Ppl using the "black lives matter" hashtag,really mean "only black lives matter". They try to hide their racism behind all blacks
It’s Okay To Be White
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Lets role play for a second..
Ok I am racist.
Now back to the point at hand...
How about people using "it's ok to be white" mean it's ok to be a white supremacist. it's also ok to be a black supremacist. Just don't act like a nigger or uncivilized in general.
By communicating, we learn, the more we learn, the more we...become?
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War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is
Watch: youtube.com
I suggest we sit down, and enjoy a nice cup of tea instead.
this isn't about supremacy or superiority
shit, it ain't even about pride
this is about simply accepting a simple fact
it's okay to be white
it's not great, it's not terrible
it's just okay
the more people scream and shout and stomp about "white supremacy" the more they're let their own supremacist tendancies show
it's okay to be black too
but it's just okay
I'm sorry this guy has such a progressive inferiority complex, more than anything
by white guy standards this guy has already kind of made it, after all he's twitter famous, probably a media personality, he doesn't live uncomfortably, and yet still he blames whitey for whatever imagined slight against him we've made
even if, as in this case, we haven't made one
it's okay
it's okay
stop squabbling over superiority already and just accept that it's okay
the only people that still care about IOTBW are black supremacists
wash yo ass tariq
k y s
>when they say "Islam is a religion of peace" they really mean "Islam is a religion of radical barbarism", trying to hide their radicalism behind all Muslims
He's right you know
Ppl using the "black lives matter" hashtag really mean "kill all whites". They try to hide their racism behind all blacks
why are niggers so envious of us?
Then what about black lives matter ? See idiots like you is why these signs are being posted. It has nothing to do with racism everything to do with the hypocrisy that spews from the leftists mouth. You dumb shits just prove it all the time.
I have news for you, we aren't white, we are Croats
Wash yo Ass K Flex
>When they say "Islam is a Religion of Peace" they mean when all of humanity is forced to convert to Islam, they will stop waging war against the infidels, and there will be peace.
So it's not okay to be white? What a bunch of racist people.
"Black Lives Matter"
>No it's all lives matter cause that includes blacks
"It's Ok to Be Human"
I want the campaign to work but this is how it will play out
plot twist. you guys actually are racist and BLM just wants police held accountable for unjustified killings. yawn
stop posting crypto cp
Is Tariq Nasheed playing a satirized character? Everything he posts is just so low effort that it looks like trolling
>unjustified killings
Funny considering the vast majority of the killings that have become giant media sensations have been justified and BLM created narratives using outright falsehoods.
So they shot up cops in Dallas, and that's justified, because they're against unjust killings?
>you guys actually are racist
That's not a twist, that's the point
I always love that image.
why or how was eric garner justified?
what about philando castile?
if cops weren’t such pussies, maybe they’d still be alive.
maybe you can explain how walter scott dying was justified?
i’m up for a good discussion.
the people killed by police are mostly violent criminals, and guess who violent black criminals tend to kill most? if anything, killing them saves more black lives in the long run
To have less nigger getting killed, we'd have to get rid of niggers...
didn't the cop who killed that nigger end up getting more patreonbux than the nigger family?
show me one time that guy said he supports blm? and regardless, just like you say one “bad apple” cop doesn’t represent the rest, i can say the same about one person who supports a movement.
spam this nigga with truth that the jews paying him to turn against his people are the ones who enslaved his people.
Demand he denounce the jew slave traders!
i support the troll hashtag but hes right u know...
It doesn't mean that at all, but you seem 100% OK shilling for assholes
>Ever listening to that retard
aren't jews white?
Oh boy...
You niggers should have been terminated during colonialism. yawn
found the joo
Nope. Jews are NOT white.
The white woman wouldn't be with a nigger in the "normal" panel, your comic needs editing.
what’s the point then? OP is trying to make it seem like the dude in pic related is a racist for tweeting that. he’s not though, but...you are
so what’s OP’s point?
Shoo shoo joo
shut it down, the goyim know
jews are white when they have to do some damage to whites like "we whites truly are evil" and they are jews or anything else when they have to do some damage to whites like "christianity is murder"
jews are jews, period.
is dis nigga telling everyone what BLM is?
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is
Watch: youtube.com
there is no need to make Tariq SEEM racist, faggot. he's obviously a Black Supremacist.
Anti white racist niggers shall be tortured on live stream when SHTF.
You abandoned the subtlety after the riots and the two Negresses harassed Bernie, bitch. Deal with it.
The whole point of this is to make a completely innocent and non-violent remark about being white and to watch all leftycucks and liberals spill their spaghetti trying to twist it into a white supremacy thing, thus exposing the hypocrisy of these people to something normies can easily digest
The word "Normal" is bigoted.
There are 40,000,000 blacks in the US. You can cite 2 possibly unjustifiable police killings.
Yep, it's a fucking epidemic, lets go destroy shit.
wtf is this nigger going on about.
the posters clearly say "it's okay to be white", not "it's okay to be a white supremacist". Nowhere in the first quote was there anything to imply the second. As usual, they just hate whites.
>police held accountable for unjustified killings
>unjustified killings
I'm still waiting for one of those to happen
But isn't this what Jewish supremacists do? Oh shit! Pol is new jew
>if cops weren’t such pussies, maybe they’d still be alive.
If those niggers weren't such pussies, maybe they'd still be alive.
you guys never really learned to count i guess. i just named 3 off the top of my head from the last couple years. i didn’t include Mr hands up don’t shoot. how many times since cell phone cameras have we realized the police reports have been lies?
how many times has it happened before iphones?
i get the point. but you are all huge racists who actually hate other races. so yes you can definitely say you’re just posting a harmless message and everyone’s losing their shit for no reason. cool
you’re still a shitty racist who’s plastering them around so what did the MSM say that was incorrect about it?
then open your eyes. i just named 3. prove them justified please.
white people get unjustifiably killed too.
google Nicholas Provenza. police kill and lie about it.
replies with youtube link.
use your words or go away
>pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon
>they just want police to be held accountable!
An average of around 3 every few years by these numbers.
anyone can say #blm and say murder all
i can say i’m a white supremecist who wants all cops dead. does that mean all white supremecists want cops dead?
the movement has been watered down by a lot of these other people who wants cops dead. doesn’t mean that’s the message of the movement.
but hey, some people can’t choose to be ignorant.
and why hasn’t anyone justified the deaths of the guys i mentioned? hmm
>implying it's a single person on a single occasion
These are multiple, large groups of people who march down public roads chanting death to cops. Maybe while you're out here trying to persuade people to see things your way, you should take a look at why BLM isn't just about police accountability.
He's right. Apologize.
So jew, if nobody is "white" who is? In your brainlet mind
Except white lives actually matter.
Cotton can be harvested with machines these days.
When jobs that could be done by horses better than machines disappeared, so did the horses. Why are there still black people in America?
All yall white folks is racist.
pay me
people saying black lives matter are saying give us free shit because theyre lazy, but are hiding behind all blacks.
Oh, so finally, we have
Nop, not even there.
In fighting is even more common amongst the sand niggers
Sure they'll team up against the infidels but as soon as they're done with that they'll go back to what they have been doing for the past millennia.
show me videos of MULTIPLE LARGE groups chanting this.
anyway, the people who started the movement have time
and time again said they are not representative of the movement.
but i guess you just ignore that
Around 100 times
Or 0.00000057% of the black population
Hell im not surprised it’s higher since they have to deal with insane trigger happy blacks
why does no one debunk the DOJ reports about chicago PD, baltimore PD, ferguson PD, etc?
racial bias, excessive force, etc etc.
do we just ignore facts?
Because blacks are more violent so police have to use force and profile to adjust
Go walk up to any black person in the hood and 100% will have an 8-ball or gun in their pocket
>and time again said they are not representative of the movement.
Not even including the guy that killed five police officers because he thinks that laws shouldn't apply to black people.
add in excessive force and it’s probably closer to 1,000,000 in the history of this country
we’ve only been able to record shit on our phones in decent quality for the last 5-10 years.
stop police brutality
hold police accountable
it’s not hard. that’s all the true core of blm wants. everyone else is just an excuse for you to say the movement is racist. changing the narrative just like you did about the kneeling.
can never protest anything unless it affects you directly.
no empathy at all
6.5% of the population. 50% of the murders.
your videos fail to show multiple
large crowds chanting this. thanks for trying though i guess
stfu nigger
That's the least racist tweet I've ever seen him make.
>excessive force
necessary when dealing with blacks
Theyre more likely per capita to kill police officers and are also more prone to aggression so force is needed to keep them in line
awwww is that what you really think? that’s cute. far from the truth, but cute nonetheless.
maybe around 10-15%
i don’t actually know but i’ve been to plenty of hoods.
must be so scary to think the hood is all guns and drugs in every black mans pocket though
what do gangsters killing gangsters have to do with police brutality and accountability?
you know what a fallacy is right?