Nothing happened.
Why did you faggots lie?
Nothing happened.
Why did you faggots lie?
We should all be compensated for this lack of a Happening
Sup Forums just sucks at predicting events. Sup Forums has always been fantastic at post-happening breakdown and analysis but has always been terrible at any happening predictions. The work that’s done here in after happenings is beyond detective level shit, but the power of prediction is fucking abysmal. Anyone who falls for Sup Forums predictions is an utter newfag
No one dares oppose the man in the high tower
This is bullshit I wanted a happening
Nigger its 9am shit starts not for another 4 hours minimum
Now our work can truly begin
>Fart right conspiracy
They took out a full page ad in the new York times
You really think all of those NEET ass liberals are going to be out of bed before noon on a Saturday? Hell, it's not even 9:00 on the west coast yet. They're still all snoozing in their comfy single beds in their parent's basements.
Dammit! I loaded a dozen 30 round magazines for nothing!
Those aren't cheap. What was the point if nothing happens? Is something else going on we aren't seeing?
Dumb niggers aren't protesting for 5 more hours in my city. Of course they are planning it in the most liberal, crusty part of town. All they are going to accomplish is harassing the homeless.
They're the ones who hyped themselves up, not us. We always knew they were pussies.
>spend $150,000 on a full-page NYTimes back page ad
>it's 20 people yelling on Periscope
Faggot pedo kike heroin addicts with AIDS ANTIFA don't even roll out of bed until noon.
Antifaggots are still sleeping
Are you dumb? Antifa is a bunch of lefty loser liberals. They aren't going to even be awake till like at least 4pm. then they have to wait for mum to make them lunch, then they have to get on a soros funded bus and then have to spend 30 minutes being told by a soros agent what to do. Shit aint gonna happent in america till 6pm
because theres no way they ever could. if they thought they could they would probably try.
>plan revolution for Nov 4
>spend literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to get the word out
>realize nobody is going to show up
>W-what are you t-talking about, w-we never said t-that!
Nah. Pol is brilliant at predictions.
They wanted to but they didn't wake up on time.