Why are fascists so scared of multiculturalism?
Genuinely curious
Other urls found in this thread:
>why are dogs so scared of chinese?
Why are Marxists so scared of first world civilization?
because the establishment is pushing it so fucking heavily, like it's the normal thing now and you are weird if you do not want it just like they do lmfao
Forced integration of widely divergent peoples ruins the unity of a country
>tfw you know he is unironically more attractive than the female
Why is fire so afraid of water?
Why are communists all going to die today?
Its not that its feared, its looked on with disgust. An important difference
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Whay are you hiding your flag?
Those two aren’t multicultural. Pic related is all about multiculturism.
I know he is so hot! Who is that? !
why do you strawman so hard?
why do you not know you need proofs for your claims?
sweden or germany probably lel
Why are jews scared of the Holocaust?
How do I become this aesthetic?
I had a Hindu gf and she wanted to remove kebab more than I did.
Also nothing makes your dick harder than being a white nationalist aggressively smashing some tight brown booty as hard as you can whilst thinking about colonialism.
Why are you either a shill or a new faggot? I'm genuinely curious
Because it kills all civilizations except niggers and sand niggers. It will not work in America juden. We will fight to the last man to stop it
I'm not a fascist, but I'm not a fan of most cultures.
When I visit a country, I don't want to visit someone elses culture. Only that countries culture. All will be lost.
can i pass as white ? I am iranian
chew gum more build um them jaw muscles.
Had a friend that would always chew gum real hard but damn his jaw line and cheeks where really defined and would always get hot girls.
no lie.. chew gum
Why are commies so scared of food?
U serious, that's you need to do to be a pussy magnet? Chew gum?
Because they know their genes are weak.
White genes can never overpower someone the way BLACK DINGUS can completely BLACK a white persons lineage for at least 7 generations
Idk why leftists are so scared of western culture tbqh with you OP. They only like their culture. Maybe you can answer that question?
Don't be over 12% bodyfat.
Also have good facial genetics.
If history has taught us anything, it's that ethnically different groups of people don't get along. The point of fascism is to enhance social cohesion among the population in order to maximise efficiency. What would be the point in having a society which is prone to conflict by its nature when you could have a cohesive homogenous society instead?
thank you!
could i have a nice life as a homeless there in netherlands? could i find a job?
We are not scared, we are disgusted by it.
its probably due to the decline in standard of living
but i could be wrong
>american city used to be safe and porsperous
>now its not
Niggers and amerindians are disproportionately violent, rapey and low iq.
I plan to have daughters and sons.
I don't want them living in a violent, rapey and retarded world.
What is so difficult to understand?
Why other people trash should be forced on my face against my will?
It isn't just fascists. The academic class (and the university-educated in general) understand it's code for cultural erasure and despise it. Ask an American Indian some time what "multiculturalism" means to them
Actually this is true. chum greek gum, can't recall its name but if you ask in /fit/ they'll know.
Blending cultures together erodes the original cultures.
There are many cases where objectively better white cultures have been made objectively worse by introducing nigger cultures, etc.
Look to Japan for an example of an isolated successful ethnostate. They don't need actual niggers present to engage in foreign cultures - they have the internet; and they have no threat of their own culture being damaged. They have a 97% Japanese Christmas party, but they also have multiple Japanese/Shinto festivals the rest of the year, and their culture is strongly Jap. Japan breaks the multiculti narrative, and that's partly why globalists are shilling so hard to force immigrants on them.
>Ask an American Indian some time what "multiculturalism" means to them
Good point. Makes me wonder why Fauxchohontas Elizabeth Warren supports open borders so much.
if you mean taking a shit in our gene pool and dragging down the iq average by 20 points yes it worries us
nigger dicks are aids riddled and produce more dumb niggers,when we are in power castrating niggers is on the agenda
Why is wood afraid of the saw?
not fear, disgust
Why are leftists so opposed to assimilation and decency?
Petersen really nailed that one in the 2nd rogan
You got the wrong flag.
Why do cucks always try to make their point with """attractive""" nonwhite women who have white features?
He is having a bad day
One of my favorite pictures
i dont know about scared but usually when things are mixed the originals are forgotten.
Fascist aren't scared of multiculturalism.
They just believe in it on the global level, not the local one.
oh shit niBBa
She’s ugly as fuck. Lmao he could get a way hotter chick.
White culture promotes freedom. What do the brownies do? Savages and dictatorships.
Is she black?! I can't fucking tell.
It simply doesn't work, so continuing it is madness. Even mainstream politicians have admitted that it's been a failure.
White skin is preferred by 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the human population and its disappearing on its own even without you shit skin niggers and poos and beaners mixing it to death too.
multiculturalism is the shittiest idea ever conceived by man
looks Indian to me
why lie
Yeah, pretty much
Even that med girl in the background is 10x hotter than half filipina half german half peurto rican bitch girl
The real question is:
Why are multiculturalists scared of multiculturalism?
“Multiculturalists” are just minorities who want their own culture to be the main culture.
Just searched him, his name is Neels Visser. He’s legit dating her too. BAKA
ew wasted genes
Why do Commies only care about multiculturalism in white majority countries thereby eliminating whites? Commies don't care about doing it in Africa, Cambodia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, China, Jamaica, Turkey, ETC..
everyone that has at least 2 neurons and some history knowledge is aware that multiculturalism doesn't work and only ends up in chaos and pain. You can have multiculturalism without diversity, that's what Europe is. You can have diversity without multiculturalism. that's what America was. You can only choose one.
hate =/= fear
this is such a waste of good white genes i want to cry
>South Africa
gee, I wonder
It's what Scruton calles the 'culture of self repudiation'.
They have no culture, or hate their own if they do so import every other fucking culture into their own lands.
he's way out of her league desu
Multiculturalism created the modern world.
Every thing in the room you are right now was created in a different culture and joined together by the magic of capitalism.
mastixa chiou
See pic for why
hi gais im new here what happened to sweden
fascim doesn't necessarily mean anti-multuculturalism. You could have a fascist and multicultural place.
and for countries where the multiculturalism is less the result of immigration and rather of annexations and borders being redrawn, or other older conditions:
>most of Sub-Saharan Africa
>crime stats in the US
>southern Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia)
>post-Soviet Central Asia
>interwar Central-Eastern Europe
They died.
he's clenching his jaw so it looks bigger than it is you retards
"We will mix races, even by force if neccessary" - (((Nicolas Sarkozy)))
Why are you replying to slide threads?
How many times do I have to tell you
The right is motivated by disgust, not fear
I would rather know that my white descendants in Eastern Europe can inherit something of my IQ and aesthetics and take pride in their heritage, rather than see everything washed away in Weimar America if it indeed comes to that
white male privilege
if this was a black woman they would not have rescued her
black eyes are disgusting that's why
Why do communists hate technology?
True diversity is amazing. Every culture, individually, is beautiful. But liberals and AntiFags don’t truly want diversity, they want the fucking world in a blender. Ironically, they want homogeny; for everyone to be the same. (Which is not at all what they preach).
By “Diversity” they really mean “not white”.
Their mechanism to achieve “diversity” is “multiculturalism” (aka the blender).
Fuck. refusefascism.org That.
You know multiculturalism isn't the same thing as multiracial right?
I really want to get this talking point about how the right is motivated by disgust and not fear out there
It is important, blaming right wing politics on fear is the new progressive propaganda push
of course. Multi culturalism isn't bad. The planet is multi cultural. This is why the leftists and the communists are evil. They want uniformity through mixing, which is the destruction of culture. Globalism and diversity are the destruction of multi culturalism.
fallacy of many questions
also strawman
I have a better question for you OP:
Why are ""progressives"" so willfully ignorant and pretentious?
There is no such thing as multiculturalism. There is only culture. One culture wins, even if that culture is a new one borne out of the death of merging cultures.
Multiculturalism is death.
>implying his face isn't perfectly symmetrical
>implying his lips are not perfectly pouty
>implying his icy blue eyes are not perfectly vampiric