>Move to shitty third world country
>Talk shit about third world leader
This isn't America, sweetheart. Slander isn't covered by freedom of speech.
>Move to shitty third world country
>Talk shit about third world leader
This isn't America, sweetheart. Slander isn't covered by freedom of speech.
People bitch about no free speech; this is what it looks like where there is no first amendment. THIS is what a lack of free speech looks like, not getting B& from Sup Forums, but being locked up in prison for a comment.
>being locked up in prison for a comment.
Honestly some people deserve 100 lashes for some of the posts they leave here
>nigger loving slut gets cucked
another happy ending. these dumb white liberal bitches just getting rekt all over the place.
UMMMM SORRY SWEETIE but freedom of SPEECH doesn;t mean freedom from CONSEQUENCES :) teeHEE
in all seriousness that fucking sucks
Zimbabwean prisons are rated the worse of the whole of Africa, she's going to have a ton of fun.
fucking owned beyond belief
She's a liberal you autistic underageds retard with no identity.
Lmao white women needs to go to poorest shithole country to get their sexual needs satisfied. White women really are the demons
Once you go black , you never come back
it's not slander if its true
Clear land of pest apes. Restore Rhodesia.
> believes in freedom of speech fairy tale
>can't call a nigger to his face without being arrested
t.delusional american
> ‘I reported our gruesome find to the police and military in the town of Bakouma, with no idea they would turn the blame on to me,’ David continued.
> ‘It was insane, and no one could possibly believe it was true. But it turns out that the families of the dead were clamouring for compensation, and the corrupt officials in town who employed the men as gold miners saw me as a scapegoat.
> ‘Nobody even wanted justice for the dead men. They just wanted money.
You don't want to go to jail in Africa, sweetie
Toll status: PAYED.
> Martha O’Donovan received her B.A. from New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Studies with a concentration in the politics of human rights and development in African cities.
> In 2014, she was a recepient of the Fulbright mtv-U award where she completed research on women in nightlife on the Copperbelt in Zambia. She now lives in Harare, Zimbabwe where she works as a media activist with Magamba Network.
This is actually pretty funny
You can, actually.
>meme flags
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.
The fact that these fucking countries don't get retaliatory bomb strikes for kipnapping our citizens just shows how cucked our nations are.
> there is only one notion/definition of free speech
There is. Free speech means you can say and discuss anything. If you can't, theres simply no free speech
america still has a police state. people actually bootlick these thugs, too. like they're "killing niggers" or some shit.
totally cucked.
>New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Studies
>Fulbright mtv-U
This bitch won't learn a thing from this experience
She'll write a book about it and be just as dumb as she was before she left the States
it's like pottery
This is her "research", hanging out with nasty bar girls in Africa.
> Before heading out to any clubs, we took about a five minute walk to an area of bars called Kabwata. We had become new regulars at a bar called Casino Royale. The same 70’s and 80’s oldies playlist keeps everyone in a cheery mood as we have drinks before going to the more popular dance clubs in town. On its best days, it smells like drunken men and stale beer, and on its worst like one large port-o-john. This is by no means a place fit for ‘proper’ Zambian ladies.
> On that evening, like most nights, we are the only women aside from the bartenders in the establishment – something that doesn’t seem to faze us, but definitely seems to attract the attention of the other men in the bar. By simply being present in this male-dominated space these women are not only breaking gender boundaries, but also introducing a new narrative about Zambian women.
hotter than literotica
>This is by no means a place fit for ‘proper’ Zambian ladies.
She puts "proper" in quotes, like she just can't believe in such a thing as feminine propriety.
> After only a few minutes we had lined ourselves up directly in front of the main mirror and began dancing and laughing. I felt this sense of pride as I noticed our small group of four women were dominating not only the dance floor, but the attention of many both male and female onlookers whose expressions seemed to read something along the lines of, who do these chicks think they are?
> Obviously my admiration for these women goes beyond just academic interest and while I recognize this is unconventional for a researcher, I feel it is only through my emotional connection to these women that I became able to understand their true bravery.
Sweetie, African bars and clubs are full of women, they're called hookers.
Its almost exactly like pottery
Will these fucking idiots realize what a blessing it is to live in a free country already? Will they ever realize the importance of free speech?
>The offense carries up to 20 years in prison
Maybe she'll return like the kid who went to the NK gulags
What was that woman who decided to travel alone through Islamic countries to prove that they were safe, and ended up raped and murdered?
Burn the Coal, pay the toll.
> Martha O'Donovan - 2013 Gallatin Global Fellowship in Human Rights Symposium
This is what happens when you shelter white women completely from consequence. If someone decides to bribe the corrupt niggers they will let her go.
If they don't bribe the niggers, this woman might actually get redpilled in about 10 years of African prison.
This woman is proving why we can't let women out of the kitchen. She's too stupid to live.
>go to notoriously anti-white continent
>post remarks about the president while being white
>be surprised when they come for your white ass
Guarantee she'll come out of prison with AIDS, a rape baby and stockholm syndrome to BBC. That's what happens when you think every country is as tolerant as where you came from.
That's the thing. It's like she's unable to form a mental model that someone else might have a different culture or morality.
Implying she survives. With any luck or karma that book will never be written.
Implying it wasn't her plan all along
> As a Gallatin-Africa House Fellow and Global Human Rights Fellow, she spent time working with young artists and activists in Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Zambia. O’Donovan’s fellowship will build upon that research as she returns to the Copperbelt in Zambia to explore how young men and women express themselves individually and collectively through music culture.
> The forms of their expression not only illuminate how youth project their dynamic identities, but also introduce new questions about the city and its citizens into the public sphere.
> O’Donovan’s research will focus on aspiring artists as well as individuals who reproduce this culture by participating in social spaces such as at music festivals or clubs.
So she's a leftist missionary. Same self-righteous cunts, different banner.
>Moving to Africa to burn coal
I wish they'd all do this.
I am confused by Westerners who do Western things in a foreign country and believe they are somehow dismantling the foreign culture by just ignoring it exists entirely
so you could just go to bars to drink and shit and call that a study ? Just because it's a woman in niggaland ? can't be serious
Yeah, I noticed that Western women, whom have likely never faced any physical consequences for their speech (whether legal or illegal) often have difficulty understanding repressive regimes on a conceptual level. The genuinely don't appreciate that their speech, even if they are "right," can be considered dangerous and provoke a hostile response.
I remember traveling in Morocco with my mother. She would always ask people their thoughts on the government. Morocoo has a repressive regime, despite being moderate by regional standards. People who speak out against the government face threats of imprisonment and violence. They would often give a canned answer about how much they loved the government, or would simply change the subject. Still, however, my mother would push because she knew about the repressive tactics of the regime and wanted "confirmation" from the locals that they existed.
I was only 12 at the time, but I realized how uncomfortable she was making the people we spoke with. When I brought it up with her, she shushed me and said that "everyone knows that these things happen." As a young man on the playground, I was aware that saying the wrong thing could get me hurt. Boys fight, often over trivial things such as words, that's only normal. However, girls usually stop having physical fights after the 3rd or 4th grade. As a result, they are ususally totally insulated from any immidiate consequences of their actions. My mother couldn't appreciate, or at least didn't want to, that these people didn't consider sharing their honest opinions on the regime with her - a stranger - worth the risk. When we left Morocco, all she could talk about was what a happy, "real," society she thought that Moroccans had.
My mother is active in leftist politics and credits our time in Morroco as opening her eyes to the value of Islam in the West. As I grew and traved on my own, I met many more women like her. It explains a lot to me about why our world is in its current state.
the US consulate will pull some strings and she will end up being quietly deported. mugabe government will spin it as a win for them
gah the way this bitch talks pisses me off for some reason
It explicitly does with respect to the government in countries with it enshrined in their constitutio like the United States. You dumb kraut
Why do white women need to fuck the most primitive, unevolved humans to get off?
As always, the eternal Kraut (who has no actual civil rights) misunderstands what freedom of speech means.
Freedom of speech means that the government cannot suppress your speech (except in very rare cases like producing child pornography, inciting violence, etc.). Poltiical speech is given extra protections by the government. Although freedom of speech might not magically protect you from getting punched in the face for calling someone a racial slur, it will ensure that the government be forced to press charges against your attacker. In essence, although you aren't "free from consequences," you are legally protected from illegal conseqences (imprisionment, violence, even job loss in some places) in the United States.
Zimbabwe does not have "freedom of speech," because you can be thrown in jail for criticizing the government. Likewise, Germany does not have "freedom of speech" because you cannot question the Holocaust (or certain other taboo subjects) without being thrown in jail.
This is why America is still a decent place to live and Germany and Zimbabwe are both shitholes.
cultural appropriation is a genetic trait of wypipo, they can't help but exploit poc for entertainment
nothing of value will be lost.
If she spends more than a couple days in jail she will most definitely be murdered
toll: in progress.
Because they feel 'bored' in our nice safe white-majority countries, hence inviting brown rapists in or going out to find them. Unfortunately they confuse excitement with actual - and often lethal - danger.
back to plebbit faggot
usa usa usa
Upward inflection at the end of every other sentence
Drives me nuts too
n-no goyim!
hate speech is bad, dont you want to arrest all of those sjws?
free speech is anti-american!
Good riddance, any white person who leaves a white country deserves death
No. What good is a fuck toy if you break it? Her family will have to pay to keep her out of the rape cage, though.
This, she's a brave American and we should uphold her heroic actions in standing against the tyrant Mugabe.
I fear it won't be long before that's the norm here in the us with 45 at the helm.
>research on women in nightlife
Is this academic newspeak for "sucked a lot of cock"?
funny thing is this is where europestan is going too, faggots. move to america while you can!
I'm glad she isn't getting away with hey disgusting HATE SPEECH against their democratically elected president.
No, it's called free speech, you communist faggot. It doesn't matter how you "stretch" it.
>Living in Zimbabwe
why in the fuck would you choose to live in niggerland over America
What's the difference?
People who allow this to happen around them are cowards. Fuck governments and their house niggers in boots.
wtf 8 seconds already passed
Being white in Africa is pretty chill ... until it isn't.
daily reminder that the irish are basically niggers/jews
Invade and kill this guy. If PDJT doesn't do it then he is officially a cuck.
>concentration in the politics of human rights and development in African cities.
Should have learned that stupid morons leading inflation heavy governments are the reason Africa is shit. Mostly due to them being niggers
t. PoliSci student who's written about foreign aid in Africa
>america is such a racist fascist shithole I'll move to Africa where people are free
>say something glorious leader doesn't like
>arrested and executed via burning tire