So I just watched this movie, Sup Forums. It's about how illegally home-screened American movies gave a glimpse at what the free world was like to Romanians under the oppressive communist regime of Nicolae Ceausescu. The movie carries a great anti-communist message of how oppressive commie regimes can be, and how people will naturally be attracted to the ideals of freedom even if their vectors are outlawed. Not trying to be a shill but already being one, I think we all should watch it and spread it around; even though the movie is from 2015 I had never heard of it until now.
After watching the movie, I looked up reviews of it and found this one where (((The Guardian))) gives if a score of 2 out of 5, on grounds of it being "boring".
For those who have watched it, what do you think of it? For Romanian anons, does it paint an accurate picture of what you have experienced/have been told first-hand by previous generations?
Lincoln Morgan
*gives it a score
Isaac Phillips
Watched this and thought it was definitely Sup Forums material. Ceausescu is pretty up there in my list of favorite "irrelevant whackjob dictators" of the 20th century. He still doesn't hold a candle to Hoxha though.
Justin Jackson
Never heard of it, Huebro. Is it worth a watch?
Elijah Wilson
Nice, gonna watch this later today
Caleb Phillips
Holy shit, he looks like what would spawn if Barack Obama and Brazilian WWII-time president Getúlio Vargas had a magically non-gay sex affair
Ryder Adams
He was an SOB but he was our SOB. It's a shame we couldn't squash your little riots with tanktracks like in the 50s.
Joseph Ortiz
i think i read this story on Sup Forums before so i guess i dont need to watch it.
Owen Mitchell
These would be "spoilers" but they're a document of history, so...
Yes, it has some kinda memorable accounts from Romanian folks who say they were marveled at how much food American food stores had and how it was showed matter-of-factly -- the person then clarifies how in Romanian commie society they had to form up these lines in front of ration distribution centers and only get a small handful of stuff for the day.
It also shows the persecution of screeners by Romanian secret police, and how the main government guy who pirated the movies and sold it to smugglers so the'd reached the people eventually became very influential because even the high-ranking officials wanted to secretly get their hands on Western movies.
An important (real-life) character is Irina Nistor, a government interpreter who secretly dubbed over the voices of characters and recorded her own voice over the tapes, it shows how she became an omnipresent voice in home-screenings and a symbol of hope and freedom for Romanians.
It shows how kids were influenced by kung-fu movies and Rocky, one guy telling how watching Rocky made him wake up at 5 a.m. every day to exercise, and little kids beginning to attempt to emulate kung-fu moves when playing in the streets.
It's all pretty interesting and "inspiring" in a way, and it puts in perspective the freedom that we had -- even the somewhat restricted freedom we had during a military, anti-commie dictatorship here in Brazil, which the commies of nowadays like to cry about saying there were lots and lots of repression and whatnot.
Hell, it's kind of an exaggerated reaction, but this movie even made me consider naming my daughter, if I ever have one, Irina, after the woman in this here picture.
William Roberts
For reference, former president Getúlio Vargas.
Kevin Cruz
Do any of you realize how many romanians died under nazism?
And it wasn't even justified, they just liked killing them.
Aiden Ward
What does it have to do with the communist regime?
Jayden Rodriguez
This is a shill thread advertising kike Hollywood bullshit. Every satanic movie Hollyjew ever made should be burned and erased from history.
Kayden Foster
> people will naturally be attracted to the ideals of freedom even if their vectors are outlawed
Reminder this board is full of unironic natsocs cucks who hate communism but want the exact same doomed to failure authoritarian socialist nightmare.
Christian Campbell
Romania was an axis power faggot
Kevin Sanchez
Sorry for shilling, but it is a relevant movie. I'm surprised it made it to (((Netflix))) at all.
Robert Price
>t. brainlet who’s never read Mein Kampf and Das Kapital Get educated instead of copying what the shills say
I’ve noticed more of these types of threads popping up since Weinstein.
Thomas Martinez
I'm willing to believe much of that is just a meme, but yeah, I tend to forget it
Levi Ross
Weinstein? Is this the/one of the guy(s) who were reported as rapists or some shit? What's the relation to these types of threads?
Christian Ortiz
>and how people will naturally be attracted to the ideals of freedom even if their vectors are outlawed
Only if they're unsophisticated 3rd world cults of personality. Read 1984 and Brave New World.
>There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this, Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.
Bonus round: with technology on the rise, there going to be way more tangible control. There'll be nowhere to hide, and the police and military will have portions consisting of robots that can see through walls and hear almost anything.
Andrew Kelly
Pretty much what is developing now, huh.
This makes me think not only of the "omniscience" systems of the American NSA and whatnot, but also of that credit system in China where you get more credit for being a "good citizen" (as the government wants) and are rewarded for reporting and socially ostracizing people who are not "good citizens". I forget the name now but it's made the news a few years back.
Carter Powell
All that is only phase 1 of compliance, by the way. And to that effect, being a good citizen means you have to destroy history with things like kangs so the dividers at the top have both a justification and an enemy.
The ultimate goal is almost incomprehensible to us who haven't experienced it.