YOU DIRTY FUCKING LOW IQ BARBARIC GERMANIC NORDIC KEKS DESTROYED ROME! Rome would've been the most powerfull and biggest christian empire, Emperor Constantine was christian he wanted his whole empire christianized but if it weren't for you germanic nordic cucks we would still have A FULLY CHRISTIAN rome. You savages plunder and destroyed the roman empire. You literally are filth along with the jews. You do not deserve to call yourself Evropean. Only southern Evropeans deserve to hold such a title. Again, fuck you retarded nordic germanic cucks for destroying evropa multiple times now
Germanic people destroyed the Roman Empire
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too bad the actual Roman people died out and southern Europeans are the bastardized mix of Germanic Arabs and other genetic detritus. see the last 500 years
If it weren't for Germans whole of Europe would be populated with subhuman shitskins. e.g: Italians, French people...
>> le 56% face talking to masterrace LOL
>southern eurabian sihtskin
no, christians did
Explain muttface. Constantine himself was christian
God was VERY angry with Rome. No LARP conversion was going to change that.
This is literally you. Fuck you cuck. Go suck jewish dick. You are no brother of mine. Evropeans dont want to be associated with you germanic nordic cucks because you literally destroyed the roman empire with your migrations!
this meme is honestly one of the hot new may mays this year cause i fucking hate amerimutts
I think this link may help you.
>muh christians
Christianity is the litmus test for verifying whether or not a white person is mentally retarded. Christcucks are brainlet subhumans.
>Maritime Superpower
fake news source LOL
Says the muttface whoes ancestors destroyed european empires. Fuck you muttface
>allegedly wants Christian Rome
>calls free Bible fake news
My almonds...
Germany was on the way to becoming a Rome-like regional power and adapting many Roman ways of life, so Caesar wiped two thirds of them away to prevent a rival power from springing up.
I mean with fake news its irrelevant what he says. It is the germanic cucks who destroyed europe
The Germans wouldn't have migrated into Rome if it hadn't been for Attila. Also if the Romans had actually just settled the Germans and incorporated them into Rome they'd have had a huge source of excellent warriors and farmers, instead they tried to use them as fodder for the Huns then betray them, falling into the fatal flaw of the Romans where they perceived those who weren't Roman as dumb savages. t
Things would have gone differently if they'd dealt with their own arrogant self-delusion and sorted out their consistent political backstabbing and general disorganisation. Romans towards the end of their empires basically acted like Jews. It's one of the reasons no Western European powers came to the aid of Constantinople as it was falling because the Byzantines had acted like absolute Kikes towards the Western Powers.
Fuck the Vandals though. Fucking degenerates. No redeeming qualities there.
>empires using the peoples they rule over to fight proxy wars for them to serve the dominant group in the empire
nothing new here, comes with the territory of empire my son
Rome didn't rule over the tribes that migrated into Rome. They planned to use them to fight the Huns under the pretense that they'd settle the tribes in repayment but planned to kill them off afterwards which the Visigoths discovered and retorted by smashing Valens' army.
more like
>Germanics pull the plug of a degenerate dying shithole of an "Empire"
they most definitely did this to the gauls though, I guarantee if rome was actually able to settle germanic lands they would have drafted the fuck out of them