>japan hates muslims
No you fucking perma-virgins.
Japan has embraced Islam!
>japan hates muslims
No you fucking perma-virgins.
Japan has embraced Islam!
Other urls found in this thread:
stop posting this bitch
Poor girl.
Her boyfriend is not Japanese.
>lazy eye
>looks inbred as hell
>converts to fucking islam
Is there anything worse?
Has the golden one become a tranny?
Japan has a lot of investments in Saudi Arabia, so they can't afford to be anti-Muslim.
nice try hamtaro
Fuck man, it's been funny, but kanadajin legit needs psychiatric help.
this bitch is mentally ill af, how she hasnt been institutionalized is beyond me, maybe japs are too afraid of insulting a foreigner
this thread is Israeli disinfo.
she said she deleted her videos without hijab, anyone got pics of her pre hijab?
she doesnt look japanese to me. Looks like a baka gaijin that went to japan and is trying to spread islam.
>Japan has embraced Islam!
>Posts video of white girl
>posts a well-known troll
>Japs are too afraid of insulting a foreigner
This is correct. They are too polite and don't want to cause trouble.
>t. Someone who has spent time in Japan
Only way it can get worse is if she decides to become a trany.
i like this but you need to add citations to make it more legit and spreadable
>the one white girl in japan is a muslim
Really makes you think.
checked. will do
She's just a weeb who took the Aisha roleplay too seriously.
A self-loathing communist parasite "nip" just like Japanese Man Yuuta.
90% of it is false.
Indonesian and Malay Muslims are citizens there but they are heavily watched
A Muslim can rent a house there
>Japan has embraced Islam!
>known tube slut converting to islam to shield self from slut behavior retaliation
>continue to hide in japan to escape vans of peace
Also there are a few Arabic universitys in Japan
Whitu Piggu go home
"Japan has embraced Islam, guys, xD, xD"
>Posts one video of one girl
>Girl is actually white
I didn't even have to search to this:
Yeah idk what her deal is, she clearly just became muslim for the snowflakiness. No reason to have just become a devout christian.
This explains her pretty well
Oh boy, it's Miranda a.k.a. Kanadajin3. She's quite a, uh, personality, top tier lolcow. Too lazy to write 'bout her, ya can check lolcow farm, the /pt/ board.
Also shit thread OP, lamest bait I saw in years. Can't believe that there are so many stupid people in my dear Sup Forums that took this bait.
I miss old Sup Forums, now the quality of this board is shite. Thanks moot. shat up best board and left it to some nip.
>becomes publicly muslim so a muslim jap friend will marry her
>he rejects her right away
>can't back down now due to social pressure
You can't make this shit up.
>Japan has embraced Islam!
She is an autistic Canadian weaboo, who has only further alienated herself from the Japanese.
there is a huge amount of halal restaurants in Japan. it's only a matter of time.
>islam infects japan
>becomes the majority
>no more video games
This literal white whore needs to be stoned to death.
Also Japan does hate Muslims.
i'm pretty sure he already is.
>playing japanese trash
ah the ol' Sup Forums fake facts infograph tactics
but i like this one
>Muslims must follow Japanese Law and language
Good God he is hideous
20 sec. in
>What the hell?
Which eye am I supposed to look at?
this is sickening.
you boys are doing the right thing and harrassing her on her social media right? right???
Praise Allah
other video title
>Why abortion is IMPORTANT in JAPAN
this chick is batshit insane
Converting to Islam is akin to coming out with a mental illness. Take this person as an example.
Oh i see.
She wears a hijab cause her head has freakish proportions.
imagine being this much of a geneticlet that you convert to islam just so you can wear a hat. fuck lmao
What did he mean by this?
Any nudes ?
No, thats why we sent her to the pissskin continent.
Who does even cares about this fucked in the head quasimodo
Everything about this girl and her history screams mental illness. Where are her parents?
That's an inbred. Obviously Islam attracts inbred people of all races, even gooks.
I'm 100% sure she's an inbred Newfie, a couple of my cousins from out east vaguely resemble her.
I don't blame him. She is ugly as fuck.
fucking lel
She has the disease where she goes to the extremes to be different.
>Move to another country to be the only white person.. that will get me attention and make me more interesting
>see other whites there
>become muslim
you couldnt pay me to read this
better resolution?
Get your eyes checked man
it's the sort of thing that would be on Jerry Springer
Shes a fucking retarded bitch.
They denied her permanent residency because she's a fucking psycho. Rip.
Didn't she get denied Japanese citizenship?
Weebs are crazy. Especially weeb women.
The morn of twine cannot come soon enough