Is there a way to temporarily take blue pill so i can enjoy a guilty pleasure?

is there a way to temporarily take blue pill so i can enjoy a guilty pleasure?

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lots of drugs and alcohol



Just watch sissy trainers and then play the game.

no way lmao not even the normies are buying into their we-wuz-bleck-wymehn-soljars-bullshit

play it soley because of the gameplay or leave it
besides that if you were truly redpilled you wouldnt even play vidya nigger

>playing COD ever
>not playing BF1
>not playing calvary class and spearing your enemies
>not playing medic and getting mvp from revives alone

I have it... it’s about 1/2-1/2.. could be worse

The black French guy cracks me up.. we wuz french

the black guy is of course an electronics engineering whiz who single-handedly saves the day at the battle of the bulge. at the end of the game he suggests a white man in your platoon ought to give him reparations for slavery. then he talks some shit to a captured german soldier and walks off into the sunset.
the jew is the most likable character, the goys risk life and limb to save him from a pow camp that is supposed to make you think about the holocaust. the health regen mechanic also means that this jew is the guy you must rely on to survive in every mission.
all the women are special forces assassins and command the men

not kidding about any of this.

Lol.. my 9 year old figured out the revive trick... he was like, “why is everyone running from me”

cause they have as many german nigger soldiers as cod ww2

I thought BF1 was bad, then this came out. Is it true a female Officer makes a note on how bayonets are an oppressive phallic symbol?

Yes. Just tell yourself that Sup Forums is satire.

think I'll just skip the sp and stick to mp. This is fucked.

I choose to believe the nogs are a giant joke. Everyone knows it's bullshit.

I got “iron wings” when it came out... I’m stuck in the campaign because I can’t understand the black guy’s instructions... it’s black logic..

i could go on. it's worth playing just to see the agenda. it's obvious they tried to exercise restraint, but they just couldn't help themselves with the pandering and eventually all the shit just bled into the game. it's pretty insulting if you play with an eye for it. the pow camp at the end was perhaps the most triggering scene. "the world has to know what they've done here"
eisenhower had death camps

I tried to pirate it but computer wont let me install it cuz muh virus, and it has nothing to do with my anti-virus because I disabled it.

>all the women are special forces assassins and command the men
there's more than one?!

>playing had a black woman with trans flag calling card
>swastika emblem

there's a british and a french woman. the latter is playable for a mission, where you confront a diabolical and evil german officer who may be a cannibal, and you overpower him in hand-to-hand combat

>the latter is playable for a mission, where you confront a diabolical and evil german officer who may be a cannibal, and you overpower him in hand-to-hand combat
>Thas'rite goy, women are stronk too. You should let them into your modern armies it certainly won't turn them into a bad joke
I wish I didn't see it coming.


history BTFO
generations of kids will believe this is what happened.
poor faggots. kinda feel bad for em.


kiked campaign mode but who plays cod for the campaign? I still would never give money to play kiked games. I would say no.

My problem with call of duty is the up and fucking down movement of character’s view...

This game is fucking garbage.
>guns are inaccurate, either wern't produced yet (M3) or on the wrong front (PPSh-41)
>recoil is airsoft teir can magdump a M1 better than a M16 in real life
>"mah hate and bigotry"
>all Germans being Nazis.

you vote with your wallet, so no. fucking kill yourself. they keep making diversity cuckold garbage because mouthbreathers like you keep buying it. you probably can't even comprehend this post anyway because you have to be violently retarded to enjoy a COD game past age 14


That was the problen with battlefront, so they took away the option to be a stormtrooper without a mask, because being chinese or a nubian goddess soesn't matter to the empire or the player

the game, that is actually what happens. check jewtube

me on the right

As long as you don't give them money I don't care what you do.

I watched a bit of the campaign on YouTube, it's even worse than that.
>PPSH and SVT-40 on the western front
>no Gewehr 43
>reload animations on half the guns are completely wrong
>PPSH model has a PPS-43 mag well on it
>mp-28 being used by frontline troops
>red dot sights
>Thompson using drum mags
>k98 with extended magazine
>trench gun with 10 shell capacity

I played through bioshock infinite again recently. This playthrough went much differently than a year ago. I kill all of the darkies, irish, etc. now.

Half of the campaign is actually entertaining. Rest is so bland you can't enjoy it even with drugs/alcohol.

I looked for the country flags player cards and the only ones available were those featuring the rainbow and transgender flags. I audibly wtf'd

>implying anyone cares if you care

I want you to reread your own post and then look at pic related. This is you. This is how fucking stupid you are right now. Get off Sup Forums for at least a month and rethink your fucking life, you mouthbreathing moron.

>Implying anyone cares if you don't care if he cares

>replying to a bait thread

>WW2 tactics with WW1 weaponry
no thanks

>Not playing COD with a lag switch

Dead on. No Gewehr 43 threw me off because apparently 1/2 the German army has the fucking Polish Karabin which was like a prototype gun. They do have SVT-40s outfitted for German rounds but they have no place on the Western Front. I guess the devs got lazy and didn't want to model a Gewehr.

Also if anyone has played Call of Duty Finest Hour about 1/2 the missions come from that and the other 1/2 are a combination of COD Big Red 1 and COD3.

Jesus fucking Christ, it's faggots like you that ruin this board. Fucking lighten up and stop being a faggot.

There's no way to unknow things you know, so basically it's impossible to become bluepilled again. However, indulging in some pleasures has very little to do with knowledge. People need leisure. It'd be for the best if you could somehow find leisure in something productive, like socializing or exercising, but it's honestly not that bad to play computer games in moderation.

Play bf1 and master the Bomber fuck cod

Also if anyone wasn't aware they do have a Concentration Camp level at the end. It's empty and being burned to the ground, but your former squad mate is Jewish and was sent there after he was captured. You run through the woods and shoot the single remaining evil Nazi and save your buddy.

The blue pill can make you ignore propaganda but it won't make a shit game not terrible. You're better off just playing some other fps

Käfer.. leicht auf die Karotten

Please tell me they're planning on doing single-player DLCs for once. I have a great pitch for one featuring a pregnant Anne Frank and a stolen Kar98 rifle. There's a lot of things a nine month pregnant Dutch-Jewish girl can do with a reliable bolt action rifle... And a Nazi.

it’s a nice movie game
ended up watching jewing private ryan

Think of it as two warring pires insyead of warring idealogies. Easy

There is zero reason to play cod over counter strike if you have a pc.
>cod4 was TEN years ago
And the mechanics look the same.

>all Germans being Nazis.

There's one level of the game where a double agent in the SD supplies you with explosives to blow up Wehrmacht HQ.

CoD is objectively shit in its own right. Gun play is ass

This game particularly is even shittier because it’s all fucking narrative, it’s more like a movie, which is gay.
Take WaW for instance, that was a good game, cool missions, and you didn’t have all this gay drama

Pretty inaccurate when it comes to to the guns i mean using the ppsh and waffe 28 is just retarded and the story is just a copy of big red one and finest hour basically like band of brothers. I wish they explored interesting battles like arnhem

Yeah. You just play the game and try your hardest not to be acoustic.

the PPSh annoyed me very much

Cod is pedophilia grooming. New flags for fags.

> BF

both shit filled with sjw garbage
pic related is the only good ww2 shooter

Bf1 is enjoyable

I heard the next battlefield will be analt history set in Cold War era

>but muh graphics

Fuck you, phoneposter

>double stuf

only way to be

I just want to add, PlayStation is gay

hahaha no
the developers are from sweden so you know they are dead serious

my doi bro

Dutch teachers are using it in history class. Euro education is becoming a big meme.

If it's good enough you don't need the blue pill, the problem is it's shit

Don't forget Red Orchestra

That can’t be real

I like it so far. The introspection into ptsd was well done. Haven't tried online yet.

>if you were truly redpilled you wouldnt even play vidya
you are literally retaded

> Playing bf1
Pleb tier taste


You're already blue pilled, shooters are bad for your mental health.




Andhonestly the sjw shit is needed cus you dumbasses think the current state of affairs is fine and nobody is getting oppressed anymore.

nigga she never became older than 16 you pedophile goddamn

i have EVERY cod. told my friends i cant buy it this time. just cant do it.

COD sucks ass. get Battlefield 1 or literally any other game.
I know battlefield 1 isnt that realistic with its weapons but I like the teamwork feel of it, whereas in cod your just fucking around the map trying to get shitty trickshots.

>nigga she never became older than 16 you pedophile goddamn
>make me read her diary at age 12
>surprised when puberty me finds her attractive

Really joggin' that noggin' there.

Also, age of consent laws vary wildly even in the United States. 15 was considered legal in Hawaii until ten years ago.

>24 players