When is the Alt-Right going to start appealing to the masses through a clear anti-capitalist message? We all realize that private investment and free movement of labor is the driving force behind the degradation of the west, right?
When is the Alt-Right going to start appealing to the masses through a clear anti-capitalist message...
The aboslute state of the left.
Lol fuck off bernie-bro antifa
capitalism eats itself eventually. It's the cultural version of smoking crack every day for years and years, eventually your brain turns to mush and you die broke in the street. Just replace brain with society and you see what we have here.
You guys really believe that the reason for the Syrian immigration that is destroying Europe isn't for cheap labor and increased profit for shareholders? How is this not a direct result of capitalism? In a democratic society this wouldn't be happening. Nothing in the history of humanity is like what we are seeing now.
You're right anarcho-capitalist man, who doesn't realize private ownership is a construction of the state and businesses can't operate without contracts enforced by the state.
Most of the alt right does. Heimbach's guys are full blown strasserist. In fact you will find very little Orthodox Republican worship of muh free market in the alt right at all.
What's your alternative kike boy? go ahead and tell us what economic system you want to replace capitalism
You find it a lot on Sup Forums which is why I posted on here trying to figure out what is wrong with all these ancaps. It doesn't take more than 2 braincells to rub together to figure out that completely free markets,where society has no say in the operations of private tyrannies, have Jew written all over them. It's like people forget that Hitler spoke out against capitalism.
Sup Forums was overwhelmed by magapedes, Cernovitch and the alex Jones crowd long ago I'm afraid
Do research into Strasserist third-way political thought. Capitalism is a recent invention, and hasn't been the mode of human operation for 99.9 percent of our existence. Good to see that you guys have all bought into the Koch brothers line of thinking of the world.
It's not really free markets that are the problem, it's currency and financial instruments themselves, since they abstract power into something that can be held by someone thousands of miles away hidden behind dozens of layers of people and institutions, hence the jewish control. Power should be held by the aristocracy, not random people with pieces of paper.
base desire for cheaper wages and capitalism was definitely a major contributor to the beanerfication of the usa for sure, the 1965 immigration act was also influenced by some sort of back door real politik to stem Soviet influence as well
Europe being flooded with Arabs and africans can't be reduced to capitalism however, some sort of weird suicidal self hatred and sense of karmic justice seems to be at play there imho
kys. Crony-Capitalism is the problem. Remove power from government, problem solved because corporations will no longer be able to buy off politicians to set rules the way they like
Wrong its balls to the walls desire and aversion unleashed by women who act as bad as men...
Women generate wealth an mayhem. Like lightening...sexmagik...
Labor??? Distribution of goods??? Ideology???
Nah. Its feudal land lords....feudal land bankers....
You'll never have security as long as land is not owned outright with no possibility of seizure...
Corporations don't exist without a government, genius.
Lets pretend we all now live in your world, and all decisions that are made about what a company is allowed to do belongs to the owners of the company. Now the populace of the country has no say in what happens. They can smog up the air, import a bunch of shitskin 80 IQ's who do labor for nothing, and fuck up the country. Maybe democratic control over these central aspects of life will start to sound sweeter than your Ayn Rand Lorax hellscape.
> Alt-right hates jews and nepotism in goverment
> Against fat cats such as Soros, Rothchilds, Bushes, Clintons
> Not appealing to anti-capitalists.
You should look at the reactions to this thread from the American Enterprise Institute pussies that make up this board and new right thought in general.
The free market allows for the intelligent, creative, talented, hardworking, etc. To be successful and prosperous through freedom and competition. They are rewarded fairly by the free market. Only losers that can't compete would oppose such a system. Commies want a gold participation medal. Lack of competition, like in communism, is what promotes degeneracy. Competition weeds out the undesirables. Just like natural selection
"The free market" doesn't exist unless you want to live in a world where five year olds work in factories. You can also kiss Sup Forums goodbye because without state research and development we probably still wouldn't have anything close to modern computing. There is nothing intrinsic to freedom and prosperity in, "the means through which value is produced should be owned by a small group of people, and everyone else needs to rent themselves in order to produce any value." In your Nietzschean world, the people hoarding the means of production would be killed and usurped, but then you guys would cry about MUH NON AGGRESSION PRINCIPLE.
I studied economics mate. People who have the idea that the free market will have a eugenic effect are just not paying attention. Do you understand that mass culling of people whos existance is due to the welfare state isnt the best enviroment for business?
This is exactly right. Huge multinational corporations would NEVER let the modern nanny-state go away. The state and public money funds their research and development, then this new technology is privatized, and the same people who funded it now have to pay for it again. Then, sure enough, brainwashed Prager U retards talk about how if you have any state intervention in how Comcast chooses to gauge it's customers, it is a violation of their freedom.
>When are the Alt-right going to become communist?
Guess that will happen when communism stops being so fucking retarded.
Ah, the famous "anything that isn't unbridled capitalism is communism," meme.
Did you know that Hitler spoke against both communism, AND capitalism? Did you know that capitalism and communism didn't exist before the 17th century? There are more than two ways of organizing society.
I'm not ancap
When did I support a mass culling?
You also didn't address any of my points, which relate not just to ancaps, but market liberals like you as well.
>private ownership is a construction of the state
If you mean, private ownership is me building my own house and defending in with a rifle, I guess I then become my own state.
Fascists despise capitalism because it puts economic interests over the wellbeing of the nation.
For example they would be against illegal immigration, even though it would be better for capitalism since its cheaper labor, therefore mor competitive enterprises.
Well no, they can't. Because then they get shot by the people who's NAP they violated for fucking up the air, and because the shitskins they imported fucked with our property.
Two guys with guns invade your house and kill you. The house now belongs to them by your definition.
Thats survival of the fittest. Kudos to them.
Which is why my house has automatic sentry turrets, and landmines around the front and backyards except on the main
What an ideal society.
Why exactly is pollution a violation of the NAP? What if the pollution had no health effects on you, it just made your country look like a shithole. If they aren't polluting on your property, you can't act solely on the NAP. Also, you can't harm capitalists who attract low skilled labor to the country just because the newly important migrants harm you. Under the NAP, you can only defend yourself on the individual harming you.
Yes, its making my area look like shit, reducing its value, making them the people reducing the value of my property, violating the NAP.
If the shitskins are the ones harming me, and they work for the corporation, and the corporation protects them, then the corporation is violating the NAP.
>What an ideal society
Yeah, because people won't fuck with the NAP when you can just shoot them.
Your only arguments are unrealistic strawmen.
Nordic Resistance Movement is openly anti-capitalist.
You are really expanding the definition of the NAP to include societal well being. It makes the whole NAP pretty worthless, and just resorts back to the same kinds of moral arguments everyone else makes.
The corporation doesn't protect the shitskins, it just pays them a wage, which they are allowed to do in a free market.
The NAP doesn't exist. It's a spook, it's an illusion, it's pure ideology. You can't boil morality down to a formula.
>unrealistic strawmen
>as he talks about putting sentry turrets and landmines around his house
I hate you fucking kikes
Thank you for not being retards
Reminder that communism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin
And anyone who argues on the pretense that capitalism just means private enterprise, or that communism is the only alternative to capitalism, or that state-sponsored individualism (i.e. welfare for freeloaders) is "socialism", is a Marxist shill
Hide these threads, or sage your posts if you reply
Sage the posts on this thread even though we're arguing for the same thing? I'm not a communist.
Nah, when somebody attacks your property, or otherwise fucks with your stuff, they're violating the NAP. Pollution falls under fucking with others stuff.
The company privatized the air welcome to your ancap paradise. Why shouldn't the environment be privatized?
They privatized the air I already own?
I don't think you understand how this works.
If they pollute all the air around my property but somehow avoid putting a single bit of smoke into any of the air around my property, then I'm damn impressed.
You own the air, and so do others. It's collective ownership. The exact same thing applies to capital. It isn't a law of nature that the production needs to be absorbed by the person who lays claim to a piece of capital.
Maybe not, but
>appealing to the "alt-right"
>naming private investment as a driving force of the west's collapse
makes me pretty doubtful
"You own the air"
Okay, and so when the corporations reduce the value of the air, they're reducing the value of my property, violating the NAP.
There are an infinite number of things that reduce the value of your property. Why don't you go and shoot up Wall Street and Washington because of how they reduced the price of your house during the bursting of the housing bubble.
I probably would if we lived in an anarcho capitalist society. And so would every other person. That's the beauty of it.
Reducing the value of your property isn't "aggression", you dunce
It's your autistic market at work.
>That's the beautify of it.
>That's why it doesn't exist outside of internet memes, because nobody actually does want to live like that
I'm specifically referring to diminished capital controls and unlimited foreign investment into western countries.
So then, if I casually just pour acid on somebody, then I'm only reducing the value of their body right?
fuck off with your identity politics bullshit. They're damaging my property and you know it.
No, you're physically attacking them. That's aggression.
Value is a facet of the market and nothing more. If you can't control your own property's value, that's your fault and according to your autistic theory you would get rightfully bullied out of the market by more competent capitalists.
You LARPing fags can't even be bothered to understand your own ideology.
You aren't reducing the value of anything, because, like air, you aren't a commodity. You are an individual physically harming another individual, which is supposed to be the extent of the NAP. Everyone who defends it as an unfailing moral system has to extent this premise to things that don't belong within it for it to make any sense. It goes from "You can't harm me," to "If a capitalist entices brown people to come into my country, and the brown person harms me, therefore I can harm the capitalist." Or, "Wall Street speculation of shitty housing loans made my house value go down, so therefore I can shoot up Wall Street."
After hearing Ghost, I'm anti-capitalist.
You accusing, abusing the dumb and poor scum.
I pray for your downfall even in Jesus name, filthy pigs. I hang my salvation of the cross on the riddance of both the scum on the right, and left, in this disgusting body divided. Death to communism too.
No, they're phsycially attacking my property. That's aggression. If you're going to play this game we're going to play this game.
They aren't physically attacking you by lowering the value of your property you fucking idiot, this is how markets work. If you offer a product at a lower price than a competitor, you are forcing them to lower their price if they want to exist in the market. Are you allowed to attack them?
Physically attacking is aggression, reducing value isn't.
You tried to quantify pollution as a physical attack based on the fact that it reduces your property's value. By those terms, it isn't, and thus doesn't violate the NAP.
"they arent physically attacking you by lowering the value of my property"
No, read my post.
"you tried to quantify pollution as a physical attack"
It's as much as a physical attack as pouring acid on a person is. Tell me the difference.
You said they were physically attacking your property by lowering the value. Explain to me how any market competition that forces you to lower your price for your property doesn't fall under this same objection.
No, I didn't. Lowering the value is different than pollution. If I come over and pour sludge onto your lawn, Im not just lowering the value on your house you dumbass.
Pouring acid on person is a targeted effort to harm them. A company's pollution is a side-effect of their production.
see>they're reducing the value of my property, violating the NAP.
Why does every Ancap argue like such slimy, lying jews?
>a companies pollution is a side effect of their production
My acid on your chest is a side effect of me attempting to quench your apparent retardation.
You attempting to quench my apparent retardation is a targeted effort to harm me, and you just got shot 6 times in the chest for it.
Any more questions, faggot?
Yeah, how you think that doesn't apply exactly the same way to corporations and property.
Your action was "attempt to quench someone's retardation"
The corporation's action was "manufacture a product"