Half of men are unable to identify the vagina, a poll by a gynaecological cancer charity has found.
The Eve Appeal asked 2,000 Brits - half of whom were men - to point out the vagina on a diagram, but 50 per cent of the men were unable to do so correctly.
The charity is now calling for better awareness of gynaecological issues amongst men, particularly relating to symptoms of cancers, including those of the womb, ovaries, cervix, vagina and vulva.
The survey results have been released to mark the start of Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month (September), and the charity says that for too many men, women’s bodies are “still a taboo subject, shrouded in mystery.”
According to the survey, 17 per cent of men “know nothing about gynaecological health issues and don’t feel that theyneed to know, as it is a female issue.” And half also admitted they wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing the topic with a female partner.
i suspect that roughly 90% of nazis from this board can't identify a vagina
Jaxson James
>The Eve Appeal asked 2,000 Brits So 1,800 Muslims?
Asher Davis
>le ebin vergn meme why are you such an insufferable faggot?
Isaiah Barnes
Women are less degenerate than men, and more intelligent and better workers i have come to realize.
Connor Mitchell
Pfff. Myths and legends.
John Harris
Are you a vagina?
Logan Fisher
still no prostate cancer awareness. never will be.
Bentley Flores
Imagine the outrage if a headline read, "Half of black people can't point to the UK on a map" -- and waited until the sixth paragraph to mention that 44% of white people couldn't either.
Kayden Roberts
Should have used a goat instead
Levi Fisher
uhm sweetie men can have vaginas too it's 2017
Gavin Johnson
Don't be so triggered.
Gabriel Ward
>half of men don't have access to the internet
Jaxson Kelly
Try harder
Caleb Robinson
$10,000 says that the people who conducted this 'study' pulled some gypsy trick like separating the vagina and the labia, the entrance to the vagina, just to put out this 'statistic'
Samuel Hill
for the use I'll have to know where the vagina is...
Jackson Fisher
The vagina... yeah, I know how to make those.
Alexander Cook
>men get told every day since suffrage to fuck off and let women be strong and independent >men say okay and stop caring about women's issues >can barely talk about it without "muh mansplaining" anyways >men gradually stop caring/learning about any women's health issues for their own sanity the irony of this situation is lost on the surveyors i presume The irony
Benjamin Gray
>95% of women couldn't point to the epididymis on a diagram It's time to raise awareness
Parker Gutierrez
i think since its a survey by gynecologists its probably more pedantic about anatomy than you think, like "nope that's labia minora" when most people would say "yup that's a vajoo"
Joseph Flores
There's a difference between identifying a picturesque, ideal, healthy vagina versus the rotting, empowered, used up meat hole most roasties are walking around with nowadays. I legitimately feel bad for some gynaecologists.
David Flores
Thanks, commie. I would just like to remind everyone that sexual liberation is entirely a western phenomenon, and ultimately destructive to any civilization under any political ideology whether it be left-wing, centre, or right-wing. The one thing we can all objectively agree on is that matriarchal societies inevitably crumble, as they are incompatible with human nature. Proof of this, is that no major matriarchal culture had survived the punishments of history.
Julian Richardson
I can't believe they cut some chick's pussy out and took a picture of it. That's some hardcore gore.
Austin Morgan
>be me >cuck britbong >crazy lady shows me a vagina diagram >tells me to tell her where is the vagina >wtf >point at the womb in fear >she runs away screaming rape
Samuel Morales
men or orcs?
Carter Brown
>Clit and it's hat >Piss hole >Baby hole >Bunch of useless skin flaps
The anatomic labels are just pedantic bullshit.
What do you call the part of a finger between two knuckles? WHAT? You don't know? What an IDIOT.
Alexander Rodriguez
You show me a knife wound & I'll say its a makeshift pocket pussy
Aiden Harris
100% this. Definitely fake news that is misconstrued to present the data they'd want to show.
John Sullivan
I saw this poster and post coming a mile away
Brody Ward
>what? you're telling me you aren't a gynecologist? fucking virgin!
Aaron Martinez
This is clearly men's fault
Evan Richardson
>it isn’t ok that men said they don’t need to know about things their gender doesn’t need to know about Ok. So, will these women be forced to be educated about prostate exams, penile and testicular cancer, testicular torsions, circumcisions, and other male genitalia related things?
I didn’t think so.
Benjamin James
So what? If I gave women a diagram of a penis, not many of them are going to be able to tell me where the vas deferens are. For that matter, if I gave people a diagram of a human body, they'd probably not be able to tell me what everything is. Who gives a fuck if you're not a doctor and can just google it if you need to know?
Jack Lopez
>roasties compares women to a sandwich, wonders why he can't get a date.
Angel Perez
yawn. try harder.
Chase Hall
>being this new You have to go back.
Grayson Price
>where is vagene? >point to vulva (entrance to vagina) >WRONG, STUPID MEN, OMG
Whatever, dude, blow me. It's literally nothing. It's like asking someone to point at London on an unlabeled map and getting all up in arms when their finger lands 50 miles to the West.
Connor Garcia
and yet you can identify the parts of your own dick, right?
Robert Nelson
Half of brit men are gay. So there is your science behind the numbers.
Jose Thomas
Why are women so fucking different? On the one hand, we're all rapists, but on the other, they want us to know all the in's and out's of their cuntflaps because somehow it's now our responsibility.
Just fuck off before I go and suck a dick.
Jackson Bennett
I’m willing to bet that it went like this:
Feminazi: “Sir, please point to the vagina on this diagram.”
Feminazi: “Fucking rekt idiot, thats not the vaginal canal, thats the labia. You don’t know shit about women.”
Carter Butler
Whatever they perceive as a small "victory" is enough for women. At least the ones that scream on the internet.
It's like the whole "why white people don't season food" thing from a few months ago. It's as significant to brag about as bragging about how not cold you feel in the winter.
Jonathan Jones
Thats a fucking grapefruit you stupid bitch
Jacob Gonzalez
Let me guess? They pointed to the uterus or something like that. Wonder how many people can point out what the glands are.
Aiden Morales
William Sanders
I've been here over a decade. LEt me sum it up:
>I think vaginas that aren't virgin look like Roast Beef, because I don't understand physiology or anatomy, so i believe that labia grow and get darker with fucking.
It's always been stupid, because it's just an 'I hate women cause they won't date me' signal.
Luke Gomez
He is, Patty.
Josiah Butler
>Assuming I'm a male >Assuming I'm looking for a date Try again, loser.
Landon Ross
Because most people confuse the vagina with the vulva. Pic related is the vagina.
Jonathan Harris
>The Eve Appeal asked 2,000 Brits - half of whom were men - to point out the vagina on a diagram
If the survey used regular BritSpeak like "Where's the cunt at, mate?" then there would have been much more success. If the question was also asked in Arabic then there would be even more correct answers.
Wyatt Ramirez
I can certainly identify a cunt.
Lucas Cook
Your spacing and lack of awareness to a common albeit contrived and forced meme indicate that you’re a fresh rebbit transplant. You’re not fooling anyone. Go take offense elsewhere or perhaps participate in an antifa “march” today near you since that seems more up your alley.
Nathan Butler
Wait i have been eating vagina this whole time!? I thought that was a grapefruit. I am so fucking confused.
Xavier Fisher
Ayden Gomez
Liam Morris
you don't have to get all technical just grab em by the pussy and this works itself out
Gavin Gray
>Show subjects a picture of a Labia th..thats the vagina there. >British men r stupid lets write the article
Ryder Parker
I've been here since before b called the cops on those kitten killing kids in Iowa. grow the fuck up, shitbag. Being here for years and hating some of the memes is how oldfags roll. and if it's forced and contrived, it should be dropped, because it's more effort to keep it.
Cameron Richardson
you're on Sup Forums.
Connor Hernandez
This, when I fuck I just shove my hard dick into her pelvic area until something feels wet and warm—I don’t need to be able to name everything to know all I need to know about it.
Ethan Jenkins
>not saying it’s OP You had one job.
James Kelly
I've been here since before b called the cops on those kitten killing kids in Iowa. grow the fuck up, shitbag. Being here for years and hating some of the memes is how oldfags roll. and if it's forced and contrived, it should be dropped, because it's more effort to keep it.
Jason Rivera
When women can point to my epididymis then I'll care
Caleb Davis
Sorry rebbit but you forgot to quote me. Quick! Delete your post before someone notices!
Adrian Morris
you can't see the epididymis... but when she crushes it in your sack, you'll accept she can ID it.
Luis Bennett
nah, mistakes happen. Also, le rebbit? the best you've got?
an hero.
Jacob Watson
Consider it , need to know. I know where to stick my cock, I don't need to know the details of how it works. Like the female orgasm, it's not my problem, it's her problem.
Asher Lopez
pic related isn't the vagina IIRC
Ryder Thomas
Most women can't ID their vagina either.
It's the hole under the urethra; everyone thinks the labia majora/minora are the vagina, even wimmenz.
Jordan Brown
>hurr I use words like oldfag Ok I was here before boxxy and even agree the meme is retarded as I stated before so why are you still here?