i'm getting comfy and i'm looking forward to having an evening watching riots and lefties getting destroyed.
so.. do you guys have any livestreams?
what about you Sup Forums?
i'm getting comfy and i'm looking forward to having an evening watching riots and lefties getting destroyed.
so.. do you guys have any livestreams?
what about you Sup Forums?
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Shills are here in droves.
It dosent start untill tonight. Plenty of streamers preppared on jewtube.
Antifa got scared they would be humiliated so many of their leaders pushed a "justkidding, no revelution. haha drumfpskies"
Will be some chimpouts anyway
I live near an Air National Guard Base
helicopters have been running hard all morning
also air raid sirens have been going off
Nothing will happen.
at this point its shilling to say nothing will happen.
We already know it will. Stay on Sup Forums and get some good laughs.
SO far we got 20 commies looking like retards. Expect more to come when it acctualy starts
>20 commies looking like retards
Where? Pics?
why did you draw stick man with benis
the terrorist org petition is ready for Trump at the White House
but he ain't there today
More to come.
why not
should i've drawn a gigantic schlong in your opinion?
Watching from Germany comfy with a beer.
These faggots have their roots here in Germany so it feels kinda good to see them possibly wreaking havoc somewhere else.
By the way do you guys also have to deal with Antifa in the Netherlands?
lol no only turks and moroccans.
dont you try to dogwhistle me with your promises of big tasty dingalings
i aint buyin
I live near LA. So far no happenings in Commiefornia.
big benis
Cool, maybe I will get to watch the police crack some skulls.
commoomist shitbag
It will be fun.
Also plenty of shills active to push the "its nothing, dont bother watching".
Just collect the antifa pics. Will be enough meme material for months
bat hombre
come on guys where are the bad ms paint edits?
i dont like muscular pepe
>There's only 3 people at the actual antifa event
Last night there was some guy who poasted about a bomb attack and we reported him to the fbi
I'll be heading to the NYC one shortly. I'll livestream and post it here
>at this point its shilling to say nothing will happen.
SOMETHING will happen but the jury is out on how big of a happening it will be. Probably significantly less than Charlottesville and Cville wasn't even a big deal in terms of actual events (public and media reaction was much bigger but the events themselves were not that bad)
I would love to be wrong, haven't seen a good Antifa chimpout for a long time
Its starting. Soon the antifa will wake up aswell
not gonna happen antifa pussied out.
When have you ever seen Antifa gather before midday? It's unheard of. Come back in 3-5 hours
Me too
I bet it will be sporadic regular protests. Maybe minor injuries and vandalism in DC, Portland, Seattle.
Can't believe pol collectively bit this bait.