>following the Catalan Independence >and Erdogan's visit last week >the mostly muslim region of Southern Serbia wants independence and establishment of a muslim state >they have sent requests for a referendum to both the Serbian government and to the EU
Not happening, they'd have to get independence from several countries. Also they are as muslim as Bosnia, meaning Arabs would kill them for how they practice Islam.
is there any serbian elections soon? it is probably a stunt to get nationalist votes
Austin Howard
do you prefer blic you cuck
Landon Sanchez
stop tryna ruin the mini-larp we're having they just had elections this year
Josiah Rivera
I am pro-Spain, fuck you.
Isaiah Gomez
there are actually
Blake Bailey
even they are less biased, lol.
Evan Sullivan
Looks like there's gonna be some again. This government is a failure, we'd be better off without a government at all. They're all biased. I just prefer to look at a bias that doesn't give me mental diarrhea.
Parker Anderson
>progressives wonder why at least you dont elect your former commie party
Austin Butler
no one can beat based vučko
Nicholas Green
Was there ever a "nation" besides b*sniak subhuman pigs that was proud to suck occupiers cock the first day they came, get raped and convert into other religion, and even when the occupier left century ago they are even more proud for being bastards? Im asking seriously... I find hard to believe that any country could be proud to be an unironically cuck bastard "nation" besides b*sniaks subhuman pigs of course...
Easton Sullivan
if srbin.info doesn't give you mental diarrhea you are a fucking retard. also, nothing is going to happen, ugljanin is just pissed he lost the token muslim spot in the gov't. noone cares, if anything happens, it will be in bosnia itself.
Jaxson Harris
link your intelligent unbiased news sources then I'm waiting
Lincoln Fisher
every Bulgarian/Serbian/Greek """news source""" is biased it's about the information, if you're not a newfag you won't get jewed by a single article
Kevin Green
there is no unbiased news source in the world. however, srbin.info is complete fucking retardation and so are its readers. if you actually read srbin.info, unironically consider suicide.
James Wood
This. I just got really sick of having progressive shit showed down my throat every time I bother to look at the news. I know the other side is full of shit too, but I prefer the taste of that shit to the other shit.
Josiah Flores
1 sandwich has been deposited to your mailbox
Lucas Rodriguez
like i said, the information literally means nothing, there is no "happening" here. >still no argument other than "le ebin sandwich maymay" >>anonymous srbija >>pokret slobodnih građana
Joshua Miller
>no argument >follows up with no argument neck yourself shilling
Jackson Sullivan
I hate to say it Dragan, but the meme is wrong.
It's the Serbs that gets removed by kebab.
Kevin Cruz
>the information literally means nothing >follows up with "wew my opinion is the rightest out there" greekger detected
Nathaniel Martinez
I hate to say it Sven, but you and your people are lost. Your opinion doesn't count.
Adrian Brown
We are all fucked, pass me the šljivovica and let us wallow in despair.
Only the benedict option remains and everything will keep on getting much worse.
Zachary Ramirez
is a textbook example of a ad hominem attack(non-argument). my argument was pretty clear tho, while all news sources are biased, srbin.info, vaseljenska are much worse than the most. also, >shilling noone is shilling, you're just a retarded newfag it's not opinion of me, it's opinion of 99% of the population, srbin.info and similar websites are just meme-worthy and that's it. sandzak isn't making any move to independence any time soon and srbin.info is retarded and can't be used as a legitimate source.
Jayden Turner
Not everything is fucked. There is always hope. At least the hope for an honorable death at some point.
Evan Campbell
Also to add, this is the guy asking for the referendum.
The only reason he is doing that, is that he is losing political power to the other parties, aka a political stunt.
Basically like Belgrade has already stated: NOT HAPPENING
Leo Perry
mashallah soon greater albania will be realized
Ethan Miller
>99 percent of the population >this much damage control Just give up, this is embarrassing.
Owen Murphy
>still not making a argument or even a statement what is it you are trying to claim? sandzak is declaring independence soon? srbin.info is a legitimate news source? 99% of the population doesn't consider them as a illegitimate news source?
Mason Gomez
For "Sanjak" to be united it would need to ask for independence from TWO countries, not one since Montenegro is separate country.
And after that it would need to attempt to merge itself with it's southern half. Do you really think that is realistic outcome? Muslims are not even absolute majority in Sanjak region.
Cameron Nguyen
>99% of the population doesn't consider them as a illegitimate news source This. First of all, I am certain 99 percent of the population isn't even aware of its existence, let alone that it passes judgement on it. You're pants on head retarded, accusing me of going down the ad hominem route whereas you were the first one to attack the source and its readers as "retards" without even addressing what is specifically wrong with the content. Go choke on a dick.
Daniel Jones
>rapebabies gonna kill eachother again time to grab my popcorn
Evan Wright
Sebastian Thompson
They are all shitskins who cares
Liam Sanders
Sebastian James
okay, 99% or the population which has heard of it considers it retardation. >oh, but no, it's actually 88%, it's sudently a legitimate news source. >You're pants on head retarded, accusing me of going down the ad hominem route whereas you were the first one to attack the source and its readers as "retards" without even addressing what is specifically wrong with the content. Go choke on a dick. i said that srbin.info isn't a credible news source and proceded to point out that words of ugljanin don't mean shit. ad hominem would be if i solely said it's srbin.info so who cares(even though i'd probably still be right). your only arguments however have been "sandwich", "what's your news source", "do you prefer blic you cuck". those are all non-arguments. also, nice job avoiding the part where i ask you is there going to be a hapenning in sandzak and do you consider srbin.info as a trustworthy news source. you obviously know that if you say no, you admit you were wrong and if you say yes, you show that you're a retard.
Blake Perry
I came here to post about the potential of the event and about related topics of a wide variety, the last thread being immensely enjoyable. If you think I'm going to defend myself from your autistic accusations, then I'm afraid to tell you that you're the retard. Now kindly fuck off.
Aaron Lee
Bosnia was a tie since Republika Srpska was established with Dayton Agreement.
John Flores
>post shit source >can't defend it so go to non-arguments >umm no sweaty i don't care, it's not that i am wrong either way, i'll fuck off as you requested and let this abomination of a thread die.