Continued from the previous thread because he ded
Italiani adunatevi! baddabingbaddabum
>not linking in the old thread
shamefur dispray
I cannot into Sup Forums, go do it yourself belìn
nice op you mong
Wtf saviano??
also your ID spells jew
wat happend last thred?
Hai fatto i compiti?
>oops we happened to bomb Lybia guys
>ENI loses massive amounts of money, we lose gas deals with Lybia and have to resort to France-aligned Algeria
>oy vey those damn russians sure are causing a mess! we better sanction them!
>Italy loses tens of billions in exports since Russia was a very strong trading partner of ours
>Italy tries to stop niggers from getting here in such devastating numbers
>alright then you keep them
Welcome to the eu goy :^)
How do I legally become an Italian citizen guys?
we truly became America's little retarded son
>posting morto di fame Figo Gu
>not posting the superior filthy rich version
If you're gonna shitpost, you'd better do it proper
should've used the ISIS flag
shitposting in italian gives me cancer
it reeks of facebook
Answer me Pablo!
Also please post cute Italian grills!
come on a boat and you'll get one
Right Wing Italian Squads when?
The answer to this type of questions is always 'not fucking soon enough'
No, I want to come in a plane. Will Italian milfs adopt me as their son?
What happened?
Yes. I wonder when Italy will also allow arab and shit as an official language. We should've never went laic, democracy was a bad mistake and losing WWII was the nail in the coffin, only we didn't realize it yet. And so vanishes the last bit of italian culture.
Well done (((liberals))), enjoy your multiculturalism.
bumpity bump
Stay in your ghetto, nigger. Or go to croatia.
Eat shit Pastanigger!
Will any other Italians help me pls?
where are you from nigger?
gtfo euro nigger
go suck mehmet's dick
Daily reminder that italian women make the best milf material. Enjoy it while it lasts
>solamente bandiere italiane
È arrivato il momento di cambiare quello
I'm Italian you stupid faggot. If you want help you first have to clarify if you are a shitskin or not
learn better google translate
Kek, I've noticed this as well. Also look at the chink named Rita Fiore. Lmao
This is what I mean. I've heard that Italians have a law that allow them to adopt people who are even older than 18.
I just need an Italian mommy who will feed me pasta all day desu senpai
Fammi un segone a due mani
don't bring us into this Luiggi
You heard wrong
Why are like 60% of Italian Americans in New York like 6 ft tall and every time I see a photo of Italians in Italy - including my own relatives - the men are always manlets?
at least he's got that right. Still a fag tho
What? A hue monkey told me that a week ago. So how else can I become a legal citizen besides by marriage?
Same reason why you're women start bleeding at 10yo.
we've always been manlets
because most of those in the pic are kids you dippy
>A hue monkey told me that a week ago.
He was probably joking.
You can't become a legal citizen, you can move here like boatniggers do (since all legal immigration slots are taken up by them now). If you are dark enough you won't be sent back
is Dalmatia and Istria italian clay?
of course, do you even have to ask?
Italja je Hrvatska
Together with Nizza, Savoia, Corsica and Malta, yes
Of course
Come by boat with the other niggers and when asked pretend to be 7 year old boy without any citizenship.
If they tell you to go fuck yourself start crying while yelling "yo rasisit me no haus i kill iu fasist" you will get one.
I hope you guys are lying.
Balkan women work at pretty much all italian truck stops together with nigerian women, drawn your own conclusions.
No we are not. Look it up. Legal immigration slots are all taken up by illegals
Hi my gf is from Northern Italy, can I join the thread? I like Italian food too.
Serbia albania and greece are italy too
literally pew
modern art everyone
What if I'm brown from Pooland?
>Serbia albania and greece are italy too
nice ghost story kid
Pooland India or Poland? Because from Poland you can move as an EU citizen, from India you can't. Also poos are not very welcomed and frequently beaten up
Should italy leave euro/eu/nato?
>poos are not very welcomed and frequently beaten up
why tho?
because they're poos
How's your evening going Italybros?
rude and I'm not even him
All countries should
Because we have too many of them. Indians, Bangladeshis and Sri lankans are hated even more than niggas.
Look up news about it. one gets beaten to death every week or so
they smell and don't socialize
> Because we have too many of them.
>why tho?
They're the only thing right wing meme squads can beat up for they're like 5 feet tall and one hundredweight heavy and they do in pack of half dozen of more people mind you.
because (((globalization)))
The most surreal experience I had was when I met the only "Italian" student in my French uni.
She was born from Swedish parents and always lived in Rome. Clearly looked scandinavian and spoke with the strongest Roman accent I heard in my whole life. It was weird as hell
because they are used as slave labor by the mafia in sweatshops
That chin sure is a work of modern art.
an American tourist probably
hmmm.. tfw I'm a Nepali but I kinda look like them to an untrained eye.
Show me your flag, cunt.
Nice :D Rome is a beautiful city.
Do you have a vagina?
>more than niggas
Wrong, gypsy are worse.
Sikh do work unlike niggers, gypsyes & various eastern people
You'd be better off in another European country then, not trying to be rude. One more brown person doesn't make a difference to our overall demographics, but you need to consider your safety and how well you'd be welcomed.
Plus job market here is terrible (60% of young people can't find a job, most of those who can are meme hyper short contracts payed with literal foodstamps) and welfare is inexistant for Italians and legal immigrants
Work is for wagecucks, real men earn income from rent.
Ho detto nel thread precedente che sono Italiano ma vivo in Francia per motivi di lavoro e di ragazza
It used to be, now it's a shithole filled with garbage
gypsies are the most hated, true. But indians are the ones who get beaten up and killed the most frequently. Just look at the news, it happens almost every week
why not both? Il lavoro nobilita l'uomo
>Italian are traitors
Sad to hear my dude. I hope Italy will leave EU soon like GB.
Well, I really wish to visit your country soon. Thanks for all the info and replies, you all!
Pretty lazy and stupid attitude. Not working is definitely not manly.
Let's hope. Leaving the Euro would at least be a good first step to improve our economy
>Italiani adunatevi
who tf is that?
Have you paid respect to the Milite Ignoto today?