daily poland hate thread
hate on this shithole here
Daily poland hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
i like it here desu
how do we make Poland great (again), brothers?
Everything is just fine
March some with ONR
Beat a leftist or a nigger from time to time
Don't vote socialists
Love your family and friends
Go to Church once in a while
Make children
We good
Dlaczego smierdzicie? Nie stać was na mydło biedaki?
gib polish gf now
How do you guys put up with Ukrainians? I can't stand them.
We use gas masks because they stink
Fuck off you dirty Ukrainianian in Poland
oops.. wrong flag
Well i cant stand ukrops, russians and polaks.
they are like t*rkroaches
Ale was kurwa jakiś lewacki karaluch bejtuje wszystkie te (Ju) rozdawane na prawo i lewo.
Why are you so mean Northern Hungary?
it's shit
do NOT come here
Karaluchy śmierdzą, wystarczy im o tym przypomnieć i spiedalaja
That's right! Eternal winter, aggressive natives and russian tigers roaming the streets. Nothing to see here.
What? Hating on the leasted cucked nation in Europe? Not like you pol. At least they don't accept immigrants
because OP is a ShitSkin ChildFucker.
somebody use my pastas! I'm on the phone and can't use them
Reminder that 80% of polish pol users are depressed chavs who deserve sterilization
Dude -- quit being a fucking autist.
You pop up seriously a half-dozen times a day shitting on Poland.
Does Poland have a whole shit-ton of problems on its hands? Most definitely.
Is whatever shithole you live in any better (likely Ukie)?
You remind me of the self-loathing Hans that posts the "shit on Germany" threads.
Gas yourself.
why do everyone think im either german or ukrainian?
>tfw polska gównażeria ma teraz edżi modę na sranie do własnego gniazda, zamiast je reprezentować
Dajcie jakieś cenzopapy na pocieszenie
Bardzo dobrze, że tak robią. Idealni kandydaci na slave-trolle w przyszłości, którzy będą chwalić Polskę wszędzie.
jestem ciekaw czy podobnie jest w innych krajach europy środkowej i wschodniej, ciekawe jak jest w kajach jak węgry, rumunia, słowacja, kraje bałtyckie, chorwacja
Nudno tu
Zaczynamy inbe
Smutne żaby wypierdalać
Ta nić podżebuje wiendzej Babieża :DD
ONR or Falanga?
what is the difference between these two?
which is better?
Poland is the most based EU country
Still eastern bloc shithole but at least your wife isn't getting raped my a towlie
ONR-Falanga is the full name of the group
Poland is based fuck you.
ONR broke into ONR Falanga and ONR ABC in the 30s, nowadays they have barely anything in common with the pre-war organization, altough it looks more like Falanga, but it's very hard comparing these pre-war national socialist organizations with what it is now. Keep in mind officially now they're called ONR-Falanga as well.
no you've got the ONR:
and you have got the falanga:
as far as i understand it from what others said is that they split from one another. or something like that.
oh ok. so they distance themselves from interwar-period falanga?
or do they think of themselves as successors ?
Poland is great
Falanga is simply the name of this symbol, hand with a sword
Well they do try to cultivate the traditions, but it was a wide, political movement pre-war, while nowadays it's just few people enjoying marching with torches and spreading the "Great Poland" attitude.
So you could say before the war, the organization had political ambitions, while today it's just a bunch of people that have nothing to do with politics, just reminiscence the old times.
I think that German is asking about the ns falanga that exists today. They are fringe of polish nationalists, real ONR-Falanga hates them.
The main difference between them is that Falanga are national socialists who devote their lives to screaming at Izreal's embassy, and the ONR are Polish nationalists who actually do everything they can to help Polish society and to educate the youth.
We love you too, please hate c*mmies more and don't invade
Polish women really are degenerate mudsharks. They're so into niggers that the niggers are making memes about them
for comparison:
We are working on it, bro
Bros... I miss him.
Oh, I didn't get it, yeah this user answered your question
yes thanks. that's what i meant.
>Falanga are national socialists who devote their lives to screaming at Izreal's embassy
kek nice lads
would hang out with and drink zywiec with/10
to be honest both of these movements sound good to me. as long as they are not fighting against each other. i think it is good that poland has both of them.
top aesthetics
Dobra książka swoją drogą, polecam
Stfu you snowflakes. you live in one of the best countries in Europe. Wanna move to Sweden? Germany? Didn't think so
OP is obviously a nigger, a jew, a muslim or all 3 combined.
JPII was pretty based. He singlehandedly kept the walking corpse of the church alive for 40 years after Vatican II.
O kurwa ale suchar.
Fun fact: before the war it was very popular among them to have long hair and beards, now the members are mostly bald and clean-shaved
>Germany? Didn't think so
Actually I want to move to Germany
I have german roots
Fuck this shithole country
Fuck 'muh christianity' and 'muh white race'
I would rather have a comfy life as an IT engineer in Germany than worry about some alt right cringy bullshit
Yeah and he was a child molester
no he just covered it up, totally different
Poland is awful you guys, don't visit, they DON'T have beautiful women, or historic architecture, trust me I'm not planning on visiting them next year, nor hungary either, no sir
suck a dick
>Actually I want to move to Germany
Good, one less "pole" that sits on his ass all day complaining about Poland like he has nothing else to do
Totally, don't come here, we have corpses lying around on the streets, people stabbing one another over a sandwich, everyone is alcoholic and the weather sucks
Not worth visiting at all
just sarcasm m8 ;)
I fucking love you guys