I didnt even know that soy is found almost everywhere.
How do we stop it? Also, what should I know besides avoiding high carb food...
I didnt even know that soy is found almost everywhere.
How do we stop it? Also, what should I know besides avoiding high carb food...
You can’t escape. Take the soi pill
you forgot soy is in the water, your shampoo, and the air you breathe
We are born of the soy. Made men by the soy. Undone by the soy.
if you are concerned with testosterone
avoid soy
avoid soaps and detergents with dyes
get a water filter that removes pharma and plastic
sleep 8hrs min
For boost you need sex, meat, and physical competition with other men.
fighting/wrestling is preferred
lifting weights won't do it. lifting is a supplement activity for strength only.
Are you also on the alert for the estrogen in dairy? Pregnant cows are loaded with estrogen.
>the day you noticed there is soy in all breads sold.
>people still unironically consume margarine
god I hate my country sometimes
>not keto
I'm not a fat fuck like you haha.
Soy Allergy Alert:
Common Foods That Contain Soy
>Soybean Oil
Are you fucking kidding me right now? When did they start using soybeans in soybean oil? The absolute mad men!
I only eat red meat I get from a dairy farmer i know in exchange for ammunition. I grow all my own veggies and raise my own chickens. I only drink R/O filtered water and pure grain alcohol.
Meh, I've been eating soy all my life, grew up in a low income household, we had soy for like every day. I have two kids and my testrone levels are pretty normal and my libido is good.
Have you ever seen a commie drink water?
>t. SOY'D numale
problem is soy is almost all gmo, get organic soy and go easy. corn and canola too.
Consume acv everyday nigger. Detox your body from all that shit.
What does ".t" stand for?
I’m not even memeing but he’s not wrong. POE is no joke.
there is a reason that shit is banned everywhere not here
It stands for low testosterone
What's the best water filter?
why would you want to stop it?it's the way of the future
the transpill is the final redpill bruh
just buy spring water
Why are you so concerned with it? I am not, i just naturally adapt to the environment and ride the tiger. I'm 1.98 and have a really dark voice, so i don't think there is a problem.
Are you calling me an Egyptian God bruh?
That's retarded. BPA-infused jew water is even more harmful than soy.
even my ID, kek is with me! Fuck em all to hell, kek!
Taking xenoestrogens is the true redpill. You know how getting testosterone injections can make you dependent on them? Well, the opposite is true, as well. Add more oestrogen into your body, and your body will have to fight it by creating more testosterone.
Milk jugs are usually plastic #1 or #2 which do not contain BPA. Here is a quick plastics guide that I have had saved in my email for a few years.
Know Your 7 Plastic Codes:
No. 1 - PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate)
Typical Product Application: Soft drink bottles, medicine containers
Recyclable? Yes. Single use only as studies indicate PET containers leach DEHP, an endocrine-disrupting phthalate and probable human carcinogen.
No. 2 - HDPE (high density polyethylene)
Typical Product Application: Toys, bottles for milk, water, detergent, shampoo, motor oil
Recyclable? Yes.
No. 3 - PVC (polyvinyl chloride). Not Safe.
Typical Product Application: cordial, cooking oil, shampoo & detergent bottles, pipe & tubing, meat wrap.
Recyclable? Yes. Releases carcinogenic dioxins into the environment when manufactured or incinerated.
No. 4 - LDPE (low density polyethylene)
Typical Product Application: Soft, flexible plastic as used in garbage bags, wrapping films, grocery bags
Recyclable? No. Considered fairly food safe.
No. 5 - PP (polypropylene)
Typical Product Application: Hard, but flexible. Used in ice-cream & yogurt containers, potato crisp bags, drinking straws, syrup bottles, diapers
Recyclable? Less recyclable. Uses less toxic additives when manufactured.
No. 6 - PS (polystyrene). Not safe.
Typical Product Application : Rigid, brittle plastic. Coffee cups, take-out food containers, meat trays, plastic cutlery
Recyclable? No. Can leach styrene, a possible human carcinogen.
No. 7 - Other (including polycarbonate, nylon and acrylic)
Typical Product Application: Baby's bottles and some water bottles
Recyclable? No. Plastic contains Bisphenol-A, a known hormone disruptor that may leach in some circumstances.
I buy real butter or go without.