I'm putting this flyer everywhere and I am not gonna stop it.
Your fun is over Sup Forums.
I'm putting this flyer everywhere and I am not gonna stop it.
Your fun is over Sup Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
cool, do you have the original image so I can do it too?
>"Its not OK to be a God damned kike"
Big if true
watcha doin antifa
Good, bring more normies to pol so they can be redpilled.
Doing God's user
don't change anything !!
well it's pretty hilarious, so good job
>inviting more normies to Sup Forums
you're just going to be violently shoving redpills down more peoples throats. u dont come here and leave in the same mindset no matter how bluepilled you are
Need proof faggot.
How to spot a shill 101.
Autist you had to fuck everything up. Fuck you
Fuck off racist
I've been lurking here for years - you guys are still all fucking clowns to me. :')
> (OP)
This, dont be foolish user.
Give up
You can not get a win over pol its literally impossible
hahahaa this is going to backfire so beautifully in every way it can, or would if for not being fake and also gay
>long live Hitler
You're a special kind of stupid
Have fun
Make sure to superglue one on the face of any statue you can find. Don't wear a mask either, we want to know the face of our hero. Shadilay!
stop with the meme flags leaf
>joke's on you Sup Forums I'm going to keep pushing the overton window in our direction
How do I down vote this?
Raté, pédé ! :0
That pepe in nazi garb. Holy shit that's pretty funny. I don't care if you post these everywhere they're fucking hilarious.
Okay op have fun.
How is that racist plz explainzzasion
He's right
I was a mild manner center leftist before Sup Forums now I'm full fash
Be sure to like and subscribe
Lefty/pol/ strikes again
Definite proof that Sup Forums makes you lose IQ points. Rofl.
>taking the baait that hard to put it in his own appartment stairs
All you gotta do is keep putting the original up. Or not even up, just littering it around. Nice rare 5 words OP
Where is that your house?
the campaign is over who cares
t.Sup Forums
so the red pill turns you into a faggot? good to know
Have to agree oddly enough.
I'm in the same boat. I used to frequent Sup Forums before pol. Was center leftist, would have thought communism was good if I didn't come here. Now I'm fucked beyond return but in a way, it's a good thing. Especially considering how things are going
So when we get reports from ONE university we’ll know where the idiot lives, hone down on him through social media and expose him.
>posting evidence of a kike shill campaign on the very site you're leading normies to
Jews really are nigger-like in their inability to think more than a few seconds into the future.
srlsy, the left can't meme
you're french.
your average is 90.
omae wa mo shindeiru
This is impressive kikery but everyone already knows the fliers come from Sup Forums.
Your cancerous kike flier is also an outlier and is clearly different from the others, so even though some fags may try to say they're all racist, they'll find no support from the politically neutral in this matter.
The only thing you've accomplished is rustling a few autistic jimmies on Sup Forums Mr. Kike.
good one, rabbi.
How many University students are about to learn Kike is a derogatory term for Jews?
fucking retarded OP, just follow the plan.
Lmao I support this
he's from reddit, macaco
it would be funny if a commie were to be photographed distributing leaflets with nazi imagery on them and subsequently identified
139, well tried.
>unironically going full fash after browsing a mongolian throat singing imageboard
Are you a fucking retard?
Your section 8 hallway looks like Mogadishu
Whatcha doin there rabbi?
I think the fun has just started.
I've been using Sup Forums for around 14 years and browsing Sup Forums for most of the time it has been around and I'm still what you cucks would consider bluepilled
Once again it's the progressive leftists posting pro nazi propaganda.
>tfw OP is arrested and has his life ruined
-b-but I was doing it i-ironically t-t stop those g-goddamn nazzziiis!!
As if the left doesn't do this shit anyway to discredit it.
We're used to it. The operation is pretty much over and achieved its goal, anyway. After the first media reports, nobody cares anymore.
he's right though, democracy is only good for the Jews.
it's basically a question of who has the most influence to fool the retarded, and that's usually the jews.
Fascism solves this problem.
everyone on Sup Forums came here from reddit, that's why it's the worst board on Sup Forums
>or a nigger!
don't forget that part
It's just going to attracted more low IQ retards that usually browse Reddit like you
Bluepill is the new redpill.
>says the clown who's posting shit irl
Wouldn't it be a shame if someone captured proof that you're a troll.
Do you think anyone would be dumb to be brainwashed by memes?
Unfortunately trying to fight pol on its home turf will always backfire. The left won't win using meme warfare.
>He stays "for years" on a site he disagrees with
because le epic troll xDDD
Kinda pathetic famalam.
If youre immune to the redpill you should gtfo don't loose your time here.
why are all 30 something irish woman such milfs? Maybe it's the accent.
Shadilay my brother xDDD
>Keeps returning to and lurking on forum that he vehemently disagrees with
>Totally not mentally ill
Kys too, putting a Reichsadler on that defeats the main purpose, brainlet.
>fascism is better than democracy
>fascist states were defeated by democracies after going full retard
Really makes you think!
we breed good stock. I prefer slavs though.
>have a liberal friend
>smart enough to stay out of a board he dislikes
People should be more like my friend.
Confirmation that its working. Appreciate the proof
So might is right? Good we agree fascism is best.
Now let's switch from Jewish fascism to white fascism.
>implying that you don't hate this place, and are also stuck in it forever anyway
Do you even Sup Forums ?
love it. but I prefer this one.
Who's the racist now, OP?
The guy who posts "it's okay to be white" or the one who shows neo-nazi drivel?
>kekistani flag
Pretty sure we can just blame Sargon for this one
Typical left. Making up stuff because reality isn't as bad as they'd like it.
Died with the internet. It's rule by IC now. Dirt on everyone, can blackmail all notable figures and remove any candidates that don't play ball.
It's the stairs to your basement, it doesn't count.
Have you ever visited coliseum or Black Twitter? Same shit different tribe, awful jackass.
>being this triggered
unironically put this one up
Tits or GTFO.
>fascist states were defeated by democracies after going full retard
what democracies? japanese americans
top kek good work
sage these leftypol shills
No, It's too gay outside.
That's bullshit and we both know it
That's just because you're slow.
We don't hold it against you but we still can't let you run without your special helmet on.
>tfw op gets caught on cctv and destroyed by lefties
That's a burger using that meme flag. Guaranteed.
lol your infiltration "attempt" serves as an unintended invitation ... it's true, the left cannot meme