What is the current status on this glorious ordeal?
Leo Wilson
We are 9000% ready to go
Juan Miller
Godbless you magnificent bastard.
Lucas Moore
If I wasn't so fucking tied I'd drive to berserkley to see this.
Tyler Brown
Someone stream this somewhere
Evan Jackson
Please be real Please be real Please be real
Luke Mitchell
We need a livestream!
Aaron Morales
Someone could write "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" for one of these manifestations of ANTIFA.
Easton Hughes
Our message isn't about Trump, it's about the anti-White sentiment behind anti-Trump sentiment.
Daniel Reed
please god let this be real
Joseph Smith
what are we doing? there gonna be a livestream or do we have to wait for the normies to shriek?
Aiden Murphy
>some fucking autist is going to rent/buy a Cessna and fly a banner saying "it's okay to be white" just to upset soyboys and fat cunts Glorious
Leo Clark
there had better be a live stream
Elijah Reyes
Fuck off. The entire point is that there's not enough in It's Okay To Be White for any Jewish tricks to play with. Keep it bulletproof simple, stupid. It means exactly what it reads as and their reactions mean exactly what they look like, and even the most normally unaware white person is seeing it.
Henry Powell
We need volunteers to go over there. We have a couple very fine people, but we need more.
Hudson Wilson
>IOTBW banner soars glorious over antifa cucks >cucks get panties in ultimate wad >multiple antifags begin to shine laser pointers at aircraft >felonies handed out like gluten free crackers
Ayden Cruz
>lefties can't do shit to the aircraft >they shoot pretend RPGs at airplane and flip it off
John Hall
>mfw the company won't do it, refunds op the money and nothing happens
Aiden White
Need people interviewing normies and niggers. As to how they fill about IOTBW
Hunter Rogers
Enlist some /k/ommandos. They love this kind of shit.
Luis Rodriguez
awesome, i was about to start asking questions about this.
so it's on?
plz be real.
Carter Young
Jayden Johnson
Cuckoldstani fuck off. Don't muddy the waters. The whole point of this phrase is that no person can object to it without admitting they hate white people.
Jason Gonzalez
some people are just dumb
Anthony Walker
The first event is supposed to start at 1 a lot of others are sceduled around 3-4. If this isnt one massive fucking larp, that is. I took this with a grain of salt, but still.
Parker Phillips
So doxx me if you must but I literally /told/ people on Facebook this was Sup Forums's fault, (I didn't mention Sup Forums, I'm not ENTIRELY self destructive) and nobody gave a rats ass. They have no idea where this is coming from.
Jose Morris
>tfw no nov 4 happening >so we make one nioce
Colton Smith
No you ass, thats what they want. They want us to make ourselves look bad.
David Jenkins
bretty gud
Aiden Roberts
It is rare that such autism graces us with its presence. Godspeed user.
Mason Rogers
>we fly a sign >people chimp out >we look bad Inevitable, but worth it
Aiden Harris
The helicopter is already a go how does this make us look bad?
Brody Roberts
That's the thing. When they chimp out, it's THEY who look bad. The only reason you'd chimp out is if you were racist against white people.
Chase Young
Wait is this actually happening? I want to believe
Ryder Mitchell
Skybanner is not a larp, at all. I can't speak for the anti-White camp, though.
I mean, there is still the football game happening (by pure coincidence), so there will likely be eyeballs on the banner either way.
Josiah Baker
Just so that everyone in this op is on the same page, this zip should help:
Named Diamonds, because it's a bunch of compressed Karbons, of course. A nice site left them open to index searching on Google for all of you to enjoy.
Nolan Powell
This. Keep putting up the flyers. Don't confront Antifa in the streets, let the police handle them when they inevitably start vandalizing or harassing random pedestrians and cars. Don't turn this into a repeat of Charlottesville. If there's nobody but Antifa on the street then the media won't have anything to spin.
Mason Kelly
No when they chimp out, narrative gets flipped on us
Leo Diaz
my parents have been left-wing democrats their whole lives and when they saw the way people were reacting to this on the news and got really pissed. my mom went off about how she worked her whole life paying taxes for "these people" to live on welfare and talk shit about her and now they want to treat her like a second class citizen, too. my dad lost it and started freaking out about the media constantly pushing an anti-white message while at the same time calling on white people to do more and more favors for minorities who hate him.
it's working magically just the way it is.
Luis Myers
Brody Martin
who would win? >10.000 zombies >black letters on a white background
Joshua Martin
Jordan Brooks
Benjamin Wilson
why are /pol obsessed with caring how they are perceived?
Josiah White
>new Pastbin (Can't post on ghostbin right now: Internal Server Error) 749 lines that Nazi Frog posters don't have influence IRL pastebin.com/EsZaAJUn
Jayden Allen
>Sup Forums is one person please user, just go back.
Grayson Rivera
I don't even care if it's real. Amazing. Filled with laughter at the thought of it. Bless you, brilliant autists. Thanks. Glorious!
Tyler Cook
>"these people" kek
Keep it up user, in a month or two they'll be calling out kikes in the media
Josiah Jackson
>I don't care how I'm perceived
Are you pic related?
Jonathan Garcia
I want the DNC to keep losing support and for the police and local governments to see Antifa for what they really are. If a bunch of kekistan faggots go out and make fools of themselves today, that would be a huge step backward.
Henry Mitchell
Please be real
I am going to shit myself with laughter if this is real
Zachary Bennett
It's the (hopefully) conversation afterwards that matters. Sometimes self-awareness has to be driven in with a claw hammer.
Gavin Smith
Ethan Watson
Jonathan Gray
>IOTBW still fresh and at current peak of exposure >Nov 4 >over Berkeley Timing couldn't be better, have a (((bump)))
Angel Reed
as if shitting on Sup Forums does anything lmao
fucking newfag, shitting on Sup Forums is just what normies do. Anything we do results in that to some extent. if the berkeley thing causes outrage at white people, that will get way bigger than any Sup Forums article
Parker Rogers
Bump, Berkeley anons, please live stream, post stream here
Jaxon Long
it's a nothingburger. >wasting this much money
Camden Morgan
God Speed Comfy Nov 4th Happening Thread
Jaxon Wood
why are you cowards exclusively using meme flags?
Easton Taylor
aaannnnnddddd....... nothing. It would have been fun to watch everybody sperg out.
Isaiah Young
Ha, I member
Isaiah Moore
Why do you want to identify us?
Blake Edwards
Was it funded by Go Fund Me? Whatever, post pics, actually it might make the news, you know...racist shit and all.
Easton Morris
you are proving the point! Not racist at all
Jack Evans
>inb4 none of the leftists have woken up yet Lazy-ass slacker liberals
Brandon Morris
Aiden Cruz
Jonathan Lewis
That's pretty insightful user. Let's go back to accepting the narratives that they create for us.
I'll go give myself 40 lashes for exhibiting White Privilege.
Jace Kelly
>The whole point of this phrase is that no person can object to it without admitting they hate white people.
THIS right here.. there is no clearer way to define if you are white/pure and you are either with us or a antifa facist aka a nazi and deserve to be punched. (yes antifa are the nazis.)
Justin Parker
good to hear. and it's continuing to grow. we need to keep pushing this for months.
Jason James
little anifa pussies are still asleep yet most likely.
Colton Roberts
>yes antifa are the nazis stop posting
Kevin Sanders
Will someone be streaming/recording? I am no where near Berkeley
Evan Harris
Someone contact the Australian skywriter
Sebastian Lewis
i like this one.....mostly
Dylan Hughes
antifa are the nazis now. LOL.. they HATE it when you calll them that but they ARE NAZIS. lol lol lol
John Green
It's not time yet
Ian Sullivan
this right here
Caleb Brooks
Still 2 hours and 10 minutes go
Jace Ortiz
You are op from yesterday? I love you (no homo) Boy, girl, or other, I pledge to name my next lily white babby after you. Mom, dad, meet the newest member of the family, lil' user
Luke Smith
>antifa are the nazis now that is very insulting to nazis stop believing the nazis were bad ffs I'm sick of of all the morons on this fucking board >antifa are nazis >lel nazis would gas them no fucking kys
Jonathan Jackson
Realized after post, completely forgot about time zones
Brayden Morris
because I like to send you some flowers
Robert Wood
what the fuck, why is there a gas chamber on wheels? Do they deliver to your door?
Henry Morris
Hey mate i've got a ticket to a free helicopter ride for you. Just pm me with your details and i'll send it to you.
Also i love flowers.
Levi Gomez
pic related is close enough
Connor Butler
Lads, I need to go out and do stuff, won't be itt for a bit.
If this thread slides, someone please bake another. I'll be checking the email listed in the OP.
Levi Sullivan
Unless you mean that news stations are going to be focused on it saying, "oh youre just taking eyes away from the efforts of hard working nogs," then i dont think itll be to bad.
Brayden Bell
Cringe the post. Don't you have some faggy protests to go be a part of?
Jaxson Martinez
>the holocoaster
Landon Bennett
Paulinengasse 18, 1180 Wien
Jordan Hill
>free helicopter ride stop appropriating execution methods, you lolbertarian redditor!11