Huma. Podesta. They are just small rats for the bigger rats.
Hopefully you've been keeping tabs on the timelines.
What happens when the big dogs fall? How does the establishment carry on once that happens?
Huma. Podesta. They are just small rats for the bigger rats.
Hopefully you've been keeping tabs on the timelines.
What happens when the big dogs fall? How does the establishment carry on once that happens?
Other urls found in this thread:
The MSM can try to suppress it. But we will just continue to dump this information everywhere. The leaks were always calculated by Left wing deep state...
But now it's time for us Right Wing folks to dump the goods as well...
Over the next few weeks it's going to get very bad in D.C. I hope you all have stocked up on Popcorn. Agents are readying mass arrests, this is not a joke and this is not a drill...
Just tune in and watch..
Oh I forgot to mention. Padapopolous is a deep state operative, he was a plant that was put into the Trump Campaign to illegally listen in on the campaign.
George would encourage Russia interactions, interactions that were all denied by Trump. The bad in all this is that Sessions encouraged the meetings, they have tape of this interaction between Sessions and George.
Any today?
They've made numerous attempts to frame collusion on Trump, but it's failed every single time. Nothing will ever happen to Trump, so they are taking out people on both sides to make this all look like a corruption cleansing of the Government. That's not the case..
I'd say the next two weeks.
So the “happenings” predicted today aren’t actually happening?
No I'm talking about the next domino. Podesta is already in chains, MSM isn't reporting. Huma is as well.
Are you aware of any false flags being planned. An user says FBI are planning to target large crowds again.
Yes this has been going around the circles for weeks now. Agents are moving for something, what that is seems to be "Top Secret"
I’ll believe it when the msm reports podestas in the clink
Bullshit. You are make unsubtantiated claims.
at least you aren't giving exact dates like the last LARPERs. 2/10 for the small effort
Sessions advised against a secret meeting with putin during the primaries.
How is Huma connected to all this when discussing Podesta? I never got that part.
>what is the laptop with the "insurance" folder
seriously user, come on.
No convincing in the least. Needs a lot of work if you aspire to reach the status of q user, meganon, and WH insider user.
At this point I almost can't fathom how she WOULD NOT be at this point.
I bet if you tallied up all their phone call/text history you'd see HRC, Huma, and the Podestas all in each other's top 10. These people are deeply linked.
Just DNC and Podesta's emails seem to suggest that. I can't imagine all the emails and Weiner's info cross-referenced.
Huma is the key and I'm fairly sure she will lead to a lot of SA stuff that we didn't even think was connected yet.
Prisoner dilemma maybe? Either Tony or Huma can give the scoop on John. Whichever does, gets a sweet deal. The other goes to PMA prison forever. Huma has a kid, so she probably breaks first.
Christ. Usually flooding Sup Forums with pics of BBC are the shill tactics. Now getting flooded by insider LARPs. Proof or GTFO.
check this out. no way to verify it yet but lets hope its true.
it's real i've seen the videos
t. nypd
nice i hadn't seen the original but it did look shopped
When are they going down?
Bump. But also give these investigations time to scour the conservatives then they're going to come after her guaranteed
thanks chief
They aren't going to fall yet, but we can make their business harder by taking pawns.
FBI doesn't do that shit.
That's CIAnigger shit.
By the way, why is Microsoft telling me I am spelling CIAnigger wrong???
guys watch the youtube vid in my post its only 2 mins long. The Insurance folder has Hillary and others in pedo videos for blackmail.
8992 is busy tonight
Who is that?
Fuck back off to /leftypol/
The Dollar will change from 1 to 0 bitcoinowners will be comped.
insurance folder is pedo black mail
I'm assuming this is a LARP, but one the small chance it's not, why the fuck is Sessions so useless?
Mods/someone removed the Q thread WTF
When will MSM talk about podesta ?
LARPs. Bullshit.
What happens when I make shit up on a Taiwanese spelunking board?
Who takes over when moot leaves?
You'll see. You'll all see. Vague timeframe.
This guy is a reddit spacing larper. Ignore him.
sure thing bud
sauce or kys
bump for interest, but assuming LARP.
most likely related to this