DO: >print as many of these as you can >put them up in visible location TONIGHT >cover as much area as you can feasibly do TONIGHT >use fasteners that are non=permanent, yet will hold for at least 24 hrs (duct tape**) >deliver your payload quickly, efficiently, and as discretely as possible
DO NOT: >vandalize, deface, or otherwise permanently mark anything >trespass or break-and-enter anywhere >violate any by-laws or local regulations (or campus rules if you are on a uni campus)
anyone have a reaction collage from online rags comment sections?
David Walker
I will print this one too, and plaster them both everywhere, good sir !
Thomas Rivera
Spreadsheet user here. Should I start removing forum discussions that are less than like 5 posts? Perhaps other things aren't really worth mentioning too? Seems like some results needlessly bloat the list.
For example im thinking of removing Roosh V Forum
It's pretty important to pour gas on it. Make comments on news sites, youtube, write emails to journalists and news agencies. Do this from the perspective of white people or PoCs, or both. Describe how you as a white man feel like how a Jew must have felt during Nazi Germany. Describe instances of discrimination you experienced, like unfair grades. I know that I've been kicked in the balls over grades because I'm a white male. This one fucking cunt actually wrote on my term paper for a history class 'you wrote the best paper in the class, but I'm giving you a B- because fuck you' and every vapid cunt and nigger in the class were given As.
You can even pose as niggers, kikes or sjws. It's fun to do this on twitter. Express rage at the evil racism of white people, the audacity of claiming there is nothing wrong with being white, and how if you're not anti white you're a nazi.
We're not going to stop
Brody Jones
maybe just put them in a separate dry forums category at the bottom
Christopher Allen
This is stupid. The reason why those posters work is because it shows the lefts intolerance and hatred for white people. By adding other pictures with us as Bane it's making it look like we're the instigators.
Sup Forums is really good at coming up with ways to troll the left, but it backfires the 2nd we take it too far and start demonizing ourselves.
Angel Bailey
>Do this from the perspective of white people or PoCs
Not a bad idea, user.
Just take a look at the author of the Washington Post article. We need to be representative of our nation's changing demographics.. :)
Henry Allen
absolute cancer you have media attention upon you with mainstream news and reddit pointing directly to this board for conducting a raid now is the time when you creep back and pretend you dindu nuffin make some images saying ebaum's world or 9gag is hosting the raid, direct people to some shit channel in efnet learn some opsec you faggots, you're about to ruin what little progress you've made
Lincoln Bailey
kk good idea
Ryder Gutierrez
I’m literally rolling on the floor laughing right now. I mean seriously though? You’re telling me that THIS was the best you cock-eyed little spergs could come up with? When will you realize that we live in a new era. The white man is going extinct, and it’s BEAUTIFUL. For too long you have colonized, enslaved, raped, and pillaged the minorities of the world, and your comeuppance has finally arrived. Nobody wants you, nobody needs you. There’s nothing you can do that will change the public’s opinion, either. So why don’t you just give it up? Enjoy what what little time your pasty asses have left, and accept the inevitable.
You people are absolutely pathetic, I almost feel pity for you. Almost.
Jeremiah Reed
The memes are not for normies to see, it's to encourage other anons to participate.
The #1 rule is to stick to the original plan. Anyone saying different is a shill
Seriously faggot? Who gives a fuck? This isn't some secret clubhouse, and Sup Forums has been masterminding shit for years. A few years ago we got legions of Sup Forumstards to raid tumblr and a few snowflakes actually offed themselves, lel.
Oldfags actually have a few IRCs and more hidden chans (not kikechan) but I'm sure as fuck not going to tell you where.
Anyway, these fucking assholes know that we started it to get a reaction, they knew it was bait, they knew how we were going to react and they took it hook line and sinker anyway. This is the actual state of being white today. We're only a couple steps from being rounded up and put into camps, and this is why we're doing something now about it.
Aiden Rodriguez
Ethan Young
fuck me that's a good one
Brayden Anderson
Aaron Butler
That's the most ignorant thing you can say. The political climate is set by normies. The goal is to redpill normies. Other anons already agree with us, so why would there be a point in using the posters for them? Think about this logically please. This "it's okay to be white" movement has gotten so big because it's the normies that are being affected by it a lot more than anons. Which is exactly what we want. The second we change the posters to Bane or other things which demonize us is the second that we lose credibility and give the left wing media an opportunity to call us out with evidence. Right now it just makes them look like racist fucks for not accepting the posters. Now it will make us look like instigators who are doing it because we don't like minorities.
Colton Smith
>You’re telling me that THIS was the best you cock-eyed little spergs could come up with?
This is just the beginning you fucking kike. Laugh while you still can.
/r/ing info about that asian girl who was distributing IOTBW flyers at her local uni.
Luke Robinson
Nigger, there are threads on Sup Forums about genocide daily. Why are you upset that memes are being posted in the general? It's not like we are changing the the flyers.
Print out ONLY the original format
Noah Peterson
Liam Garcia
Hudson Turner
Didn't see it coming holy shit
Jonathan Hernandez
in all fairness, this literal nigger prolly doesn't know how Nazis run our NASA shit, and how southerners don't grow our food. Niggers are forever and always BTFW. Try being our pets less, niggers.
Jackson Fisher
Whoever did this is a FUCKING GENIUS.
Xavier Harris
Anyone know which university this brave South African user posted all of these?
Easton Bennett
>oh shit it's working, I need to get the Preparation H! better pretend they're stupid and mock them! >also imply they're losers in 2017 when they're literally winners
Christian Parker
its almost like he wants us to win
John Myers
no fuck off
James Barnes
Dis le moi calisse. Sinon sa reste fucking "location unknown"
Colton Foster
nique ta mère
Jonathan Wilson
I'm trying to figure out how to do this. My campus logs everything we print on their printers. Any PSU anons feel like putting these up?