of peace leaflets on the UK once France and the BEF were defeated. 90% of the casualties came after these peace overtures. Danzig had a majority NSDAP government since 1933, Hitler didn't even demand all of the territory stolen after WWI even though the southern areas also had NSDAP governments and were clamoring to rejoin.
Listen to this American kike lay it out truthfully, from WWI to WWII, in 1961.
Adolf Hitler's Speech On Operation Barbarossa
.. and I have one of these leaflets btw. My great-grandfather was aircrew in the highest casualty bomber command wing. He gave it to me and told me the truth about the war.
Better picture.
Based kike.
>hitler did nothing wrong
He lost.
IMO he got into too many wars at once but his ideals were good
Every American must listen to this (admittedly based kike) speech by Benjamin Freedman.
Nothing and that is why he is still alive. Just like elvis he will live to be 500 years old and is only hiding from all of his adoring fans. At 5 years old Hitler picked up a bow and arrow for the first time and hit 5 bullseyes in a row at 100 paces. Hitler never deficates or urinates he uses all of his food with perfection.
He had six years to rearm from nothing during the great depression and defeat the American, French, Soviet and British Empires at the same time. Hitler didn't fuck up, we fucked up. We could have fought beside him and defeated bolshevism in two months flat. We could have forever dealt with international kikery right then and there.
Hitler demanded territory stolen after WWI that had an NSDAP majority government six consecutive years before the war. In response we dropped one million tonnes of bombs on his women and children, we cheered on the SU while it gobbled up the Batlics and attempted to destroy Finland, we armed/funded/fed the Red Army and gave the bolsheviks half of Europe for half a century after the war was over. It's on us. This is the price we pay. He warned us explicitly.
.. Hitler touches on why Germany had to be destroyed from the Anglo-American point of view. Kikes declared total war on Germany in 1933 but they couldn't seal the deal on their own.
>lost a world war
>did nothing wrong
Not an argument
One day we will lay on the grave of the dead, a wreath with a bow inscribed, you have triumphed in the end.
>did nothing wrong
>diverting army group center from their goal
>refusing to unleash 3 panzer divisions against Normandy
>hurrr he did nuffin wrong!
Hitler did all kinds of shit wrong
Projecting much, land of niggers and spics?
Projecting much, land of niggers and spics?
Listen to the Mannerheim recording ratboy. There's simply no possible way he could have taken on the entire world and won. It's our fault for not heeding his warning and for siding with the bolsheviks.
The Jewish Problem - Dr. Joseph Goebbels
he played like shit yesterday and he didn't mark a goal.
Not an argument. Hitler did all sorts of shit wrong. If he did nothing wrong he wouldn't have lost he war
You have 45,000,000 niggers, leaf and Hitler had a point. It's not unsavable but it's pretty damn close. If you listened to him 80 years ago you wouldn't be in this situation.
Hitler: Jews Are Brainwashing Americans
He couldn't have taken on the entire world and won ratboy, he destroyed 30k+ tanks in the first six months of the war. Listen to him describe the 60,000 man slave factories he found near Kiev in the Mannerheim recording. Nevermind the fact that we funded/fed/armed the Red Army and forced them to throw millions of Europeans into the meatgrinder by opening up a second front.
Show us your real flag memeboi.
>b-b-b-but it was everyone against him!
Maybe he should've worked better at isolation then? Holy fuck how are you retards even fucking real? BAWWWWW MUH JEWS BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW EVERYONE THAT POINTS OUT THAT HITLER SERIOUSLY FUCKED UP THE PROSECUTION OF THE WAR IS AN EBIL JEW!! You fuckwits do more to destroy the progress of national socialism than the kikes.
“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) Nobel-Prize-winning novelist & historian.
Not an argument. Hitler couldn't keep control of Mussolini and had to divert resources to bail him out, then he most notoriously diverted resources away from actual good equipment that earned their keep like the Pz IV and stug and funneled them into shit like the Tiger, King Tiger and fucking Maus, refused production of the Stg-44 and demanded that the 262 be used as a fucking fighter bomber while ignoring Doenitz recommendations of investing in their submarine force just so they could pretend like the KM could build up a force to rival the Home Fleet (or at least act as a fleet in being) within 10 years. Hitler fucked up and fucked up hard. There's no way of getting around you dumb fucking chinkleaf.
He had six years to rearm and take on almost the entire world. The first STG-44 was produced in mid-1943. We had been bombing his women/children and funding/feeding/arming the Red Army long before this.
Regardless the STG-44 was useless in the plains of Eastern Europe and in the desert of North Africa. You're nitpicking garbage near the end of the war and forgetting the incredibly successful programs he greenlit. No arguments.
He did a lot wrong, hence why he lost a winnable war.
Brits got a lot of brownies but they're not as spread out as they are in France or Sweden. It's just a London thing really.
The war wasn't winnable. In 1944 Germans were knocking down 10 people for every loss and they still never stood a chance. Shitting on a man while we funded/fed/armed his enemies and dropped millions of tonnes of bombs on his women and children all because he demanded German land stolen after WWI that had a majority NSDAP government since 1933. Checks out.
Not an argument and your larping ignorance is showing. You autistic larping niggers that refuse to learn from any of his mistakes and instead try to be edgy and HITLER WAS DA GREATEST HE DINDUNUFFIN are a pox upon this board and national socialism in general.
one million
You're the kike hiding behind a meme flag ratboy. You're the larpers of history. Your inbred tribe created the genocide, living space, and chosen race concepts. You project your crimes and faults on others.
Yep you're onto me. I'm actually schlomo from israel, Now do you want to admit that you're a larping fuccboi that knows nothing of Hitler or either world war and just say 'HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG' to try and be an edgy teenager? It's clear you know nothing of natsoc since you've refused to even try to talk about it and instead resorted to memes.
Not an argument.
Still waiting, cuccboi.
It's true. National Socialism would not of continued even if Hitler did win. It was by no means a perfect ideology and only a person like Hitler could pull it off. He would've most likely reinstated the Kaiser before his death. These modern day larpers pushing Natsoc are just making it hard to be a white nationalist.
Stalin put an end to this shit. He killed all ((trotskies)) and revolutionaries and focused on just the development and industrialization of the USSR.
Actually he fucked up spectacularly with several things.
tell us more about it
indeed and if anyone wants more info on the holocaust read
You fuckers need a .45 to the back of the head, Hitler was a fucking retard he singlehandedly destroyed the White Race, and gave the Jews a free pass forever.
>communism is a Jewish idea.
I'm not even going to say how retarded that is.
Daddy Hitler destroy my ass