Oh look, its 11/4 and nothing happened.
Admit you were wrong, and apologize.
Oh look, its 11/4 and nothing happened
we didn't instigate this, retard
What are you gonna do about it
thats because its 4/11
Wrong about what, exactly?
It's not April you retarded burger.
Sounds like you're the faggots who couldn't back up their own threat
Wait. What?
Why are you on Sup Forums, LARPer?
Shouldn't you be outside kicking down trashcans?
I guess Trump voters can operate with impunity now that there is now resistance.
You are aware Americans write the date month/day/year correct? So today would be 11/4/17.
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is
Watch: youtube.com
What happened today?
>expecting antifacucks to wake up before noon
Nothing to see here
Europoors write the date differently.
Fuck the USA!
Antifa are the ones who were suppose to make a move though...
Post the trashcan one
Antifa wont wake up until mid afternoon
still got half the day to go
He knows he's just being a faggot.
Honestly, don't expect anything until at least 4pm, these welfare queens and food stamps leeches are still asleep from partying at Jamal's crack den last night
>american flag
>putting the month before the day
proxy fag kys
Fuck white people and Fuck Donald Trump!
Go jack off to those pics of your grandfather sucking Hitler's little shriveled cock Herr Gruber
Admit what? That libtards are a bunch of parlor pinko basement dwelling faggots and trannies?
Antifa is originally German. The revolution starts April 11th.
what? that's the american way retard
>nothing happened
>9:48 am on west coast
they just said "it begins".
Remember the happening from 23.09? Where NASA censored Sky Satan would return to earth and destroy us all?
After this did not happen they said, there were little happenings who were the beginning of the one big happeing that will happen later.
So when there are three destroyed trash cans in the end of the day they can still say "it has begun"
Who was wrong all the thread's on Sup Forums
Were antifags trying to get people to come to their fagg Festa
>20 cities
The left still expects to win elections
Top fucking kek
>Antifa claims "muh commie revolution starts Nov. 4th"
>Makes websites all about it
>shitty posters everywhere
>pays for a full page ad in the New York Times with sorosbux.
>Nov. 4th rolls around
>Sup Forums hopes to see a day of /comfy/ riots
>literally nothing happens
>antifa - "haha we got you good! You alt righters totally fell for it"
This is preschool level pranking on antifa's part, "hey you want a piece of candy? Too bad cuz I don't have any! Haha I got you so good"
>"guys let's riot! Nov 4!"
>nobody shows
>h-haha... we got you...
Lel. OP is buttsmashed because he dressed up in his tights and everything to go bash the fash, but none of his little treehouse-club buddies showed up, probably because they're still sore from the absolute reaming they took from the homoerotic "fight" they had with some Proud Boys in an alley behind a gay club. Someone take the kid's belt and shoelaces.
USA Happening is in EU time date stamp....
They wasted money. Paid the very system they seek to destroy. Mmm that prank. Feels like they really showed them.
Why did I even clean my rifle .....
Antifa didn't start it some right wing conspiracy douche canoes did
Virtue is its own reward, my friend.
>some right-wing conspiracy guys spent six figures to make antifa look like cowardly idiots
Speaking of conspiracy theories...
Remind me of Trump.
Hey right winger want a wall ? Too bad cause I won't build any.
Pathetic indeed.
lol wasn't the leftards about to do something?
>suck at life
You literally did.
I mean you guys were the idiots that believed the conspiracy post of a guy pretending to be a US marshal who spun this into alex jones levels of hysteria.
Who's really at fault here?
It was a troll anyways. Antifa "Super Soldiers" was a bit obvious.
>someone to the right of me spent over a hundred-thousand dollars on a prank
And this?
nothing happen because it was a russian troll.
Anti-fa doesnt go after everyday citizens, they only want a piece of your bigoted white cis ass
>falmouth, ma
Did it begin yet?
>look at me im gonna overthrow the nation
>sleeps in
>jokes on them I was just pretending
The protests were always going to happen but since righties are spoonfed children most of you thought it was going to be a freakout riot.
>you thought we were serious? j-jokes on you d-drumpf
So are you saying bunker dwelling prepping Alex jones level conspiracy theorists didnt blow this up?
Because thats objectively wrong. These are just a continuation of the same movement building protests that have been going on all year.
wallstreet, anonymous, antifa; its all the same retards and they quit once they have to go back to their slave job.
At no point did Refuse fascism deviate from the same rehtoric its been using all year.
Is this the first time you have seen their posters?
Sorry you guy got goofed on again like in Ghettysburg lmao
>it's s-still gonna happen
>just wait, children
Sure thing, Mao Dildong. The trash cans have already been warned; you're fucked.
Nigger lovers are an embarrassing joke
>not stopping—until our DEMAND is met
Were their demands met? Has the fascist Trump regime been removed? There's nothing in the news so I guess this must still be going, yet I don't see any convincing action. Certainly not enough to overthrow the US government.
>Resist Drumpf!!!!
>N-not too much thought hehe, checkmate Nazi's
>antifa tries another bait like charlottseville
>it doesn't work
>mfw ur retarded
The NYT I’m guessing didn’t amp shit up at all.
I wish they would try this on the 405
>claim violent revolution
>do literally nothing
>we're winning
This comment holds as much weight as your guys supposed riots.
Easy as fuck to remember. Goes from smallest number to greatest.
>12 months in a year
>30 days in a month
>2000 years in the calendar
It's baffling eurocucks are too dumb to understand this
refuse fascism are right wing? you should tell them, they don't seem very pro-Trump.
OP failed to deliver
maybe their busses got stuck in traffic
>There are 24 hours in a day but we don't put the hour before the minute.
You can't cover that one up
The revolution will be advertised in the morning paper!
It was a stupid ad advocating for marches, and while stupid worked to freak out fox news grandparents.
Oh you saw that did you? How embarrassing.
There was a conspiracy nut on instagram who was trying to convince everyone it was a civil war lmao
Must hurt being a brainlet
This is a lesson to be learned. Antifa can never recover now. They're viewed now as a weak force that can't even muster protesters for their cause.
Here's an idea. Orchestrate the same scenario to undermine your enemy. Follow these steps:
> Step 1. Advertise a despicable event for a unjust cause in the name of your enemy.
> Step 2. No one shows up.
> Step 3. You've now undermined your enemies credibility.
>2000 years in the calender
American genes truly are inferior.
Every day is a struggle.
This post was definately written by a bunker dwelling prepper lmao
So that's it? All that talk and they backed out? Holy shit. I seen some pussy shit in my day. This is right at the top.
One good thing is it caused every american who loves their country to buy a whole bunch more ammo. Be a little more concerned toward the left. And love their country that much more.
Stupid kids rekt their whole movement by not following through. Too fucking funny. You to get off your fat ass to start a revolution.
Another fake happening. I’m really starting to get bored with this place.
Name one instance of anyone outside of Refuse Fascism promoting Nov. 4th. Just one. And it can't be an anonymous Reddit post or someone on here.
We switched to a new calendar retard, why do you think y2k was a big deal? Maybe you're used to the muzlime calendar which is 500 years behind
Im going to behead every white parent on your block user. White genocide starts right now lmao
>our intention was to confuse a few elderly people
oh i am laffin, this might be the sloppiest damage control I've ever seen
It wasn't Sup Forums instigating this, was the alt-lefties screaming how "November 4th was the day". Fuckers made me go out and buy snacks for nothing.
for those in the back you guys all played yourself by believing LARPING right wing conspiracy theorists who took Unity Day marches and made them sound like a civil war.
You played yourself senpai ahaha
Schnauze Shlomo...
stop please, I'm trying to cut back on sodium in my diet
>> Step 1. Advertise a despicable event for a unjust cause in the name of your enemy.
>> Step 2. No one shows up.
>> Step 3. You've now undermined your enemies credibility
This would work against the left. I'm not that creative but I'll give an example.
> Advertise a rally for mothers who have had abortions.
> Include in the event a satan worshipping ritual dedicated to the dead babies
Meme that and you'll get public disgust and undermine roasties who kill their babies
There was never any intention. It was an advertisement for solidarity marches using hyperbolic rhetoric and you ate it up.
It's really disgusting that these fags don't allow the female comrades to carry two signs like the males do. SEXIST!!!!!!
okay I'll bite, so what where these "solidarity marches" going to be about then? Ending the Trump/Pence "regime" as you so eloquently put it?
This damage control is amazing
>we're really gonna do this!
>haha take that a full page ad in nyt that cost 100k worth it faccsies hahah
>lol joke's on you we were only pretending to be retarded
>haha how can u be so dum we win agin
>also haha this was all your plan lol haha
this is some infantile shit, no wonder your movement cant do jack, it's filled with literal children
These fat pathetic fucks look real frightening.