USA is white

>USA is white
When will this meme end, amerishits are literally not white

Other urls found in this thread:

Meme flag BTFO also america is a le 52 %

Whiter than you muhomo

America is more white than any Eurocuck country

ban anyone that replies to these fucking threads, please
they're even worse than the retards making them

>le triggered muttface

Sage slide threads


2 Cold Scorpio is 100% black, and he knows that Tod Is God:

USA has more pure, 100% White people than any other country on the planet.
>inb4 but they're mutts!
So? Germans are mutts, too, after being raped by Soviets. The English are mutts because of their mixed Anglo/Celtic past. The Polish got mixed by Germans, Russians, and Austrians. Who cares if the average White American is no more than 50% any ethnic White group?

every fucking time


Some whites exist in the US but they're quickly being hunted down and exterminated or absorbed into the mongrel hordes

Pray for Kim to send the EMP

All of these images are shitty drawings, never pictures of actual Americans. I could just as easily draw a photo of a retarded looking Slav and start shitposting about how X isn't white. But I obviously wouldn't do that because it's shitposting. Exactly what you are doing right now.

When are you got to go back to Sup Forums?

This is what Americans are turning into though, you see these people at walmart and fast food restaurants and shit

OP is a crooked-toothed britcuck with an inferiority complex.


Wow I didn't know that drawing was based on a real person.

Why are you guys angry?

How pathetic does your life have to become before you start posting these threads?

You tell em, Payton Earnhardt Esposito Jr.

Are you even self-aware enough to understand how utterly cringeworthy you are?

>Sup Forums
>echo chamber full of elitist europeans posting unfunny mutt memes
>comes on Sup Forums to shit on americans because no one wants to talk to their lonely asses

I took a dna test, and it said 0% African. Does that not count as white? I mean, I'm not too far removed from when my family came here from Scotland. Both of my grandfathers got family reunion letters from Scotland every year. I guess I don't get it, as I am a newfag.

Mama mia that's a spicy leprechaun.

Apparently not.

