Post-Soviet Eastern European country says "I want to engage with the West and play all the fun things they do."

Post-Soviet Eastern European country says "I want to engage with the West and play all the fun things they do."

"Muh Western expansionism." says Russia.

Quite successful comrade, now they controlled the US, soon the whole european will fall to the motherland! xaxaxaxaxaxaxa

>building a nato base #12312312312312312312312312312, in Ukraine, on Russian border, is peaceful
>islam is a religion of peace
>eu is a nato puppet of peace
>nato is an organization of peace
>building military bases in ukraine, on russian border, is peaceful

hope based kim nukes you all
nato, and the eu, are 100% pure aggression type of organizations, and both north korea and russia are really on the defense here

Nato says "I want Post-Soviet Eastern European country in my sphere of influence"
Russia says "I want Post-Soviet Eastern European country in my sphere of influence"
OP says "I'm retarded and I don't understand this situation, but I should probably make a thread on the topic"
And they lived happily ever after

I-It's purely for self-defense!

>Nato says "I want Post-Soviet Eastern European country to have self-determination" which usually entails joining, trading, and exchanging with NATO
>Russia says "I want Post-Soviet Eastern European country in my sphere of influence" so muh motherland can be great again like comrade stalin

How many bases does NK and Russia have in Western Europe and North America?

(((Trading))) and (((exchanging))). You’ll be in a death camp someday

Your point?

Estonia can do what it wants. You don't think it be like this, but it do.