Spencer-senpai has noticed us and is very pleased:
WELL DONE Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a fake faggot and the alt-right is a media invention.
Who cares. I don’t know anything about these e celebs or personality faggots are and I don’t want to.
They saw what was happening here years ago and took it for shekels and attention, all of them.
Fuck off
that logo is laughably bad
surprise that a subversive government would attempt to discredit a perfectly reasonable thing. Fuck that attention whore
Fucking cringe.
Best guy.
t. hillary
Spencer is a cia plant with a russian tatar wife
it really is.
It's like he had the idea of "Okay minimalism, I know I can use a big Triangle for the A for Altright....Shit how am I going to make the R? If I put two equal Triangles stacked, it looks like B...hmm let me try it this way..."
>Draws it over and over again trying to make a combination of Triangles look like an R
>comes up with this as the final draft
"Well it doesn't really look like an R...but oh well, I like Triangles"
Literally an autist.
Article is meh. Someone in the comments section got it right though. As soon as the election ended certain personalities went for the reigns of power and that’s severely limited their possible appeal. The messaging in 2016 was top tier and 2017 has turned very esoteric and cringe.
Man tits Mcgee should be killed.
Hail Spencer, the leader of Sup Forums!
Just take the sign in question and put spencers autismo face down in the corner.
How many Rubles do you get per shitpost?
a race-mixin gfaggot with a lisp?
Yeehh more normie coming at this board
Normies don't follow Richard Spencer.
Nobody follows Richard Spencer.
What a fucking turd.
He obviously knows associating with it with it ruins the whole thing. This proves he's a plant but we all knew that before. Richard Spencer literally came from nowhere and was crowned by CNN and MSNBC as LEADER OF THE ALT-RIGHT.
Literally everyone here is a follower of Richard Spencer. Get on board or GTFO, normie. He's our leader.
Keep it up and keep our threads bumped and on the first page!
We are getting slid hard with cuck/shill threads and it's no coincidence
Shut up you cunt
>Caring what Mantits McEgghead thinks
Go back to rebbit you double nigger
I can’t think of a single decision I’d allow him to make for me.
I didn't really buy into the whole "Spencer is a plant" thing until now.
He would have to be genuinely retarded to not see that associating himself with IOTBW will do nothing but harm it.
This. Boggles the mind that so many anons follow these individuals, Spencer, Cantwell, Southern and all the others I forget...
Spencer's interviews with Bowden are worth a listen though (because Bowden)
I’ve been called a Nazi all day because of this.... lol
That's not a real thing. Or hell, it might be, but that's not a representative of Sup Forums's views.
That's a benign cancer, a goitre or some messed up lymphatic problem
t. md
They taint the whole thing - Either Spencer and Duke are retarded, or they are plants
Sup Forums officially disavows spencer for the final time.
fuck spencer, that kike shill is just trying to derail this with his cringe
Fuck that CIA nigger.
Anyone disavowing Spencer is a (((shill))), trying to divide us. Real alt-right folks know who our leader is.
Spencer is a fucking cia plant. Stay anonymous anons for gods sake!
THIS. Just capped and shared to Twitter
>tfw friendless little poof who needs to be in a special club
Spencer is a massive dork. Almost adorable.
That hair tho!
This actually makes sense
t.hillary clinton
Reply to this post if you disavow Zippy pinhead glow in the dark CIA nigger Richard Spencer and agree he does not represent Sup Forums.
I'm surprised his twitter isn't being flooded with pictures of forests and jungles.
>mentioning Sup Forums by name outside Sup Forums
There aren't enough conehead spencers in existence to express my distaste for this loathsome idiot.
Welp, time to pack it up, boys. That literal who faggot ruined it.
this, he can go fuck putin in the ass with his byzantine larper wife
fuck spence and fuck """"""""""""""""""altright""""""""""""""""
t. real american patriot
You do realize that literally every single article on this topic mentions Sup Forums by name right?
Oh look. Spencer leeches onto a Sup Forums operation and makes it about himself. Who could have seen this coming?
Tell Spencer and his butt-buddy Duke to fuck off. We know they're deep agents.
ok meme flag shill
In all seriousness, you’d have to be PROFOUNDLY RETARDED not think this wouldn’t happen
ay, I made that luther meme.
*would happen
>Real alt-right folks know who our leader is.
Take it to reddit, you larping piece of shit.
Everyone look at this post.
You can see by the sentence structure that it's not from a natural Sup Forums poster. Look at how he puts ellipses around the word shill. It's an attempt to use Sup Forums lingo to fit in but it's hamfisted and it doesn't flow. The word shill doesn't need ellipses.
Look at the second sentence "Real alt-right folks". Sounds like what some antifa with a bachelors degree in english would think that we sound like. Ends up sounding like some 40 year old boomer who just showed up at an alt-right gathering and is trying to fit in.
Damn dude you sound profoundly retarded.
Now it's only a matter of time until a (((violent clash))) happens and the MSM eats it up.
ffs just put the poor egg-head out of misery, his voice is cringy as fuck and he tries to larp as nazi while not mentioning the kikes
Woah, look its a pair of faggots
this, Sup Forums is fun and creative
these other "groups" are shit
Hello fellow white man
they just fuck themselves over
>its ok to be white is really evil guys, its a hate symbol
This. There is no alt right only far right. Alt right is for faggot Amerimutts.
ill bump for this
>only far right.
t. stupid nigger who will never stop losing
>telling people it's Sup Forums
fucks sake.
>Calling me black.
Nice try Mezito cunt also losing what?
Hes clearly a plant. I also dont think he can damage IOTBW as much as the cia thinks. The words alone are tame and the truth, nomies realize lefties trying to associate them with hate are reaching hard.
Keep posting IOTBW anons, even spencer cant ruin this great op.
This. Shills are making us look bad
I get so tired of CIA and literal plebbit retards spamming the boards with this homosexuality promoting racemixer.
cia controlled opposition faggot.
I can't wait til they gun him down in the street just like Rockwell
Fuck off GOP.
Why? Its a tame statement and hes user anyway
>losing what
Anything you attempt. You're low IQ. You brand yourself a loser.
Its very good aslong as those fuckers dont try to fuck up the message. That Milo faggot reposted it too but so far no backlash on us, So its fine.
This was probably Spencer's idea to begin with. That's just how his mind works. I'd like to hear his official word on phase 2, but we definitely will have to include some more edgy imagery.
>random user creates viral meme
>it was prbly spencer's idea senpai
this is exactly why Sup Forums rejects your CIAniggers
Richard Spencer needs to fuck off and die of his Type 2 Diabetes with that huge beer belly of his.
someone's gonna get killed
Nice try divide and conquer shill. You and spencer can both get lost.
>Triggered Amerimut calling anybody low IQ
Hows that fluoride in your water? Doing you any favors there John Doe? I bet every sip makes you smarter! O golly how can Europe ever compete! You know what? I take it all back. Keep fawning over your faggot leader Dick Suspenders and promote your race mixing and homosexuality! because such things truely are the pinnacle of society arent they? So tolerant of you!
Fuck off cunt
Dead god, I hope so. That would make this campaign so much more legitimate, the mainstream media and libs would never be able to recover from the fallout.
pretty sure it was one of your kind. a credit to leafs everywhere
Fuck off shill. This place cannot be infiltrated by your pathetic attempts you useless clown
It's supposed to be a merchant
I can't believe you morons still fall for the alt-right CIA psyops.
I don't think he's CIA/FBI/NSA/whatever the fuck, he's been around before Sup Forums and trump.
He sure is a hardcore faggot attention whore though.
Bringing attention to this through his own kike media "outlet" is going to give normies and commies an easy reason to dismiss all this as racist, and permanently tie the campaign to him.
He really needs to fuck off.
KGB not CIA, get it right, jeez
>deflecting from the fact that he brands himself an idiot
America invented the modern world, you weak bant wanker. Your shitty country isn't even in the same ballpark.
drop the meme flag shill
Kek that's perfect... my fucking sides
lol post more of these memes pls