Plague sweeping Africa with a 100% death rate. Based plague
Laugh at niggers thread
Hopefully it comes to Europe and kills all of the degenerate devil worshippers
We don't hate niggers, we just want segregation and the colonies again, to bring peace and order to everybody.
Everyone deserves a good life.
The joos are the ones who want death and chaos, don't be like them.
Seriously wtf is going on down there!?
The black plague is now 1/4 of Africa??
Oh my god I fucking hate niggers holy shit
I hate niggers. I don't want them to live in my country, I want them to stay in their own countries
I meant that. Europe sending all non Whites to their origin lands by ancestry. And Whites controlling those lands. It is the only way to prevent more disaster for the world.
some Plauge Inc. shit right there
never forget.
>"When the Europeans were here, we could cope," he said. "I had money to buy food and a clinic handed out free drugs. Now we have no jobs, no income, inflation is 1,000 per cent and when we go to hospital they ask us for money. If we have none, we are turned away."
>"We never had food shortages before, not in 120 years since the commercial farmers started to work the land," said Archbishop Ncube. "Mugabe has caused this famine because he raided the farms that were feeding the nation. But they don't care for the people."
Is he reading Harry Potter?
Based Rhodie ridgeback protecting mother and children from feral niggers.
i guess China finally decided she want ALL the resources in Africa. They know how to get shit done.
Good luck Peste-chan.
Is anyone else a little worried it's going to spread here to America?
I mean, niggers are literally the worst thing in today's culture next to Muslims but they're literally now destroying the world
Good starting move though.
Whites are slightly more resistant to y. pestis than niggers, especially Finns and a few other ethnic groups.
>Implying this isnt just going to be wiped out by NGOs
mate, come on.
God wont intervene and save us
whites have a genetic resistance to the plague after surviving it the first time
Yeah but I'm still a bit scared
a vacine is not gonna be created before a white person gets infected
Don't have any contact with anyone who isn't white. Even when you have any contact with people who are white clean your hands afterwards. Clean your hands after using anything in public spaces, shower everyday.
Plauge avoided.
This FUCK niggers
Wait till your fellow libtards allow them to come to your country and it is culturally enriching to be infected and pozzed by the niggers because muh bleeding heart/ social virtue points
It will be worth the risk if it means the world being liberated.
It's nowhere near 100% death rate, and they had it for a time
They have a custom of dancing with their dead family memebers. They are giving themselves the plague by playing with the dead.
It didn't happened well last time
this...the numbers aren't even that bad....
I'd be shitting myself if king nigger was still president, he'd allow them for sure. Now, I have more confidence.
The trick to surviving the plague is to keep away from fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and anything else that can bite an infected person, then travel to a non infected person and bite them. So it's not blacks you need to stay away from, but the vermin they bring with them. Like rats and mice. That, and a shit ton of antioxidants and vitamin C. Nostradamus was able to effectively fight off the plague by prescribing the roots of artichoke plants and rose petals/rose hips. Then burning the dead, their positions that might be contaminated by plague carrying pests, and physically washing down the streets after clearing out all the trash.
Isn't Bubonic plague bacterial, rather than viral? Can't we anti-biotic that shit away?
Africa is already plagued... with niggers
Yeah, and we do it all the time. Prairie gophers here in the US still have a plague on them due to the fleas that came over from Europe on the pilgrim ships. It's either bubonic plague or the black plague. As a result each year one or two farmers wind up infected with it. But you never hear about it in the news because they just go to the hospital and get it taken care of.
When you're not in a complete shithole like Africa fucking rabies is more scary and less likely to survive than the plague.
I can only imagine how to Patient Zero got it in the first place.
Somehow digging up corpses and dancing with them was involved.
*Pandemic 2
Not really, Madagascar has no pop
because of the americans and communists
this time it will be done right
So, it'll only work if stronger nations don't get involved
Maybe if we can set it up under the guise of humanitarian work?
>Wait till your fellow libtards allow them to come to your country
People infected die within 24 hours, and there aren't nearly enough hospitals or field hospitals. And people dont know they're infected until it's too late. Almost no one have been treated
That's just with the pneumonic plague. The regular bubonic plague isn't as hard to treat.
It's not the same plague that is going on in Africa right now tho. The plague in Africa is transmitted by air (spit, coughing etc). And too much anti bioics isn't good because the body gets used to it. Africa is being artificially kept alive by aid. Europe and Asia have already been through plagues that have killed of half of our countries so we are somewhat immune to them
Jews on suicide watch because their wardogs keep dying. Lol
>Plague sweeping Africa with a 100% death rate. Based plague
What about Madagaskar?
yes? What about that?
Some variants of the plague during the Black Death were transmitted by air though.
yep that's true
Good choice speccing into airborne early on
i'd argue waterborne is a better start, considering they only can travel by sea
stupid fucking retards, do they not know that bodies have germs and leak disgusting fluids? People invented caskets for a reason...
They don't call it The Black Death for nothing.
>mfw blacks getting BLACKED
Just wait for it to bike to Germany and Merkel lets them in.
i miss Ebola-chan