why is paganism so disrespected?
Why do people think pagans are just larping?
Because it was pagans like John Dee who fucked up your country
fucking retard
>John Dee
the guy who advocated the expansion of the British Empire fucked up my country?
>Posts art by devout Christian Russian painter Konstantín Alexeyevich because pagans can't make art on their own..
Try harder, neckbeards. Everyone knows that neopagans are by and large just a bunch of edgy teenagers going through a metal phase trying to rebel against their Christian parents for not letting them go to the concert.
Cute thread.
Because some people on here prefer worshipping a dead communist kike on a stick.
>Turn the other cheek user
At least Christ came back with down with both His eyes.
>Implying I must be a Germanic pagan
>Implying I must be Pagan at all
>Implying this is an argument
Wtf I love Jesus now.
The story of Christ is based off the the story of the sun's journey through the 12 zodiacs. Their pagans and dont know it, thats why their so violent. Their beliefs are based on a lie, surprisingly unironic.
>pagans not being practised for hundreds of years
>pagan larpers: why are we being disrespected?!
Because nobody believes in god or gods unless he is raised into it. European paganism is dead, there are no societies or cultures whose individuals grow to be pagans.
christianity adopted a fuckload of pagan traditions you dumb nigger fuck
Real paganism was exterminated by Christians. Modern paganism is 70s larp
t. Fatass who's never done anything creative in his life
christianity adopted many pagan traditions. Do you not understand this? Also christians larp.
christians practice blood rituals and cannabalism:
>according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, the change of substance by which the bread and the wine offered in the sacrifice of the sacrament of the Eucharist during the Mass, become, in reality, the body and blood of Jesus the Christ
literally eating the flesh and blood of your gay god
Non argument
>my ancestor :)
The hanging tree is not when Odin lost his eye. At least insult it properly.
Its true they adapted those traditions to earn converts. Its also true they exterminated actual pagans, especially as the herd moved to Christiaity. Weaksauce post
Speak when you're spoken to shitskin
I enjoy reminding them that all their holidays are cribbed from pagans because there's nothing fun about being a christcuck.
>not appreciating your heritage
warmed over zietgeist bullshit...please be original from now on. Thank you
> Its also true they exterminated actual pagans,
okay so they exterminated white people because of there religion nice.
I'm not the slightest bit fat, and I often dabble in the arts, write, and name memes.
Edgy atheist harder young newfag Im not even a kike on a stick believer. The european pagan tradition did not survive
>neojews celebrate their own subjugation and spiritual castration
The vast majority of pagans on earth are larping, but the paganons here do not represent the greater population of pagans. If 9/10 of pagans on earth are larping, only 5/10 on Sup Forums are larping. Then on, say a pagan discord, only 1/10 are larping.
>Christianity must be our enemy since it contestest us as region religion!
> european pagan tradition did not survive
but thats wrong they did survive.
Le vainamoinen face
Its real simple and not, we were created by the sun, sun was made from whatever made our universe.
The sun is our closest god (The creator) Why not just know science? Everything was created the same way, why must man have an "attachment"? To being something special, when it's much more beautiful that everything is really one?
modern paganism is garbage
You expect haters of paganism to actually be well read on the subject? No u
>From promoting killing Pagans to promoting mass immigration. Just like the Jews wanted.
Christians could've just left the Pagans be Pagan. But they did not want to coexist next to each other in peace.
Reminder that ancient Christians were like modern day Jihadis and and Europe was christened by convert or die. If you are white and praying to Jesus you're a spiritual cuck.
If you are a Pagan, your biggest enemies are Jews and Jew worshipers i.e. Christians. You should have no respect for Christian/Christianity whatsoever. They might agree with you on few things but at the end they are ideologically incorrect. Christians joined hands with Jews and used violence against our ancestors, so in the end we should not be afraid to use violence against them.
If that's what you call writing longwinded shitposts on Reddit
You wouldn't be able to see shit out of that helmet, not to mention that kit would weigh over 70 lbs including iron Gaiters and a worthless Scutum.
Couldn't make their own art huh, when Kalki comes down perhaps then you will see your error, but who am i kidding you will still be to ignorant even then to accept it
The sun should be venerated but did not create us.
Most "pagans" in the US are fat SJWs.
Kalki already came, pic related
Nobody advocates for fat green haired nose ring having sluts. We're discussing an authentic return to Aryan Polytheism and the worldviews it entails.
Because it doesn't matter if you want to believe in God or Jesus. That has nothing to do with it anymore.
Nobody attacks the philosophy of "humans are sinful" or "love your neighbor." This is evident. In truth, Christianity is a philosophy and it's a pretty peaceful one.
>Human nature is this
>The world is really like this
Modern Christianity though, is a cultural movement based off the philosophical belief system, and that cultural movement has built the modern world.
Paganism is so obviously trying to not be Christianity, it's cringe beyond cringe. You are rebelling against a culture by citing fucking Odin, which no longer has anything to do with anything.
U gay
if you pay attention to the flags then you see most of the haters are americans. european paganism is part of european ethno-cultural identity. americans dont have that due to the nature of the creation of their country. their hatred comes from lack of understanding.
cos they larp
i agree its quite sad
Who the fuck is citing Odin?
Stop larping. That includes the christcucks.
>bunch of edgy teenagers
I thought Sargon was an atheist akshully
Shut up Ivan you're not white
because christkikes are mad that they have to worship a kike.
that picture looks awesome but i fucking hate snow and the cold and i feel cold looking at it reeeeeeeeeee
Paganism comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of what religion means.
It's nothing more than a fashion accessory to these people. They think you "choose" a religion for arbitrary reasons like "it's the white one" or "this god is cooler than this god". The faith at the center of any religion is meaningless to them; they don't truly believe any of it. If you see someone saying "I've always been Catholic but the pope is gay so I'm converting to paganism", they were never Catholic in the first place. If you believed in the all-powerful God as described by the religion, shit like "the pope is a cuck" or "le sandnigger religion" wouldn't mean shit.
Same with atheists larping as deus vult crusaders, or spooky Orthodox monks. It just looks cool and contrarian to them. It was a coin flip between that or taking the "muh heritage" paganism route.
what i want to know is why do people care if someone is pagan, it doesn't concern you
>muh Aryan
>you gotter be LOYAL to ur sandnigger jew ideology or ur nawt a REAL MAN
You are the one who misunderstands. A white man doesn't "convert" to his true faith. He simply throws off the Jewish chains and lets himself shine free.
Because they are just larping and 9/10 pagans gun for viking shit and claim "muh white heritage" when their entire ancestry is something like French or Slavic.
They're hippies that grasp onto shit like wicca or other pagan religions in which you can basically make it up as you go along.
Pagans: win every thread ever
Neojews: never won a thread in their lives despite using Sup Forums all day every day
nobody on Sup Forums actually believes in pagan gods. they're being reactionary because "muh white religion". it's the same as people converting to christianity to be contrarian to the left
oh shit beat me to it
Stop projecting and go back to jacking off to a drawing of Codreanu
as if there's any actual christians here either
at least they choose something more compatible with ethnonationalism than christianity
there's hardly anything cringier than self proclaimed christians trying to make christianity sound like an European ethnonationalist religion
the weak must fear the strong
Because you're atheists that feel the need for spirituality, but refuse to identify with the faith of your people going back over a thousand years. You aren't going to convince the great mass of people to convert to Paganism. Christianity is the rightful faith and spiritual philosophy of Europe, and this is evidenced everywhere you turn. How are you going to convince people otherwise, with antisemitic remarks and race hatred? Not likely.
Europe will return to Christianity, or it will become Muslim. Cease your idolatry and repent.
hes right yanno
STOP WORSHIPING DَُEAF STONES YOU SCULPTED, you are a shame for all living species.
I don't give a fuck about normies. Caring about normies is literally the most retarded thing you could do.
you tell me faggot
Nobody cares what you think autist. Filtered.
Because mongrel neckbeards with no connection to Norse Paganism keep trying to "practice" it
>Kalki gave his own daughter and inheritance to a kike
>is a kike enabler
Really made me think.
Kek some 16 year old posted this thread on his templar facebook group didnt he
Part II
Part III
Part I
Not really though. Pagans don't even make pagan generals any more because they got ran off. The mongoloid fin lad that used to make them split. The niederlander that uses the cheesy cartoon odin pic ran off too.
Catholics, not Christians. Know the difference
>70 pounds
>a lot
The modern infantry combat load is about 100 pounds including weapon and ammunition. Approach march loads are closer to 200.
Has anyone read Arctic Home Of The Vedas?
How do christians reconcile worshipping a egalitarian cosmopolitan revolutionary Jew with their political views? Knowing that Christianity was the Marxism of the Roman Empire?
You say that as if it wouldn’t be better for our people if Europe was 100% ethnically Europeans and 100% Islamic, rather than to carry on this current route and go Christian. Blood is what matters, not your particular favourite version of desert nonsense. But at least with Islam we’d gain social conservatives with a backbone. Christians offer us nothing that the guardian newspaper does not
Because the gods are venerated in a completely inauthentic way from how they used to be.
All early pagan religions are quite similar; and the similarity should be noted.
In Japan, the religion of Shinto is still practiced, not as an actual religion like Christianity; some of its adherents may even be atheists. A lot of it is about honour, honouring your ancestors (or even those who've died recently), and honouring the forces of nature around you.
Germanic paganism was similar. People honoured their dead in a Germanic way; and they honoured the forces of nature as personified deities. The way we understand those deities in modern times, is in the context of a religion like Christianity, which is why a lot of pagans are just larpers.
The Greek gods were a separation from ancient paganism, because their gods were rooted in their politics at times; their gods were becoming like mini yahwehs. Instead of having a nature, they were being slowly politicized like the Roman gods were.
I'd describe myself Nietzschean.
Problems with Christianity:
>at it's core: universalist and humanitarian (stop pretending it isn't)
>the root of marxism
>non-European and jewish
>even Christians are shy to defend Christianity and many have adopted marxism and liberalism
>everything good in Christianity turns out to have a Pagan root
>Christians can not discriminate against non-whites
Problems with Paganism:
>the puzzle is shattered and while we are along the years gaining a better picture what Paganism truly was, it's still incomplete
>for every Varg and Thomas (Survive the Jive) there are 100 hippie new-age larpers thinking paganism is about fucking trees and degeneracy
>no real Pagan communities
The main problem with both are that their metaphysical views are hard if not impossible to defend against in the modern scientific ways. I find Paganist reincarnation more robust in that department. Mouse tests have indicated that humans too are likely to inherit memories and fears from their forefathers. Nobody knows how.
How did you decide to become Christian? What made you think your community indoctrinated you to the correct beliefs? There was one of your ancestors that CHOSE (probably only to not get beheaded) Christianity over the myths he was grown up to believe in.
Holy fuck. Pagans absolutely BTFO, never to recover
Prince Harry?
I just book marked that to read yesterday actually
Because it's only worshipped nowadays by literal LARPers and the occasional skinhead who maybe read two things Hitler said.
There have been Christian scientists. There have been Jewish scientists. I'll even give the Muzzies their due on mathematics. I have not, nor do I believe has anyone else, seen a pagan scientist.