Nobody bites because nobody is really on their side. The Resistance is a fake media creation. Instead of being embarrassed when nobody shows up, they start spamming "HA YOU GUYS GOT TROLLED."
Am I interpreting this right?
Nobody bites because nobody is really on their side. The Resistance is a fake media creation. Instead of being embarrassed when nobody shows up, they start spamming "HA YOU GUYS GOT TROLLED."
Am I interpreting this right?
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you got it right. its literally
>haha i was just pretending to be retarded
Almost. I think they're still planning something and today was just a distraction, i.e., false confirmation of their non-threat. I'd be on the look out for any trouble, just a hunch.
it's cold outside.anti-fa kids like to dress in ripped fishnets so it's just not a good day for it's noon on the east coast. literally all the events are scheduled to start at like 2 pm.
be patient grasshoppers.
Yeah. They seem pretty upset that all we're gonna do today is continue to make shitposts about how retarded they are.
There will probably be some trash-can-trashing later in the afternoon after they wake up and clean the semen out of each other's hair. But overall, yes, their reframe seems to be: "We spent a lot of money and energy trying to convince you guys to overreact, and you didn't, so.....GOTCHA!"
If you ever needed more proof or rk selection theory look at the lefts reaction to Trump in a year vs. the rights reaction to Obama in over 8 years
You fucking idiot. It’s us that have been doing it. The whole thing has just been Sup Forums shitposting
Well, some Antifa will do something. Once they realize normal people don't give a shit, they'll wont self reflect but see everyone as evil nazis. They'll suddendly feel like everyone is an enemy. Then, when the madness creeps through their empty heads, they'll do something very very stupid. I think.