Can we please sticky this vid? It's like everything we believe and fight for and describes perfectly what we go through. We could do without the feels guy but it's still pretty epic.
lol ok weak propaganda with nigger music in the background to boot.
You are so fucking weak, kill yourself already.
Remove you flag, buttpirate.
Prefer this one
>strings, a white woman singing is nigger music
kys imbecile
For the most part the whole song is made up by Lisa Gerrard. It's like a multitude of languages. I know for a fact the Anol Shalom is hebrew but everything else sounds fucking made up.
actually prefer this one
you first Canadacuck
4:54 sounds like nigger music to me
this is only song you will sing
Lurk more newfag, or rather just KYS.
That's no mere feels guy. That's Commander Murdoch to you. Hail victory.
What did Youtube mean by this?
le leddit chain posts circlejerk
lol its actually stuck on 1,488 views. Based Jewtube.
Have some polo
Close but no cigar.