Why are white people so insecure?

every single white post ive seen here is always "YOURE NOT WHITE" and "IM WHITER THAN YOU" as if that makes them better. its really quite sad

>as if that makes them better.
lurk more


I bet a real purple nigga would bark at your mocha ass

The first and bigger half are Shills trying to weaken the Europeans and the other half are Anglos, which try to get over their destroyed empire by ironically saying
they´re supreme, effectively doing the same thing the shills do.

it doesn't. in fact, it just shows how pathetic white people are

If everyone thought like you we wouldn't have the internet.

because you are american, and your whites are not really white for the most part i have seen half latinos claim they are white, or "white"girls with wide noses claim the same, its becoming hard for you all to tell

white people everywhere just dont talk about that, let alone argue about it

its not just america, every euro here constantly talks about it and brings up nothing else. in fact, in america, its brought up less

>"YOURE NOT WHITE" and "IM WHITER THAN YOU" as if that makes them better.
It literally does, if you're a nigger

>why are american people so insecure?

there, I fixed it for you

seeamerica recognizes that the whites are dying, and accepts that. while europe thrashes about like a child having a temper tantrum. its quite pathetic

it does not. some of the greatest civilizations were black, plus, blacks have better, more dominant genes than whites. you are objectively inferior

Read again the definition of this word.

the fertile crescent, the cradle of civilization, was non-white. all you have done is copy those that came before you

>some of the 'greatest' civilizations were black

No. Your highest, don't come close to our lowest. This is, and always has been, the state of niggers: a parasite that can't build a standing structure that lasts more than 50 years.


You have a point.

Ancient people of the Assyria and surrounding areas were olive skinned, mostly blue eyed. They were pretty far from any definition of "black". You're either in denial or mentally ill.

Niggers aren't capable of self-reflection or critical thinking. See

why must you deny the truth? its very ironic how you tout the "we wuz" meme all over, but you steal and distort history the most

>Moortuguese calling anyone non-white

Your "people" are basically mulattos

You think too highly of yourself. You have not spouted a single grain of truth in this thread. Why should I take seriously someone who is incapable of making serious arguments and backing them up? Start listing some examples of "great black civilizations" with cites that don't lead to some pseudo-scientific black-centric blogs.

if you cant think of the great black civilizations, you need to read a history book. some of the first civilizations were african and middle eastern


>some of the first civilizations were african and middle eastern

Neither were black.

>africa isnt black
is this what white people honestly believe? is this the level of delusion you will go to? never before have i seen such a massive inferiority complex

>EVERY single WHITE post ive seen here is ALWAYS

Interesting. So not only are you magically capable of identifying "white posts" (i assume you mean posts written by alleged white writers), but somehow ALL of those posts somehow have to do with "whiteness". Which leads me to the conclusion that you are either full of shit, or possess the most intriguing case of tunnel vision I've ever encountered so far.

Assuming you're black, did you come here to further strengthen the stereotype of "the unintelligent black"? Or did yo Melanin grant yo supapowah biyont white crackas abiltees 2 comprend?

it's a white thing, ywnu, dawg. by the way how's the light skin compared to your africans doing?

It's just Americans who aren't white and it's true. They need to stop leaping.


middle-eastern is not white and also is not black you fucking brainlet

Most of Africa is black. However, the areas you are talking about are northernmost part of Africa and middle-east. These areas have never been predominantly black. You have a very loose and dysfunctional definition of blackness.

had to dust this one off just for you OP

People somehow don't realize the biggest problem is the Jews causing the race-mixing, not the race-mixing degenerates themselves.

>People somehow don't realize the biggest problem is the the race-mixing degenerates themselves, not the Jews causing the race-mixing


there's no definition of what's "white" anyway. just a bunch of brainlets arguing with eachother while their civilization goes to shit

Americans thinking that north africans are black is peak cultural imperialism

agree its really creangy


Beacuse we have been targeted for 1000 years?
Well, it's not like we can't crush all other races, but we truly respect human rights, thats why we are more human than any other race. Truly the most civilized race on earth.

You are not even the most human species in Africa

Are u a fake nigga? we hate wypepo

Kys shill

you people also smell like shit

