>Swedish men
Swedish men
Dude c'mon, I'm on nofap.
who is that?
Valerie Kay
But this is the only good pic of her
Ugly face but still good ass and tits
She's Hispanic
What the actual fuck is this?
Holy shit that boring and long as fuck intro. Just skip to 2:30.
Too. Fucking. Brown.
Göteborgs SwoleLeft Antifa Feminist Fighting Division vs White men
why did the swedes all start out with flying kung fu kicks?
Jag dog
why? did it for 5 months on a long work trip and it does literally nothing.
>yfwn eat that cooch
not one swede stood a chance
not fucking one
that god damn tackle attack at 2:52~ was intense
45 seconds of history
is that the playboy tranny?
Nice snatch
why didnt they get the golden one and his group of glorious vikings?
>brown pussy and nips
fyucking retard. its like a devastating opner to take down 1 or 2. bet u couldnt even take a slap let alone an 80lb snap fucking kick to your dome you fat autist alt right retard trumpy lover
Funny but are those dudes even supposed to be MMA fighters? Because they all look like a bunch of random people asked to fight without any prior experience or training, especially on the swede team.
Swedish Ahmeds should start by shaving their heads to not look like homosexuals.
Literally Kim Kardashian for poor people
Why ruin a good post with a blacked whore?
Literally this nofap was design to make men more desensitize towards sex . Just fap and don't watch porn videos. You can still see the photos of hot lady without nude.
Those two sand niggers did fight for sure a few times in their lives.
Against goats, women and donkeys which is halal according to Islam.
yeah, does absolutely nothing for you. people act like you get super powers from nofap, but it's all bullshit.
>tfw no brown cunt to breed
Does God exist, Sup Forums?
Slavs are great warriors/fighters
Nah, it does make sense to at least stop consuming pornography.
I know from my own experience that over the years I had to get into more and more extreme types of pornography like bdsm to get off which does have a negative effect on your life.
You stop consuming this shit and after some time your tendencies towards perversion ends.
I still masturbate but now it's easy for me to get off from thinking about vanilla stuff. I'm glad about that for sure.
I actually even believe that people could turn homosexual, transgender from exposure to this over many years. It's dangerous.
If you are who I think you are you should know about the neurological and hormonal difference.
You two should switch countries.
So are all whites burgerbro. It's just that we are not synched in our cultural phases or development.
Us slavs are just as prone to become feminised liberals like you guys are. It's just your turn now to get jewed, but you'll recover, no worries.
No shit, go to /gif/ and see what they usually post and about how porn ruined their lives.
didn’t expect to, but:
enjoyed team fight and nude pic
op peers into our heads like Beelzebub
op understands
polan fighters were so much bigger, shoulders much broader than the arabs.
Where to insert penis?
Honestly the cheerleaders from the intro got me more
I absolutely believe it and that's why I question my Libertarian beliefs these days.
When it comes to morals, drugs and stuff like that you just can't have laissez faire, it'll fuck up society.
actual shills
how are you supposed to watch 5 fights at the same time?
>ywn sniff her braper
What a time to be alive
Meanwhile, this is a real Swedish fighter.
Poland has no good UFC fighters at all, we have a fucking Viking champion. Now keep watching porn, you cuck.