Which group do you dislike more?
Jews or Muslims?
Talmudic followers
solving one, solves the other
Jewish multiculturalism was designed to protect them from an uprising of a homogeneous nation. They are the cancer multiculturalism is the coughing.
Both are semites, weird
The rich that are above the law....
Correct me if I'm wrong.. but Ashkenazi aren't really semites right?
Huh? Is this'd
Muslims by far, because they have absolutely no redeeming qualities.
remember toledo
As if they wouldn't if they could? Give them enough time, they will be the new jews.
In the spring of 711, a Muslim army invaded Iberia led by Tariq ibn Ziyad, serving the Arab governor Musa ibn Nusayr, at Guadalete they swiftly defeated Roderick (Luthariq) the Visigoth King and then marched northward to the Visigoth capital of Toledo. Both Latin and Arabic chroniclers record that the Jews of the city “opened the gates of Toledo” to Tariq, who conquered the city. With more cities to take Tariq left Toledo and entrusted its protection to a garrison of Jewish soldiers, whom had rose up against the Catholic Visigoths and opened the gates.
When Tariq’s master, Musa ibn Nusayr, arrived in Iberia with a large Arab force he seized Seville and like Tariq before him, he entrusted the city to its Jewish inhabitants until his return.
Had the Jews of Iberia not been the victims of such continuous barbarity from their Christian neighbours it is unlikely they’d have turned on them, but with the Muslim invasion this oppressed people tasted a freedom they hadn’t for centuries. There is no greater example of Jewish and Muslim coexistence than al-Andalus, the Jews not only fought side by side with their Muslim cousins, but under the caliphates born out of the conquests the Jews lived as a free and protected people who were able reach the highest of positions in this new society.
Jews subvert Islam and turn us against one another.
I like all people as long as they stay out of my nation's borders.
The one group brought the other here to subvert and destroy, so what do you think?
>Do Moslems constantly push for hate-speech laws to silence dissent with the non-White invasion of our countries.
Yes, kind of.
Pic related
Musilms are like Jews, but dumb - They still subvert and secretly invade our societies.
It's more obvious what they do, but they are supported by the media and government.
Whereas Jews ARE the media and the government.
Shills are by far the group of people i hate most
Muslims, i don't have any reason to hate Jews, they are just money hungry and not outright malevolent, mudslimes on the other hand kill just for the sake of killing "infidels"
Dear Israeli Jews, finish the job faster Ahmed is really cranky and bothersome
Are ashekanzi semites?
>implying they are't two sides of the same coin.
Easy question
Both are detrimental to society and civilization as a whole. Both need to be eradicated. But at least the Muslims are honest about their desire to destroy western civilization. That and they are willing to actually fight for their sick bullshit. Jews are manipulative, conniving, weak, pussies who have to rely on subterfuge because they can't look down the scope or sight of a gun due to their prolonged probiscus'.
The greatest threats to society aren't foreign invaders, but traitors from within.