Despite logic, facts, decency and reason being against him, Trump marched on and won the presidency.
So I have to ask, why did you, as an individual, vote for Trump? What the hell did he offer, and has he delivered at all? There are literally a negative number of reasons to vote for Trump, yet you guys managed to do so anyways. Why?
Just stop already. Sup Forums is fucking retarded and will freely give your lowest effort hundreds of replies. We know this so well already, so why do you keep making these threads?
Michael Martin
It's not so much that Trump is some divinely inspired politician,
more that his opponent is a devil-worshipping, corrupt, literal pedophile lesbian.
Jace Morgan
Blow it out of your ass.
Jaxson Carter
Did it just to trigger you friendo.
Plus I like the idea of America being the dumb redneck you make fun of until he punches you right in the fucking eye with cruise missiles
Asher Baker
Or perhaps we're wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Christopher Anderson
I want to see you crying, in a puddle of piss, when a Russian or British soldier is shoving a print of your post about black eyes, once your president gets us into a third world war.
Asher Richardson
I didn't vote for Blumpf. that would require leaving the house.
Chase Smith
this to be honest
I'd have voted for hitler before voting for clinton. at least hitler cared about his country and his people.
Jose Watson
I would proceed to spiderman your faggoty off topic ass but the mods are gay and you'll be a faggot and report me for it, yet they'll allow your spam here.
Andrew James
Logic and facts?
Here is a fact: Obama added 10, 000, 000, 000, 000 to the national debt. Most people, even right-wingers can begin to conceptualize how unbelievably horrible that it. Generations of Americans yet unborn are already enslaved to the banks.
I'm a Leaf but I supported Trump because I knew he wouldn't borrow/spend like this (He actually pays down debt, NO other western leader does this as far as I'm concerned) and he shut down the TPP which is the smoking gun that shows he is an insurgent force against the globalist power elite that are trying to create a totalitarian one-world government.
Indeed Trump is a callous and foul man, but he is the Dark Knight humanity needs right now regardless of your partisan beliefs.
Kayden Taylor
no i voted for Trump cuz i wanted to fuck over the establishment, turns out he is the establishment too, oh well
David Howard
>So I have to ask, why did you, as an individual, vote for Trump? Because he was not Clinton, and her feminist bigotry had to be defeated.
>What the hell did he offer, and has he delivered at all? Don't know, don't care. Right now an angry cunt isn't making more laws like the Violence against women act that unfairly target men because penis is evil.
>There are literally a negative number of reasons to vote for Trump, yet you guys managed to do so anyways. Why? I just told you, he's not a feminist, and feminism is societal cancer. We can't cure it, but we don't have to accept it either.
Aaron Garcia
Oh wahhhhhhhhhh, the baby hates it when somebody with a different, correct opinion challenges his simple way of thinking. Oh wahhhhhhhhhh he needs a new diaper. Oh wahhhhhhhhhh, he's messing it again.
Lincoln Green
>it's this easy to trigger eurocucks It's over before its started mate
Leo Rogers
I'm not fat.
Owen Peterson
>correct opinion this exact line of thinking, courtesy of you and people like you, is why trump won
Jordan Wright
Aiden Thomas
>Was against Syria escalation There. That was basically it.
At least the momentary fuck up of pretending like there was any conclusive evidence of Assad using chemical weapons "again" didn't sour things too much.
Isaiah Brown
>correct opinion Now you're activating your almonds
Ryder Baker
I wish I could've voted Trump.
Camden Hernandez
>why did you, as an individual, vote for Trump? Because i live in a blue state and realized he was going to win.
The left does not understand the way the electoral system works, they go out and vote more or less evenly in red and blue states. The right, a good deal understands the system and many conservatives in blue states dont even bother.
I realized the situation this would result in is him winning the election but losing the popular vote. I realized the left would meme about this and whine and riot. I voted to attempt to lessen the gap to help maintain stability in society.
t. centrist
Jayden Ramirez
OK, kind of a reason. They really need to throw Assad out. He's an unstable, pro-Russia, anti-Semitic dictator (like Trump)
Hillary could have done that too you know.
Christian Hughes
Ian Evans
I think I'm gonne filter EU flags if this retarded shit is all you fuckers spam the board with.
Sage and hide.
Jose Flores
I would've voted for Hitler before voting for anyone else. Ideal candidate.
Caleb Jenkins
KYS Miriokek
Everyone hates you, even your own whore mother.
Gavin James
>the anti- Obama leaf
Christian Bell
>Trump hasn't done anything >Trump is a dictator Hey look it's this meme again
Juan Brown
All of Mexico and Central America has moved here and shit out a half dozen kids. They're born to retarded as fuck illiterate third worlders who couldn't even get jobs in their own countries. Our Mexicans are fucking dumber than the nogs. They're ugly brown goblins. They take their children everywhere despite it being socially inappropriate (Las Vegas, taverns, casino hotels, you name it).
Jose Gonzalez
Always do the opposite of what Jews say.
Oliver Fisher
Nah Assad is based. The only anti- globalist leader left in the middle East. Since when has throwing out middle Eastern dictators ever accomplished anything good?
Benjamin Clark
>Assad is unstable Prove it. This is a baseless claim, he's only shown himself to be a rational actor. The U.S. should not be using Syria as a proxy to poke Russia.
>Hillary could have done that too you know. No, I don't know. Do you know? Did you know that she was openly and brazenly in favor of escalating the Syrian conflict and ousting Assad?
Do you even bother keeping up with world events or are you too busy dodging trucks and rape gangs to read?
Easton Barnes
...which is why he needs to be removed. We all know what happens when a nationalist takes office (see Franco, Hitler, Mussolini, Hussein)
Ryan Sanders
I'll admit, Trump isn't the best person to be President rn, but I'll explain why I voted for him 1) He is an outsider. He isn't a selfish politician who is in it for their own selfish agenda(s) 2) Hillary was a corporate puppet, and the next step for the Dem's/Globalists' plan\ 3) He had actual ideas about fixing the many problems we have in America
Levi Fisher
>Obama added to the national debt What exactly do you think trumps tax plan is going to do by cutting off tax revenue you absolute troglodyte?
Jacob Sanchez
1/10 is the best I can do
Alexander Barnes
There is literally nothing wrong with racism.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You won't be able to.
Dominic Adams
Can mods just ban this faggot and everyone that bumps his threads?
Kayden Rodriguez
1) He became an insider for the banks 2) He's a bank puppet, and globalism is not that bad 3) He hasn't implemented them (keeps getting shut down when trying to get rid of Obamacare lol)
Chase Harris
Improve the economy. Paying off debt is a long term journey
Christian Bell
He made liberals shit themselves with anger and outrage. There's nothing else to it. It's all pure and simple schadenfreude.
Jackson Campbell
LMao you have weird fantasies haha
Tyler Reed
> He hasn't implemented them (keeps getting shut down when trying to get rid of Obamacare lol) Wait didn't you just say that he was a dictator?
Blake Richardson
>Corporations taxed at 39% >Corporations able to skirt taxes almost entirely because of ridiculous tax codes and exemptions >Reduce tax to 20%, simplifying code making corporations pay normally >Less revenue
Based on your flag I don't expect you to get this, but citizens are not cattle for the state to consume when it's convenient. And if you could do math, you'd realize that taxation is not an effective means of fixing the national debt.
Noah Phillips
>So I have to ask, why did you, as an individual, vote for Trump? banter obviously
Dominic Williams
Lol why do you guys use random ass anime’s for pics?
Xavier Hernandez
He's trying to build a wall, fund the military, enforce immigration laws, says horrible things about the media/celebrities/politicians and is racist. He's a proto-tyrant on the verge (and he will be one)
Logan Green
I voted for him to accelerate the next revolution. People would have been too complacent if Hillary won.
Caleb Allen
Easy. Trump was the lesser evil compared to his opponent. The fact that you can't understand that baffles me. Unless you are LARPing.
Ethan Baker
Daily reminder that these threads are bait.
Samuel Jackson
That's not the definition of a dictator, This is: one holding complete autocratic control :a person with unlimited governmental power
Justin Nguyen
Because it will be fun this way. I yawn at Hillary and sanders, huehuehue
Christian Murphy
No shit, but its fun arguing with liberals
Aiden James
>and globalism is not that bad
It absolutely is. Globalism is without a doubt the worst affliction to plague our species, though I can't imagine someone posting with an EU flag would understand that.
Brayden James
Nationalism: be proud of a single group you had no role in helping to advance! Fuck the rest, kill them all! Be an uncultured, isolated dickhead that refuses to travel outside his own room!
Globalism: be proud of yourself and of others for their accomplishments. Accept the rest, and their contributions. Be a cultured, educated individual who travels the world, meeting people instead of hating people that you've never met
Yeah, OK, though I can't imagine why some British piece of shit would understand that.
Charles Flores
>T. Cuntropean What do you know about leaders? Politicians don't care about you, kek.
Cooper Anderson
>people reply to E.U posters and not sage Remember, it's everyone else's fault that Sup Forums is a shit board. SAGE >SAGE SAGE >SAGE SAGE >SAGE
Jaxon Nguyen
Are you retarded? It's wrong because racism is bias. Just because a bad company made a product doesn't mean the product is automatically bad, it's just more likely to be bad. Same with niggers. You shouldn't assume they gonna rob you, but it's likely. That's not racist that's statistics
Noah Morales
Evan Thompson
Brandon Lewis
>the leaf gets it
Ethan Watson
>It's wrong because racism is bias >You shouldn't assume they gonna rob you, but it's likely >That's not racist that's statistics
wew lad
Caleb Allen
I dare say Burgers are at the end of their patience and this was a final "Stop fucking with me" to the politicians. After this one I presume civil war is a real possibility.
Camden Bennett
Stop subverting my anime you disgusting fucking worm. You'll NEVER win.
Jace Mitchell
Yeah you're actually pretty much spot on there friend. Us regular blue collar folks are done being told what to believe, what to think, what to do etc etc. The election of Donald Trump was a revolution against our government without the violence.
Caleb Baker
It’s because I hate you and I want to unleash every bad thing I can in an attempt to destroy you.
Joshua Lewis
Trump is the antithesis of the self-righteous suicide delusion of the left.
Libtards are infatuated with this notion of being white saviors, pouring out our treasure as a golden shower on the unwashed Nations of the planet. They have this idea that the US doesn’t need to do anything to ensure it’s own survival.
That’s naive and cucked. We can see the cracks forming. The economic reality is that we’re already on a fiscally unsustainable trajectory, and faggots like Obama were trying to accelerate our destruction by adding non-contributors to the social welfare rolls.
I can’t honestly understand why liberals are as stupid as they are, so my brain started ascribing malice to them. I admit it. It’s just.. incomprehensible that they think we can commit the economic malpractice we have been for the past decades and continue to exist at all.
Zachary Scott
Nigger, you don’t really understand how things work around here.
We use these stupid threads to debate each other.
These stupid low effort poasts still stimulate lively conversation among us.
We even use your own bs against you.
Andrew Jackson
There is almost never any consistency in anti-Trump arguments.
>He's going to start WW3!!! >Opponent is well known warhawk openly advocating for escalation in ongoing proxy war
>He's a fascist dictator who's persecuting femme POC >He's not doing anything
>He'll destroy the economy >We need more social welfare
>He'll be impeached for his ties to Russia >Uranium one sale was totally above board
Let's be honest, anyone who believes the Russia shit is pozzed beyond saving anyway.
Michael Moore explained perfectly why Trump would win. Probably the only intelligent writing he's ever done
Alexander Brooks
How bad do you think that we think globalism is. I would like to hear a coherent stance on this. What are the positives that you envision that compensate any of the negative consequences of lacking a Pareto efficient exchange of labor between the first world and the third?
Jaxson Foster
>So I have to ask, why did you, as an individual, vote for Trump? In an attempt to reverse the demographic browning of America, prevent me from being discriminated against via affirmative action for being a straight white male, and to punish the DNC for rigging the election.
Jacob Adams
there is nothing wrong to want unity and a cohesive social world , you and your type should burn in hell, usa was the envidy of the world look at know.
Isaiah Gray
>there is nothing wrong to want unity Unity through continuous interventionism and increasingly authoritarian states, sounds great.