I found this man on Twitter threatening to hunt me down and execute me and other whites. He lives in Altamonte Springs ,FL
Antifa member threats
Evidence of the execution threats.
>hates whites has a white cat
fwd to lea
>afraid of numale
call the cops or stfu you crybaby faggot. we arent your army
The eternal numale menace should be gassed on sight
>dengenerate asking for /pol to help
Are you BeardedStoner?
the only thing he's going to execute is a dildo in his own asshole
The new contact your local authorities and get his ass in trouble, what the fuck do you want us to do about it?
send him directions to the nearest low-testosterone therapy center
NuMale is an actual company, you know
It will be executed right after white small business owners.
He looks like a dumb faggot who doesn't know shit about anything
>I sure do hate white small business owners (posted from smart phone)
cat people are fags. dogs are the only acceptable non-human companion
Hmm. I use to live in Altamonte Springs. It's about 20mins from where I currently live. Hopefully I can trigger him further by the it's okay to be white posters I put up downtown in my city last night.
Newfags leave
kek'ed and checked
Just call local authorities if you really want to get him in trouble.
He’ll get more than his feelings hurt if he tries that shit around A-Springs. Florida is based af. We ain’t never been about playing no shit.
I live in lake mary, about 2-3 highway exits away from altimonte. Have never seen any kind of leftist protests in the suburbs ever. Around here, the niggers have their side and we have ours
Commies don’t take the streets around these parts. The keep to www.
you're a pathetic moron
Hey. I live in Sanford!
>Altamonte Springs, FL
>65 mils away via I-4
That's kind of a long way to go to lynch a commie. I don't think I'll be able to have your back on this one.
Oh well, he looks like a pussy, you can solo this one.
Bump! Let's find this fucker and tape the shit out of him!
>soyboy making threats
top lmao
ah yes, the nigger side i was referring to
>1 post by this ID
Not your personal army and using your phone to bump your thread doesn't change that
haha. You're not wrong. I'm on the other side of 1792.. closer to Heathrow
Soyman should feed his cat less
im shitposting from mommy and daddies house in heathrow rn
I don't see a man. I see a pussy holding a pussy
you are scared of this feminine beta runt looking guy? why not turn him in at the police if you are so scared of soyboys...?