Do you believe in the "white genocide" or the "great replacement"?
Do you believe in the "white genocide" or the "great replacement"?
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It's pretty autistic
They are saying it in the open so saged.
t. Mohammed
Some user will say that's a guy and I'll believe them
you are basically asking if i believe in demographic statistics.
>examples of white female beauty
>plastic surgery
>bleached hair
>heavy makeup
Whites are already a world minority. It's amazing how many faggots don't realize that.
Don't sage this. Some anons still need to learn the truth.
It's unironically happening.
Demographics don't lie.
People who claim "white genocide" isn't happening usually refer to the fact there will still be white people. Well, yeah, duh, for another couple of centuries at the very least. But the point is that there will be a lot less of them, they'll be of significant racial impurity, and will lose majority even in their own continent.
What white rights activists push for isn't global racial hegemony. They just don't want to see their people reduced to what Indigenous Americans have become.
She is 16 you moron
The video debunks statistics like that. Yes migration is a problem but a "replacement" is just plain stupid.
Also, the USA is ALREADY 56% white. It'll be majority non-white in less than a decade. How the fuck is white displacement is not happening? Pure genetics dictate that whites simply CANNOT remain a distinct minority in the long run.
I'm not going to watch that drivel, but let me guess, is her argument basically that white people will still be around numerically, even if their percentage in society decreases?
>shamelessly shilling your own video
Right our countries will collapse, because importing shitskins in the millions who are lazy fucks is not replacement but destruction immigration.
It is happening in south africa,
But once push comes to shove,
The whites will start slaughtering the blacks
The mixed race ones or coloureds will join the whites.
Because apparently, the coloureds hate the blacks and would fight than rather become the next target.
>literally "statistics are racist"-tier
78% of Americans self-identify as white on the US census. The media only arrive at the statistics they do by rounding us down by every measure conceivable.
Ted Cruz wouldn't be considered "white" by your metric on account of his Cuban father.
in history (e.g. lebanon) once a new group becomes a majority the genocide will speed up fast, lebanon was merely a decade.
does it debunk this?
They are not white (EUROPEAN CAUCASOID) they are mixed mongrels. That is the whole point. America is becoming more and more a state of mixed mongrels that will define in the long run a new ethnicity.
>the great replacement
Who is she?
Yes and I'm happy about it
>78% of Americans self-identify as white on the US census.
the census includes "hispanics" as white.
Same shit and it's undeniably happening in all of our countries
Leftists are somewhat right in regarding "whiteness" as a social construct that has gradually expanded over the years, but this does not mean there are no discernible genetic characteristics that are distinctly, really, objectively White (pale skin, fair hair, light eyes, height).
"Social whiteness" may expand (and HAS - many 2nd generation Hispanics refer to themselves as "white" nowadays), but the overall real racial whiteness remains in sharp decline. Go to any schoolyard and you'll notice how less than 20% of the children there have blue eyes. The "whites" are all somewhat swarthy and have distinctly DARK hair & eyes. This will only get worse.
How does white purity testing further our goals? If people identify with and as whites, I don't see a problem. They could easily jump on the "people of color" bandwagon and cash in on the minority spoils system.
Opposing and exclusionary definition of white doesn't mean I support our current immigration policies however. They're a complete disaster. But I don't see anything to gain by rounding ourselves down and going around preaching to people who is and isn't white.
Ted Cruz isn't white? I have blue eyes and reddish-brown hair, but sorry, I don't see Ted Cruz as an "other." He's clearly of pure European descent.
I don't believe in it, I know it.
No, that statistic includes Hispanics who identify as white, not those who don't. If you can't grasp the concept of "self-identification," you're clearly at a sixth grade reading level.
I'm not being a starry eyed, blind optimist about anything. I just don't see anything to gain in having an "exclusionary" (I hate to use that words because shitlibs use it so much) definition of whitehood.
Seal the borders, deport the illegals, a complete moratorium on immigration, completely overhaul the welfare state, and then whoever identifies with whiteness after that I'm fine with. We can assimilate them just like the Italians and Irish.
That blatantly closing your eyes to reality. You may call them white, they may call themselves white, but the fact remains they are NOT white.
When I dream of a "white utopia", I don't think purely about the advantages of living in a society built around white civilized cultural values and white-driven progress. I also think aesthetically, and for me personally, genuinely white people are just more attractive and aesthetically pleasing to look at.
I just want it to stop don't you understand? I don't give a shit if you have 1% black genetics but a fucking Mexican is not white he is an Indian Iberian mongrel at best Iberian in appearance.
What does her age have to do with wearing a ton of makeup and rhinoplasty?
I'm fucking dying here. Are you mentally retarded or just French?
You won't like her
Are you retarded? She's not living in Iran she can't have a fucking nose job at the age of 16
and make up where? you can even see her dark circles, she only has like some mascara on and lipstick
As it is a part of Agenda 21, yes
I of course do not think it will be totally successful, but there already are causalities as a result of their efforts and there will be more of them in the future.
Race mixing is a biological weapon that destroys a people's ethnic identity, and when that activity is promoted toward a specific demographic of people using millions of dollars in hateful propaganda, like what international corporate globalists have done, it's an undeniable race war.
Especially since these international corporate globalists are also spending millions of dollars to hire people to arrange violent riots calculated to target anyone who refuses to submit to the propaganda's narrative, which is exactly what George Soros among others have been found to be doing.
This is an ongoing race war against whites.
White genocide is a deceptive term.
All races meet genocide by the Great Mix.
The Black, the Arab, the Asian...all who engage in forced globalism miscegenation loses their race and heritage. This is why the non-European must unite with the European against our common enemy: Israel.
I fucking do
Tell me pls
I don't believe in it, it's a fact Ahmed.
>Do you believe in the "white genocide" or the "great replacement"?
No nigga, not any more than I "believe" in the fucking SUN. I can see it with my own eyes, every day. And even when it's hidden by clouds, the light coming through them is proof that it's still there.
White genocide is a fact. And (((those))) who promote it are in for a very rude shock.
Its mostly economic. The government just wants more tax payers, and its much cheaper to import fully grown people than pay for your kids until theyre adults and can start giving back. Problem is, places like germany are doing this with refugees and are creating an even bigger welfare problem.
if goys are being killed by sandpeople/have a fucking eternal war against them, why would they want sandpeople going into europe/usa when europe/usa support the goys by giving them a homeland and defense systems?
seriously, i dont get it.
sure but white folks are to blame. good times make weak men, weak men get cucked, don't reproduce
Is she an elf?
look jews want you to be erased. dont know why since most jews are white and wont be able to avoid their own purge of the whites they set into motion . its like they just decided your obsolete
not sure what metric they used to come to that assessment but for what ever reason they like nigs and want there to be more nigs
It is happening in front of our eyes, everywhere is our cities. 20 years is the maximum we have to revert the scenario.
>The video debunks statistics like that. Yes migration is a problem but a "replacement" is just plain stupid.
Young and stupid people don't understand how indoctrination and brainwashing works, therefore they are unshielded against propaganda and policy which lowers their birthrates.
Literally genocide by definition.
>Seal the borders, deport the illegals, a complete moratorium on immigration, completely overhaul the welfare state, and then whoever identifies with whiteness after that I'm fine with. We can assimilate them just like the Italians and Irish.
Sensible. There's still enough of a dominant European bloodline in America that a few generations of admixture will lighten most of the POC right up, while the European majority will mostly stay pure. This is simple math. Those POC who want to stay pure to their own heritage are also free to do so, so long as they're not looking to (((Marxism))) to provide for them.
Ideals are great, but reality tends to carry the day, I'm afraid.
portuguese football team in 1921
portuguese footbal team now
Genocide implies the whites are actually fighting back. It's a white euthanasia, at most.
>Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as
...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
>Article 3 defines the crimes that can be punished under the convention:
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.
>do you believe in oxygen
facts dont need believing, they just are.
>all who engage in forced globalism miscegenation loses their race and heritage. This is why the non-European must unite with the European against our common enemy: Israel.
It's very hard to paint a masterpiece with only one color on the palette. (((They))) don't want a masterpiece; they want to live as the gods they tell themselves they are.
They. Will. Fail.
No, I believe in Jesus Christ and the Holocaust
dont complain too much, we're still in the 1.3% niggers population, could be WAY WORSE.
when Portugal is actually one of the whitest countries in europe, shit really looking bad for the future generations
>downplaying the beauty of female because will never find one equally attractive
>taking break from r9k
Correlation doesn't equal causation.
Just because someone is dead doesn't mean murder.
It's self-evident. There are non-white in white countries, with much higher birthrates and criminality/evil, and are being brought in constantly with no plan to end it. It's also taboo or illegal to question and resist it. There is nothing normal or okay about that. It is purely hostile. They are also being forced into influential positions and given free wealth. This is the deliberate end of Western (Western = European) civilization.
this thing happens yes, but its roots lay in capitalism and not in hatred for white race.
>look jews want you to be erased. dont know why
They want to be the only "white" people left on Earth, that's why. If the who rest of the world is one muddled brown mass, they can present themselves as gods.
> most jews are white and wont be able to avoid their own purge of the whites they set into motion
One of the key character traits of psychopathy is arrogance. They absolutely believe they can avoid it. Always remember this.
Capitalism doesn't hate the white race you idiot.
Brown people just happen to be willing to work for less money than most white people.
>what is reverse image search
her name is sage tullis/okaysage on youtube
???? fuck off shill, replying with nonsense..
>statistics show high increase of immigration from middle east and africa to europe
>higher rates of birth from immigrants in europe
where is the lack of causation? are you saying white people are giving birth to niggers and arabs by themselves?
let a fucking britbong be this fucking clueless, if you're not a shill im sorry for you, you drank all the propaganda kool aid from your shit country
Are you blind? they are at least 9-10%, since we opend the gates to immigration in 1974
>that plastic surgery is natural
>she only shot herself with the makeup gun once
>s-stop picking on her
t. cuck'd frenchie
This is why Lauren Southern is disliked. It's not the message she's trying to get across, it's her retarded "arguments" that are easily picked-apart and used to discredit the message itself along with its proponents.
No i'm not an insecure edgelord browsing Sup Forums on my high school's library computer during study hall.
>The mixed race ones or coloureds will join the whites.
They won't get that choice.
There's nothing preventing white people from having children you dumb cunt.
In fact, it's never been easier. The state will pay for every one of them.
How many kids do you have?
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read:
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Miguel you don't even need to go as far as 1921
>Ted Cruz wouldn't be considered "white" by your metric on account of him not being white.
thats Brazilians bro, not saying that's better.. but Brazilians at least work..
as for niggers and arabs is 1.3% and 0.3%
its easy to explain, niggers and arabs are fucking lazy, they went for countries with more gibs
Who cares? We'll be dead before any of this shit matters, just have a happy life and raise a family.
Shaun King self-identifies as black. It means nothing.
yes, but i dont think its planned or intentional
simply an unfortunate collateral victim in the search for money
look at israel demografic wiki page and you will sea who are really the ones who are obsesed with it,the massive data compared to any other european nation is enormous ,they are terryfied that they will became aminoty in israel
demografic mathers
>they went for countries with more gibs
Why the fuck would they go to America then?
The US has the least amount of gibs of any developed western nation.
Call it how you want, but that's waht it is. Notice that it's official UN policy, not some far right nutjob conspiracy website a la stormfront
My exact thoughts.
You can call it a "demographic shift" if you want. But calling it "white genocide" implies something far more sinister and deliberate. It's just a side effect of globalisation.
except it is deliberate, you mong.
yes, I do think liberals fucked up by accident, just preaching bs morality without thinking of the consequences, but genocide is genocide
Immigration is deliberate but the end goal is not to exterminate white people you dumb fuck.
Some of you people really need to go back to school.